- Strategy 1. Avoid Ads
- Strategy 2. Consciously analyze advertising
- Strategy 3. Wait to spend
- Strategy 4. Fill life with meaning, not things
- Strategy 5. If you decide to buy, then do it wisely
- Strategy 6. Breathe new life into the old
- Strategy 7. See how to do it differently
- Strategy 8. Taste the joy of freedom from the power of things
Many began to notice more and more that purchases cause damage not only to the wallet, but also to nature and others. But even the most conscious people sometimes want to spontaneously buy “something like that”, even if it’s not really necessary at all. How to resist temptation?
Everyone has their own weakness, admit it. You can save on one thing, but do not pass by the shop window if you see «your charm» on it. Blogger and author of the site about smart consumption Andrea Born admits: “Following the stereotype of women, I should probably grab beautiful shoes first of all. But my weakness, which I can’t resist, is technology and gadgets. Everything that has a keyboard and can connect to it screams at me: “Buy me! Your life will never be perfect without me!”
While Andrea has repeatedly battled her inner provocateur, she has come up with 8 strategies to help resist the temptation to buy.
Strategy 1. Avoid Ads
It seems incredible, but advertising can be avoided in many areas of life. After all, we often absorb ads, posters, banners, just to kill time. By limiting yourself to what you really enjoy seeing, hearing, and reading, you can reduce your ad traffic. And besides, soon, when you focus on those goods and products that you really need, you will stop paying for “fashion things”.
Finally, you can set up a cordon for free newspapers, handouts and leaflets. Resolutely unsubscribe from directories. And in a computer or gadget, using the browser settings, disable intrusive advertising.
Strategy 2. Consciously analyze advertising
But what if it is impossible to completely avoid advertising? Especially if this happens in a public place where you are not the master of the situation. In this case, another strategy will help. Advertising is designed to make us prefer a particular product. “I understood this a long time ago, but still sometimes I fall for tricks,” writes Andrea Born. — A wave of shopaholism makes its way through my conscious barriers, penetrating even into dreams. It’s impossible to resist.»
But soon, along with the joy of new possession, a doubt arises: “Does this item really bring me the desired benefit?” or “Somehow it takes up a lot of space!”, “Well, my account on the card has noticeably decreased!”. Andrea admits that she does not get rid of the new acquisition, because returning it back to the store or selling it to a friend means admitting a mistake.
But lately, she has been trying to analyze advertising consciously. What methods are used to work with her brain? What needs are they trying to satisfy with the purchase? Unpacking the temptation, we quickly see a combination of beautiful images, words and music. And then the explicit or implicit order «Buy me!» will not reach the subconscious.
Strategy 3. Wait to spend
Sometimes it’s good to hold on to money. “Nothing saved me so often from unnecessary things as the desire to save money,” explains Andrea. — If I can’t afford something, I just have to be happy without it. Sometimes I am happy that I was able to save a certain amount — as if I had just found it in a forgotten bag or pocket.
But what if you are «unlucky» and have a lot of money? Then a forced blocking of spending for a certain amount or period is possible. For example, 30 days not to buy anything more expensive than 1000 rubles. If you really need a thing, you can afford to buy it.
Strategy 4. Fill life with meaning, not things
“Many times already (mostly after I again succumbed to temptation) I realized that my real problem was not a spontaneous impulse to buy a new thing, but a deeper dissatisfaction in another area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXblife,” admits Andrea. “When I feel great, when I’m busy with business, communicating with interesting and important people, I find myself that I don’t need any purchases and these people are not interested in me at all because of fashionable clothes.”
So if suddenly another stylish shoe comes across our eyes, it is worth considering whether we want to buy them in order to increase self-esteem and prestige in the eyes of others? Are we running away from problems in social relationships? Or do we use them to return to a pleasant memory and try to reproduce the same feelings as then? But maybe there is another way? But what if we spend this money on a new hobby, meeting a nice person in a cafe, needlework, or something else that really enriches us, which can be called a perpetual investment?
Strategy 5. If you decide to buy, then do it wisely
Sometimes you really need something, and the desire to keep yourself from new things should not become self-torture. Not every decision to buy something is necessarily a bad one. If the purchase cannot be avoided for quite pragmatic reasons, then buy used and durable things. You will definitely save money either immediately or in the long run.
Many things you can do yourself. For example, soap. Nothing without him. In addition, a handmade thing becomes more personal, more suitable for you. And as a free bonus — an impressive portion of self-respect.
Strategy 6. Breathe new life into the old
For some, it is important to acquire something new, while experiencing the excitement of a pioneer. In this case, you can think about how to breathe new life into the old. Sew a bright appliqué onto your favorite sweater. Or apply a fresh coat of paint or a pattern to Grandma’s chest of drawers.
“Did I tell you about my passion for new technical devices? So — sometimes installing an updated operating system, application or program saves you from buying a computer, ”Andrea shares.
Strategy 7. See how to do it differently
Yes, there are people who buy smart. They are not sorcerers, they have — lo and behold! — no less needs than you. But how do they manage to be discreet in hypermarkets? Bea Johnson’s Zero Waste Home was such an inspiration to many that it quickly became a bestseller.
The environmental activist Johnson describes herself—prior to her turn to minimalism—with excellent self-irony. “I was a materialist to the core,” she admits. Reducing your garbage to one glass a year is, of course, aerobatics. But those who once chose the path of changing habits, including nutrition, have already tasted the delights of this strategy.
Strategy 8. Taste the joy of freedom from the power of things
If you are new to the concept of minimalism, then this strategy is for you. When you train the skill of appreciating the usefulness of things, rather than cherishing their literal value, then it is easier to part with them or share them with others. There is no longer a need to store them and maintain their state.
Before each new purchase, it is worth asking yourself not only how many resources have been invested in the manufacture and purchase of this product, but also how many resources, including natural or your personal energy and time, will be required to maintain it in working condition. “Every time I think about how people take the time and effort to dust off their many porcelain elephants and dolls on the shelf,” exclaims Andrea.