8 strategies to help prevent cancer

Of course, cancer is scary. According to the World Health Organization, cancer accounts for about 16% of deaths in Russia every year. Fortunately, there are many factors you can control to reduce your risk of these conditions. Even if you were born into a family with many members of which have cancer, it’s your daily personal choices that determine how healthy you will be tomorrow, and possibly the next 30-50 years. Of course, you shouldn’t look at cancer in a simplistic way. But it makes sense to adjust the lifestyle factors that are essential for this disease, which depend only on us.

1. Reduce Chronic Inflammation With The Right Foods

Chronic inflammation is a thread that connects many diseases, including cancer. Most of us regularly consume foods that cause inflammation. For example, red meat. In this post, I talk about how refined carbohydrates, trans fats, added sugars, and other foods that are common in our diet provoke inflammation.

There are many ways to reduce inflammation, including including more omega-3 fatty acid foods such as wild fish and flaxseeds in your diet. Green leafy vegetables and berries also help fight inflammation.


2. Promote gut health

Researchers are investigating the link between the gut microbiome and breast and prostate cancer.

You can add more probiotics and prebiotics to your diet to help promote healthy microflora. Let me remind you that probiotics are non-pathogenic microorganisms for humans that are able to restore the normal microflora of organs. Pickled and fermented foods such as cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, kimchi, miso, kombucha (kombucha) are rich in probiotics. Prebiotics are (unlike probiotics) chemical substances, they are not absorbed in the small intestine and create favorable conditions for the normal microflora of the large intestine, stimulate its growth. Prebiotics are found in onions, garlic, whole grains, cabbage, asparagus, green leafy vegetables, legumes, corn, and more.

3. Increase your intake of fresh vegetables and fruits

Include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. They contain fiber, which improves intestinal motility (thereby helping to prevent bowel cancer). And phytonutrients, which make vegetables and fruits bright in color, help reduce inflammation. Choose from a variety of vegetables from the full spectrum of colors – dark green (broccoli, kale), blue / purple (eggplant and blueberries), bright red (chili, tomato and red bell peppers), yellow / orange (mango, pumpkin and oranges). Here you can read about what other foods can help fight cancer.

4. Reduce your intake of animal products (including dairy products and cheese)

Growth hormones and antibiotics, which are commonly fed to cows to control the quantity and quality of milk, contribute to the growth of cancer cells in humans. A long-term China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell found direct links between high intake of animal protein and an increased risk of cancer.

Replace animal milk, for example, with nut milk – no less fatty and tasty. Nut milk contains phytonutrients and is more easily tolerated by people with sensitive or irritable digestive systems. It is great for those with lactose intolerance.

Also, try to skip meat once a week. Around the world, there is a growing trend of “Lean Mondays” that invites you to start your week with healthy choices.

5. Limit toxic effects on the body

The average newborn’s cord blood contains 287 chemicals, 217 of which are toxic to the brain and nervous system. Toxic chemicals increase the risk of cancer.

Try to avoid places where open smoking is allowed. Research has shown that secondhand smoke is associated with lung cancer and several other cancers.

Avoid carcinogenic ingredients such as bisphenol-A (a component of plastic bottles) and phthalates (found in cosmetics). It is best to replace plastic bottles with glass containers (you can fully store hot drinks or water in it during the day), as well as use detergents and cosmetics that are made from herbal ingredients and do not contain harsh chemicals. And help your body to naturally rid itself of toxins.

6. Move more

The modern lifestyle is mostly sedentary. Physical inactivity increases the risk of premature death, primarily due to cardiovascular disease, but it is also associated with the development of some types of cancer.

If your job forces you to spend most of your time sitting at your computer, then these tips will help you stay active throughout your day at the office.

Find the type of exercise you like, whether it’s an active weekend in nature or an intense workout. And remember: just 20 minutes of activity a day will help reduce the risk of premature death (including cancer) by a third.

7. Manage stress, get enough sleep

Getting quality sleep and exercising regularly will not only strengthen your body, but also help fight stress, which is a factor in cancer. It may be worth paying attention to special stress management techniques.

8. Undergo regular examinations, study your genetic predispositions and listen to your body!

Early diagnosis of a serious illness gives you a better chance of being cured and saving your life. Check with your doctor about the testing schedule and read some guidelines here.

Understanding your genetic predisposition is an important part of the fight for a long and healthy life. Fortunately, today it’s very easy to find out the whole truth about yourself.  

And of course, listen to your own body and how it feels at different times of the month. 


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