8 tips for healthy nails

8 tips for healthy nails

The hands suffer from the cold, the heat, household products … And the nails become fragile, then break easily. They must therefore be preserved.

You think you don’t have enough time to take good care of your nails, here are some simple tips to apply on a daily basis.


1. Moisturize your nails

Striated and brittle nails are in fact victims of drying out. To avoid this phenomenon, they must be hydrated! By applying moisturizer to the base of the nails in the form of a massage. This practice activates their circulation. Then, it nourishes them thanks to the fatty substances contained in the ointments. Thus, the nail is more resistant to daily aggressions. It is advisable to do it at least once a day, preferably in the evening when the nails are no longer exposed to external shocks.


2. No untimely washing!

The more you wash your hands, the more you damage your nails. Indeed, water softens them. IN the end, they split and end up breaking. As a reminder, the total regrowth of a fingernail takes six months, and for those of the feet, it takes a year! If you want to keep beautiful hands, be vigilant. Choose mild soaps and wear gloves when doing the dishes !


3. Lemon to whiten the nails

We often hear that lemon, like hydrogen peroxide, helps whiten nails, but their effects are fleeting. If you choose these solutions, you have to be careful not to let it soak for too long. The nails can then soften and become brittle! In fact, to effectively prevent yellowing of the nails, it is better to avoid smoking (the tar destroys the natural flora) or handling all chemicals with bare handss.


4. For pretty nails, eat balanced!

To have beautiful nails, you must eat balanced ! The latter, in fact, need different trace elements and vitamins to grow in good health. Choose foods rich in vitamin B (wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, egg yolk), vitamin C (fresh fruits, citrus fruits, green peppers), silicon (vegetables) and protein (meat). Finally, avoid diets that often lead to deficiencies.


5. Think about food supplements!

Take food supplements can be a plus, but be careful not to choose just any. It is better to opt for rich in zinc, iron, sulfur, gelatin and silicon, because they participate in the manufacture and protection of the nail. A three-month renewable cure, without accumulating them : either supplements which bring together all these trace elements, or only one of these active ingredients.


6. The manicure, yes, but in moderation

Manicure can be the cause of illness, so be careful. By cleaning the underside of the nails, they can be peeled off (even slightly), and promote the penetration of microbes. In the end, yeast infection can develop! They must therefore be cleaned, but without digging!


7. Limit the use of varnish

The varnish protects the nails from external aggressions. Corn you have to let them breathe from time to time (without varnish), and use a nail polish remover without acetone (to avoid drying out the nails). To harden your nails, just add a garlic juice to the polish! Finally, the use of false nails should only be exceptional, as they can cause allergies.


8. Take care of your nails 

To provide the best possible care, cuticles should not be cut or peeled off. Indeed, it could cause you an infection. It is better to use special oils or creams to remove cuticles. Use a wooden manicure stick and gently push them back gently. Finally, if women are always looking for face or hair masks, they often forget the nails! You can use petroleum jelly for a circular massage while watching TV. 


Marie-Eve Wilson-Jamin

Read also: All you need to know about onychomycosis


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