8 reasons why traveling is good for a person

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers! If you spend the weekend at home on the couch and hesitate to book an interesting vacation tour, considering it a waste of resources.

Or find other good reasons to stay in one place, then I bring to your attention the facts about how travel is useful. Perhaps this information will influence you, and you still decide to go for new experiences.

8 reasons


Getting to new places, we give our brain food. He seems to be delighted and begins to intensively process information, inspired by every detail.

What can not be said about the immune system. For whom everything new is stress. After all, cells are attacked by unknown microorganisms and it is urgent to put the body on alert by producing antibodies.

And it seems that the benefits of travel are doubtful, because we are going somewhere or flying to relax, and not vice versa. But in fact, you have no idea what contribution you bring to your health.

After all, the more often our immune system has to fight foreign bacteria, the more resistant it becomes. A variety of antibodies in the body will not let you «go down» at the slightest occurrence of a virus. Isn’t it a weighty argument to go to other countries, cities or regions, after all?

Voltage reduction

Stress accompanies every one of us every day. Sometimes it is not always possible to stop in time and notice that you are tired, that you no longer have the strength to cope with adversity and various tasks. Why there is overwork, depression, asthenia, that is, complete depletion of resources, as well as many chronic diseases.

And everything seems to be clear, you should pause, get rid of tension, relax and exhale. But in practice it is not as easy as it seems.

Has it happened that after a hard day you lie down in bed, but you can’t fall asleep, despite the fact that you have absolutely no strength, and your eyes close on their own? This is where tension comes into play. In the form of obsessive thoughts, unconscious anxiety and the desire to run somewhere, to do something, just to get rid of this state.

So, discovering new places, getting to know the world — we unconsciously bring great health benefits, both physical and mental. It has been scientifically proven that travel helps to cope with anxiety and stress. And also make a person happy, full of energy.

If suddenly you suspect that you are in a depressed state, when you don’t really want anything. Moreover, to collect things and go somewhere, try to be happy and so on. I recommend reading this article. It contains the most effective methods of dealing with depression.

8 reasons why traveling is good for a person


Emotional stability, in terms of when there is not only sadness and pain inside, but also pleasant feelings, as well as new experiences, the need to adapt to other conditions, make a huge contribution to our intellectual development.

Absolutely all our mental cognitive processes are included in the work. That is, memory, thinking, speech and perception.

You can spend hours poring over textbooks, trying to improve your level, or you can just buy a ticket to a neighboring city, relax and have fun. Simultaneously solving their life tasks and becoming smarter, more capable, more perfect.

Exercise stress

When a person sets off for his own interest, he does not notice how many kilometers he winds. Do you agree? And this can not but affect the physical form. Muscles are toned, the body is more enduring — isn’t this what people who go to fitness rooms dream of?

And those who lead a passive lifestyle, that is, for example, overeat and spend their free time watching TV, are at risk for cardiovascular diseases. Simply put, such individuals often have a heart attack. Despite the age.

Bonuses in the form of treatment

Can you imagine, new places can be not only interesting, but also have a healing effect? There are many sources with thermal waters, mud, salt, all kinds of geysers, springs, lakes that rejuvenate the skin, restore the functioning of various body systems, and so on.

That is, you will bring home not just rested, with a new set of antibodies and impressions, but also more beautiful, calm and young, devoid of painful sensations at least for a short period of time. Unless, of course, they were before.

Life extension

People who travel a lot can rightfully be included in the list of centenarians. Because they not only know what they want, but also understand how to achieve it. They do not have to live through the “groundhog day”, when everyday life absorbs so much that it deprives them of any curiosity and interest in living.

When you want the evening to come as soon as possible, and it all ends, because you are such a functional, perfectly performing your duties. But they don’t understand why it needs to be done.

And when there are a lot of ideas and plans, desires and aspirations in your head — there is simply no time to mope, to plunge into everyday life, as if into a swamp and not know where to apply your energy.

So, if you want to replenish the number of centenarians, when even teenagers can envy active old people, their spirit and energy, make a choice in favor of trips, rather than watching news on social networks.

8 reasons why traveling is good for a person

Control and ability to take responsibility for your life

Thinking over the route, choosing the most optimal hotel or type of transport, you learn not only to control the situation, but also to predict the future. This develops self-control, responsibility, the ability to make choices, prioritize and listen to one’s own desires and feelings.

Then you will not go with the flow, but take the oars in your hands and go exactly where you want, and not where you will be “beaten” or other people will indicate.

I want to emphasize that this is sometimes not easy, especially for those who are used to making decisions instead of him and giving advice on how to be in any situation. Here you have to really be sincere with yourself, conscious and sensitive.

To determine where I still want to go. If you are still having trouble with this, click here for more information on how to plan and what tools are needed.


Going somewhere, even if you do not aim to communicate with residents of a foreign country or city, you will be provided with acquaintances. Because at some point you may need the help of a local resident, it’s trivial to ask for directions or which bus to take.

In bars, tour groups and museums, people also get closer and start to communicate. If only because you want to share with each other opinions, impressions and so on.

And dating, as you know, can be useful. Even if the newfound friend also turns out to be a tourist. Next time he can show you his country, and you will hospitably host him.

In general, «acquire» useful connections. And for what exactly they can be useful to you, you will learn from the article about networking.


Travel at every opportunity. Indeed, for a person, the feeling of anticipation is actually very resourceful. Except for those cases when there is a lot of anxiety about the road, packing suitcases and so on. And so the excitement, the expectation of something interesting, beautiful, joyful give a lot of energy and inspiration.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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