8 most popular and effective methods of rejuvenation

We figure out what procedures will help you look 10 years younger.

The secret of eternal youth has always worried the women of our planet. From ancient times to this day, scientists have been developing new drugs, working on new methods in the fight against premature skin aging. We will look at the most effective methods of rejuvenation today.


This is one of the most modern methods of facial skin rejuvenation. Developed by Korean specialists and appeared relatively recently in Russia. The method consists in pulling very thin threads through the muscles of the face with a flexible needle. The threads are composed of dioxane, coated with a layer of polyglycolic acid, which, when cleaved, have a rejuvenating effect. The procedure is expensive, its effect lasts for 2 years.

Contraindications for the procedure

Due to the complexity of the procedure, the doctor must be highly qualified, since the method is young, it is not an easy task to find a good specialist.

The procedure cannot be carried out for a number of colds and oncological diseases.


Biorevitalization is the subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid. Also, vitamins and useful microelements may be included in the injection. After the procedure, the complexion improves, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes more elastic. The procedure is often confused with mesotherapy, since in the first and second cases, subcutaneous injections are used in the composition of hyaluronic acid. Their difference is that with biorevitalization, the action occurs quickly, but the duration of the effect is shorter, usually less than a year.

Dysport and Botox injections

Dysport and Botox injections are aimed at smoothing wrinkles. Dysport is injected into the connection of muscles with nerves, muscle relaxation occurs, as a result of which wrinkles disappear. The effect of the injections lasts an average of 4 months. The advantages of the method are the painlessness of the procedure and the absence of rehabilitation after the procedure. The downside is that the visible effect appears no earlier than 2 weeks later.

Botox injections are similar to dysport injections, one direction of action and one active ingredient – botulinum toxin. The advantage over dysport is an instant result, the effect after botox is visible immediately. Its action is calculated for 8-10 months. The injections have side effects in the form of an allergic reaction, redness, and fever.


This is the effect on the skin of the face with high-intensity light pulses, which contribute to the disappearance of fine wrinkles, age spots, the skin becomes more elastic. The procedure is completely painless, it can be carried out not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. Photorejuvenation is not recommended for people with dark skin and those who have problems with poor circulation.

Stem cell rejuvenation

This is the last word in medicine. The stem cells introduced into the body renew it, and you get a second youth. This is the most costly and effective method.

A serious disadvantage is that the mechanism of action of foreign cells has not yet been fully understood, so it is impossible to predict how they might behave over time. By acquiring a second youth, you can trigger the mechanism of a serious illness.

Laser facial rejuvenation

This is one of the most responsible ways to rejuvenate. This method is based on the ability of the laser to remove the surface layer of the skin, which helps to renew the skin and smooth the face and its relief. With the help of special options, the beautician controls the temperature and penetration depth of the high-precision beam. If you make a mistake, you can provoke a skin burn and cause skin changes.

In order to choose the most effective way of rejuvenation for yourself, you need to consult with a beautician and doctor in order to eliminate the risk of an undesirable result.


With age, the processes of tissue regeneration slow down and function differently than before, but this problem can be solved. The procedure is painless and the safest, as it is based on the internal resources of the body and is enriched with vitamins and amino acids. Platelet-rich plasma is obtained from own venous blood and injected intradermally into problem areas. Thus, with its help, you can effectively fight fine wrinkles, remove irregularities and skin imperfections, in the form of scars, acne and age spots. Plasmolifting procedure is allowed from the age of 18.

SMAS lifting

SMAS is an ultrasonic facelift. A very effective method of facial rejuvenation that can compete with the operating one. A distinctive feature of SMAS-lifting is that it acts on the epidermis by 5 mm, while similar procedures work at a depth of 1,5 mm. Thanks to the procedure, the skin retains its elasticity and freshness. Modern devices can accurately calculate the depth to which you need to act personally to obtain the most effective result.

Procedures that can be done in summer

  • Procedures that improve facial blood circulation: massage, vacuum, etc.

  • Biorevitalization and mesotherapy

  • Superficial peels

  • Facial treatments (masks, wraps)

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