8 signs of a romantic introvert

It is generally accepted that introverts love only themselves. This is not so, they are no less romantic than extroverts, they just show their love differently. Psychologist Preston Nee talks about eight features of these people.

It is known that introverts have little interest in the outside world. However, they also go on dates, fall in love and get married. Often their behavior and ideas about love do not correspond to stereotypes, and others misunderstand them.

1. He is waiting for his one and only

These people take romantic relationships seriously. They are not inclined to flirt with everyone and often change partners. Introverts strive to find a person who suits them. They are tired of romantic courtship, obligatory rituals and violent displays of emotion. Once they find their person, they breathe a sigh of relief because they can be themselves again.

2. He is looking for a loyal and reliable partner

Such people value predictability and reliability. If a potential partner personifies these qualities, he has every chance to take a place in his heart. And a spontaneous, rowdy, adventurous person is more likely to be perceived as a threat to security and stability.

3. He doesn’t show feelings openly

Introverts try to get the attention of the person they like by hinting at their attitude. They do not like long conversations about love and are embarrassed to directly confess their feelings. Unfortunately, it is because of this that they often fail in love.

4. He spends a lot of time thinking about love.

Such people are prone to long reflection and analysis. They hesitate for a long time to invite the person they like on a date, because they cannot decide whether this person is the right one. Even having started dating someone, they continue to show indecision.

5. He dreams of romance, but rarely fulfills his dreams.

Introverts love to fantasize, imagining themselves as characters in movies and books, or dreaming up their own romantic scenarios. Contrary to popular belief about spiritual callousness, some of them are very emotional.

Stormy passion, expressive expression of emotions and showdown tires such a person.

But they experience emotions inside, so that those around them are not even aware of them. Erotic fantasies are original and varied, but rarely become reality.

6. He doesn’t want to fast-track a relationship.

If they decide on a romantic relationship, then they develop slowly. They try to get to know their partner better in order to understand whether he is suitable for living together. A stormy passion, an expressive expression of emotions and a showdown of relationships tire such a person, confuse him.

7. He desperately needs privacy, even if he found his man

Even the most harmonious relationships are tiring. Introverts are happy only when they have the opportunity to be alone for a while, reflect on life and relationships. Only alone with themselves they rest, recuperate and understand what to do next.

8. He analyzes dates and fights.

Introverts tend to analyze everything that happens to them. Romantic relationships are no exception. Sometimes they get so “stuck” thinking about “what would happen if…” that they can’t take action. However, internal analysis is necessary for them to feel comfortable.

About the Developer

Preston Ni – coach, author of How to Communicate Effectively and Handle Difficult People, Allyn & Bacon, 1999. His broker.

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