8 mistakes couples make on social media

Social networks not only bring us closer, but also test relationships for strength. They hide many traps. How to behave so as not to fall into them?

«Why didn’t you like me?» Elena asks Anatoly offendedly. “Lenok, I didn’t even go to Facebook today!” (an extremist organization banned in Russia) “It’s not true, I saw you on the Web!” The new reality not only provides new opportunities, but also creates new problems.

We compare our relationship with the relationships of other couples on the social network. Do they travel more than we do? More hugs in the photo than us? Virtual competition not only keeps us in good shape, but also undermines the harmony in the pair. What are you doing wrong and what needs to be changed to save peace and love?

1. Post everything you do together online.

By exposing the photo to the public, we turn the moment “only for two” into the public domain. Forget about the phone, let the subscribers be left without a new post. Focus on your partner, spend time with just the two of you.

2. You or your partner never leave the phone

You don’t let go of your smartphone. Constantly check your mail, then the network. Does your partner do the same? Or does he just sit there and wait until you get tired of commenting on your friends posts? It is natural that he feels superfluous. Just put your smartphone away and enjoy an evening for two. And there is always time for social media.

3. Want your partner to post photos of you together

It may surprise and upset that your partner does not have your joint photos on the page. He does not write about you at all, as if he is still free. Wait to be offended. Perhaps the partner simply does not like social networks or believes that personal life should remain private. The easiest way to dispel doubts is to talk to him directly.

4. Write too much about relationships.

Endless messages and “stories” all day long are a bad form. Even if all your subscribers are happy for you, sooner or later they will get tired of squandering sugary-sweet posts. Stop clogging other people’s «tapes», leave a corner in your life that will remain inaccessible to prying eyes.

5. Overuse sugary hashtags and captions

No need to put too many hashtags that talk about your boundless happiness. After the fourth, no one pays attention to them. The same is true with signatures. Sometimes less is better.

6. Dissatisfied with the fact that the partner does not communicate with you on the Web

The partner does not leave you supportive comments, does not “like” photos and does not communicate with you through Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia). Does it upset you? Talk to him frankly, find out what prevents him from communicating with you on social networks. Explain that attention is pleasant not only in private, but also in public.

7. Don’t delete your ex’s photos

Don’t post photos of you and your ex. It is most likely unpleasant for a new partner to see them. Even if you don’t think about “anything like that”, a loved one can understand you in a completely different way. And often, such photos can be a sign that you still have not let go of the old love.

8. Secretly unhappy with your partner’s posts and comments

Are you annoyed by some partner’s post or his comment from a mutual friend? Are you angry but silent? It’s better to talk directly about what you don’t like. Perhaps the partner posted the wrong photo or offended you by comparing with someone. Don’t suppress your feelings. Honest conversation is the best way to solve problems.

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