8 Signs Your Friend Has a Fitness Mania

Working out in the gym is now not only proof of strength or care for your health, but also a fashion trend, which means that your friend has at least three virtues. However, how to determine that just a sports guy turns into a “maniac without five minutes”?

1. The topic of his jokes will suddenly become your food addictions.

Slowly, from sarcastic remarks about portion sizes or how you always ask for more when you see a donut, he will move on to a scientific analysis of what is on your plate. The main thing is not to skip this moment, because it will be followed by a list of what you should and should not eat.

2. Your entire social media feed will be in his selfie from the gym

Every day you will receive news from him about how many grams he threw off. Don’t be surprised if in the middle of a work meeting or during a concert, his phone rings and he says he didn’t want to disturb you, but he has some killer news for you – he has built even more muscle mass than he planned this week!

3. He will begin to give up the usual pleasures.

In terms of diet, he will be even more consistent than some of your girlfriends, which means that you will hear the words “I can’t eat too much, I had a cheat day yesterday” quite often. Also, a constant refrain in your conversations will be the phrases “I can’t, I have a gym in the morning”, “I missed a workout yesterday, so today I’ll go to the gym and work out until closing.”

4. He suddenly becomes an avid shopaholic

Even before you plan your first trip to the megamall for sale, he will drag you to specialty sports nutrition stores to buy protein bars and shakes and passionately argue with you about which brand is better.

5. His wardrobe will change significantly

Even at home, your friend won’t wear a T-shirt unless it’s from Nike, Adidas, Reebok, or other sports brands.

6. No conversation will be complete without jokes

His favorite phrase when meeting will be good-natured: “Come on, show me how many push-ups can you do?”

7. He won’t understand jokes about fitness freaks.

Your friend does not count the subtext in the phrase “Until you fall and die, continue.” After all, these are the words that lead him now through life! The phrases “Just do it” and “No pain, no gain” are his code. He also takes the slogans “If you have a goal, you don’t need motivation”, “It won’t get easier – you just get better” and “Nothing will change if nothing changes” with all seriousness.

Therefore, do not send him funny pictures about fitness. For example, such: “Eat right, always be in shape and always keep a hamburger in reserve to stay alive” or “Are you sick? Out of breath, can’t walk? Good! So it works.” Or, “I don’t need a fitness bracelet to know I’m never fit.”

No need to encroach on his shrines …

8. He will pull you to his side

When his fitness club has a special offer “Bring a friend and get a month of free training”, he will strongly convince you to join him.

These are all signs that your friend or boyfriend is an aspiring fitness freak. But who said it’s bad? He is full of merit.

At least now you know what gift will be enthusiastically accepted for the New Year, birthday, and just for no reason.

To begin with, give him a beautifully designed plate in brutal colors with the following content:

“Are you going to practice today?

  1. Required.
  2. See item 1.
  3. See point 2.”

He will definitely hang it in the apartment in the most honorable place and from now on he will consider that no one understands him the way you do.

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