Falling in love is a quivering, barely perceptible feeling. And contrary to prejudice, it is also characteristic of mature relationships. We offer 8 signs that will help determine that you are in love with each other.
Shining in the eyes, butterflies in the stomach, weakness in the knees. We feel in love on a bodily level, but we also just know that it is her. However, there are other signs associated with this condition – behavioral. They were described by anthropologists, neuroscientists Helen Fisher from Rutgers University in the USA and Anik Debro from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland.
They also showed that not all signs of falling in love (which is different from love: you can love, but no longer be in love) are associated with instinct. These include empathy and sincerity, as well as sexual attraction or the desire to be the only partner.
8 signs describe this state in couples at the beginning of a relationship – but it can also be observed in those whose relationship continues.
“These latter are fewer than the “freshly in love,” and these characteristics are not so pronounced, notes the psychoanalyst Anne-Marie Benoit. “However, they consider themselves in love and care about maintaining the relationship.”
By finding out how these characteristics are inherent in your relationship, you can independently draw a conclusion about them.
1. You want to be sincere
It is more important for you to show yourself in the true light than from the best side. I want to talk about what is important to you, and tell the truth about yourself – this is how a connection is established with another person, with a deep part of his personality. The stronger the desire for intimacy, the more obvious the desire to be open.
You look at relationships as a living organism that feeds on sincerity. And therefore, for you, the need for intimacy turns out to be stronger than the desire to seduce – after all, you want to continue the relationship with this particular person, and not with someone else. When you don’t try to embellish yourself with others, it reinforces the feeling that you’ve been chosen and loved for who you really are.
2. You can’t take your eyes off him.
You notice those who are brighter than your chosen one, but look at them with the eyes of an uninterested observer. You care little about others, the partner is who is important.
When we start paying attention to potential sexual partners, this, according to research, indicates a decrease in affective attachment and the level of satisfaction with life in a couple.
You are aware of his shortcomings, you do not deny them, but your eyes are drawn to his positive features.
The researchers also note that falling in love lasts longer for those who focus on a partner: there is something so special about him that desire and a feeling of love awakens in his presence … which sleeps in the company of others.
3. After sex, you are in a light trance.
The reason is in the pleasure that you get during dates, but not only. Studies have shown that it’s about the love and passion that lovers experience during sex, and not just about sex as such.
Love brings satisfaction, both on an individual level and in relationships. Of course, sexual relationships can be extremely satisfying, but they do not guarantee falling in love. But if you are in love, sex is pleasurable, because it becomes the place where we most feel shared intimacy with another.
4. You do everything you can to make his life better.
The well-being of a loved one is very important to us, as it is directly related to our own. His material and spiritual well-being and everything that brings him joy and pleasure become the object of our attention and care. After all, we guess that if the partner is disappointed and upset, then the relationship will no longer give us satisfaction.
A constant focus on the well-being of the other is one of the indicators that you are in love. When she weakens, this does not mean that love has passed, but that the feeling of falling in love has dulled.
5. You really appreciate his company.
It makes you laugh, captivates, intrigues, touches. It doesn’t matter what he does, what matters is that he is him. His presence is the source of your pleasure. You enjoy spending time with him. His charm is irresistible to you. Only him and no one else! Some unions surprise others, and some even the participants themselves, because they overturn all social, physical and cultural ideas about who is suitable for whom.
But only those feelings that you experience in the presence of a partner are important. And if the relationship continues, these feelings continue too, it means that you are in love.
6. You are empathic
The state of his soul is no secret to you. You read his mood by facial expression, guess by the change in the timbre of his voice. The desire to merge is part of being in love, and it establishes a direct line of communication with the other. It is easy for you to find a common language with him, to adapt to his behavior. Misunderstandings are rare. Conflicts in couples begin only when this empathy is reduced – or if it was not there.
7. You focus on his positive qualities.
You are aware of its shortcomings and limitations, you do not deny them, but your eyes are drawn to its positive features. His talents, spiritual qualities, skills often delight you. You continue to admire them even in his absence or when the situation does not give a reason to demonstrate them.
When you are reminded of a partner by some events or things, you feel touched and excited. Couples in which two continue to see the best in each other stay in love longer, and their sense of partnership is stronger and stronger.
8. You notice possessiveness in yourself.
At the heart of this feeling is the rejection of interest in other potential partners. By the way, the cause of most conflicts in couples is jealousy and infidelity. Much less disputes occur because of the financial situation.
But sexual exclusivity isn’t the only thing important to falling in love. No less important role is played by exclusivity, affective, complete uniqueness of the partner in closeness, in trust and sincerity. Over time, possessiveness may subside, but it is always hidden in the core of love, this is what makes a partner exceptional and unique.