Speaking of erogenous zones, we most often mean the female body. Why is that? It is generally accepted that women have a special attitude towards sex: they are more sensitive, and they need foreplay more than men. This is a rather controversial statement – the latter have quite a few sensitive zones. We tell you where they are.
1.Point F
A simpler name for this zone is the bridle. This is a skin fold that passes from the head of the penis to its foreskin. So many nerve endings are concentrated here that sometimes the F-spot is called the male equivalent of the clitoris.
This area is well stimulated during oral sex. With manual action, the bridle can be caressed with the thumb. To achieve the effect of a slow increase in excitation, you can try to alternate stimulation of the F-spot and the less sensitive base of the penis.
2.Soles of the feet
“Men have a higher concentration of nerve endings in the soles of their feet than women,” says Mark Michaels, co-author of Partners in Passion: A Guide to Great Sex, Emotional Intimacy, and Lasting Love.
In the center of the foot, just below the third toe, there is a point, pressing on which increases blood flow throughout the body. With its stimulation, blood will flow to the small pelvis, due to which the brightness of sexual sensations will increase. How can this knowledge be applied in life? Start your foreplay with a foot massage!
3.Point P
This is nothing more than the prostate gland, which is located in the anus and is considered one of the most powerful male erogenous zones. “The prostate is like a woman’s G-spot, and a gentle massage of this area can produce intense orgasms,” explains Michaels.
It is important to note that not all men are ready for such experiments. Therefore, it is necessary to ask about the attitude of the partner to caresses of the prostate even outside the bedroom. It is possible to stimulate the prostate gland not only through the anus. One way is to massage the area between the testicles and anus.
4. Thumb
Many people focus exclusively on the genitals during sex. Meanwhile, many men consider the finger to be a truly sexy place.
“Thumb sucking evokes erotic associations in men. Start the foreplay by gazing into his eyes, kiss his hands, and then suck on his thumb as a promise of something more, ”advises Mark Michaels.
5. Gluteal fold
Each of the two buttocks is separated from below from the back of the thigh by a gluteal fold, which, starting between the thighs, goes transversely in the form of a slight arc. This is the point of passion. “The gluteal crease is a sensitive area, which is why some people enjoy being spanked,” says Michaels.
During intimacy, stroke your partner’s buttocks with your hand, run your nails over them, and then make a light slap. If the beloved is lying on his stomach, kiss this area, bite it gently and move on to the inside of the thigh.
6. sacrum
There are nerves in the sacrum that are connected to the genitals, so massaging this area can send sensations to their lower parts. Research even shows that electrical stimulation of these nerves can induce orgasm.
7. Nipples
It is wrong to think that this area is sensitive only in women. Men’s nipples can also be stroked, licked and gently nibbled. You can also try nipple clamps. They will keep the blood flowing in that area, increasing sensitivity and keeping attention. You can also suck on an ice cube and then on your partner’s nipples.
8. Scrotum
Many people forget about the testicles during sex, although stimulation of the scrotal sac – the skin that surrounds them – can give an extremely pleasant sensation. On the scrotum, you can see the seam – it is on it that you should focus.
“Let a man tell you how much pressure he likes. If you want to experiment, drink warm tea and then run your hot tongue over this sensitive area,” recommends Michaels.