Secondary infertility is the name of this phenomenon.
There is one baby, it’s time for the second. But it so happens that it does not work to get pregnant a second time, no matter how hard you try, no matter how you turn sex into a dull routine with ovulation schedules and other “procreative” wisdom. This phenomenon is far from uncommon. Experts say that infertility may not always be associated with congenital pathologies. They may appear later, when the first baby has already grown up.
Gynecologist-reproductologist of the network of centers of reproduction and genetics “Nova Clinic”
“There are several reasons why women who previously had no difficulty in conceiving may develop infertility. Fertility can be restored, but there are different methods for each case. “
Tubal-peritoneal factor
At the heart of secondary infertility may be a violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes or adhesions in the small pelvis. These conditions can develop as a result of inflammation or surgery in patients who previously had no difficulties with self-conception. You can restore natural reproductive function by surgery. If the operation fails, doctors may recommend IVF.
Intrauterine pathology
Over the years, a woman may develop uterine fibroids and synechiae (adhesions), sometimes hyperplastic or inflammatory processes in the endometrium develop, which prevent the attachment of the embryo and the development of pregnancy. If medical or surgical treatment did not allow to achieve the onset of pregnancy, methods of assisted reproductive technologies are used.
Endocrine factor
If the egg cannot mature and exit the follicle into the abdominal cavity, pregnancy will not occur. The reasons are different: decreased sensitivity of the ovaries to sex hormones, thyroid dysfunction, and excessive production of androgens. As a rule, conservative treatment is effective for endocrine factor. If it does not work, the patient is recommended an in vitro fertilization program.
This formidable disease is quite capable of becoming an obstacle to pregnancy. This pathology is characterized by the proliferation of cells of the mucous membrane of the uterus outside its cavity. The foci of endometriosis, localized in the pelvic organs, affect the quality of germ cells, disrupt the reproductive system and must be removed, which in many cases allows fertility to be restored. If this does not happen, IVF is performed.
Immunological factor
Another reason for infertility can be antisperm antibodies, which can be produced in both the female and male body. Attaching to spermatozoa, they interfere with their normal movement and do not allow penetration into the oocyte. This problem can be overcome with the help of the ICSI method, when the embryologist selects male sex gametes and then injects them into each egg, that is, fertilizes.
Woman’s age
After 35 years, the number of eggs decreases and the quality deteriorates. At the same time, the chances of successful conception become less and less, and the risk of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities increases markedly. IVF with PGT (preimplantation testing) allows you to transfer into the uterine cavity only those embryos that do not have genetic abnormalities.
Psychological reasons
Also not so rare. Reproductive function can be affected by stresses that provoke hormonal imbalances. In situations where, it would seem, there are no problems with reproductive health, but pregnancy does not occur, it is impossible not to experience constant stress due to the expectation of failure, pressure from relatives and misunderstanding on the part of one of the spouses.
In another group of perfectly healthy women, the cause of infertility may be a deep fear of repeated negative experiences experienced during a previous pregnancy and childbirth.
If it is difficult for a woman to cope with internal problems on her own, then a perinatal psychologist helps to understand the reasons, understand and prepare for a long-awaited pregnancy.
Male factor
Difficulty conceiving can be caused by a man’s reproductive dysfunction (even if he already has children).
The spouses need to come together for the initial appointment with the reproductologist, since the examination should be assigned to both future parents.
When to see a doctor for help
It is imperative to make an appointment with a fertility specialist if pregnancy has not occurred within a year (provided that you have stopped using contraceptives and are having an active sex life). If you are already 35 years old, there is no point in waiting that long. You need to seek medical advice after six months.
“The possibilities of modern reproductive medicine make it possible to achieve the birth of a healthy baby even in the most severe cases. Do not postpone your visit to the fertility specialist, and the doctor will try to help you become parents, ”Inna Zorina is sure.