8 startups called to lead the agri-food sector

The Orizont project is a business accelerator that is led by the public venture capital company of the Government of Navarra (SODENA). That for this program has been endowed through European Business and Innovation Center of Navarra (CEIN) of a financing of € 110.000.

The CCAA is traditionally one of the largest agri-food producers in our country, with a clear vision and internationalization of its industries and products. And the second in R&D investment.

Denominations of Origin and geographically identified products they have made Navarra agriculture a world reference of high value and excellent quality.

As a result of all this, its rulers seek to be able to join the first line of action within the technological sector applied to the food industry and therefore to the gastronomy that arises from them.

Of all the proposals presented in the months prior to this deliberation, on July 2 it was decided who were the winners with the privilege of having financing and development impulses for their ventures, to turn them into a business reality in the medium term.

  1. FuVeX Agro (Spain) Manufacture of Drones for use in agriculture and large areas of crops.
  2. Brioagro Technologies (Spain) Technology applied to measure and control greenhouse crops through sensors.
  3. Kiva Foods (Spain) Manufacture of quality ingredients to make mixtures and seasonings for marinades, prepared dishes or pastries.
  4. Natural Functional Foods (Spain) Generate foods with a higher nutritional value as a result of the agrobiotechnological proposal of this project.
  5. Luraki (Spain) Application (App) to create a network between producers, products and buyers. Search for points of sale of the offer presented by marketers as an interesting factor for the consumer.
  6. Making Genetics – Nutrition 3G (Spain). Generator of Genetic Test for the elderly to help this group in the field of nutrition.
  7. Simple Agri (Colombia) Crop management platform in the field through technology.
  8. Agriversity (Chile) Online education and training platform.  to provide the user with training and technical advice on agricultural issues.

The developments will be carried out within the Agrifood City of Tudela (Navarra), where you can have access to many of the national companies with a clear global vision, which carry out their activity in the community and in the “city” itself.

Companies such as Florette, Carretilla, Goikoa, Dantza, Kaiku, Martiko or Argal, are collaborators of the Orizón project and their outstanding entrepreneurial and R&D activity are another incentive for startups to seek synergies between their projects and the products they produce. and they market.

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