8 situations when you can’t do cleaning

8 situations when you can’t do cleaning

If you do not start cleaning up on time, it is very easy to harm yourself – many old signs promise the most unpleasant consequences.

Cleaning has been considered a very important ritual since ancient times. After all, we clean the house not only from dust and debris, but also from evil spirits. People used to have a special attitude towards different times of the day. They believed that each period of the day has a certain energy, therefore, the same actions at different times of the day can have different consequences. We remembered beliefs that really work.

In the evenings

You cannot wash the floor in the evening. There are three reasons for this.

1. The hostess who leaves this job at the end of the day risks drive the energy of well-being out of the house. Surely many have noticed that cleaning after sunset is not easy, as fatigue and irritability roll in. Often such an idea ends with senseless quarrels and resentments. It will be more productive if you get up in the morning an hour earlier than usual and start cleaning.

2. One can to close the cash flow for a long time… It is in the evening that the energy of wealth is concentrated in the home. If you lose it, then later it will be difficult to accumulate again. For the same reason, you cannot sweep in the evening – one movement of the broom can cut off the flow of happiness and abundance. Sweep the floor from the back room. In no case do you aim over the threshold – instead of negative energy, you will sweep away financial luck.

3. One can stay without friends for a long time. Often, guests stay up late, so you have to scrub everything diligently at night. Thus, you risk not seeing them in your home for a long time. After all, you just received positive energy, then you washed it yourself.

On church holidays

Do not close your eyes to important religious celebrations if you are a believer. On church holidays, it is recommended not to do household chores, but to devote time to your soul, analyze what is happening and get rid of obsessive thoughts.

When someone hits the road

It is impossible for three evenings wipe the floors if any of the relatives went on a trip. Otherwise, you can bring on difficulties along the way.

After sunset

Everyone has already heard about this sign – after sunset, you cannot take out the garbage. Indeed, in the evening, along with the trash, you endure material luck.


Out of good intentions, guests often offer to help around the house. Refusing such help is not just a matter of courtesy. The fact is that since ancient times, cleaning items were considered sacred. No one had the right to touch the master’s broom, much less revenge. Thus, even loved ones could inadvertently intercept your happiness.

For the same reason, you cannot wash dishes at a party: everything related to the kitchen, the hearth, is an intimate matter. Well-being can go away with the guest, who has taken over part of the hostess’s worries.

After dinner

After dinner, we usually wipe the crumbs off the table and throw them in the bucket. But no one thinks about the fact that at this moment we are hurting ourselves. I.e we broadcast ingratitude to the universe. Esotericists recommend collecting crumbs and feeding them to the birds.

In the wrong phase of the moon

The waning moon symbolizes decline. Therefore, it is best to carry out general cleaning precisely during the rising moon, when the energy is renewed.

In the morning

Do not wash dishes in the morning. More precisely, it is possible, but this will mean that you have not washed it since the evening. But this is not recommended – both according to Russian omens and according to the teachings of Feng Shui. If you leave the sink littered with dishes overnight, quarrels in the house cannot be avoided.

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