8 habits that will change your life

Many people want to change their lives, but few can decide on it. After all, it seems that cardinal changes require serious efforts and work on oneself. In fact, it is enough to let eight simple, but very useful habits into your life.

These 8 steps will bring awareness to every day, help you become happier, more productive and successful.

1. Reprogram yourself to be positive

Thoughts and actions depend on emotions more than it seems. It is enough to get upset because of a bad hike or blockage at work, and now you don’t want to do anything. Negativity easily enters life: any nonsense can spoil the mood, and then the whole day will go down the drain. How to deal with it?

Program yourself for positive thinking. Capture and filter negative thoughts. This will help 5 tricks.

  • Start a gratitude journal. At the end of the day, write down what good things happened to you during the day. You will definitely sleep better at night.
  • Come up with and repeat positive mantras – statements that will help you move faster towards your goal.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Good emotions, like bad ones, are contagious.
  • Just don’t allow negative thoughts. Don’t let them take over your mind.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. Physical activity stimulates the synthesis of endorphins, and unnecessary thoughts get into your head from idleness.

2. Get up earlier

Successful people get up early. Therefore, tomorrow, set an alarm clock and wake up half an hour earlier than usual. And then more. Gradually win back from sleep for half an hour.

Morning is the most productive period. You can cook a healthy breakfast, meditate, work out, read books, devote time to hobbies, work and plan your day competently. Getting up early will save you from haste, confusion and delays. Time management is the key to self-improvement.

3. Clean up after yourself

How long will it take you to make your bed or do the dishes in the morning? Three minutes or five? Small household chores do not take much time. But if they are put off for later, they accumulate and spoil the mood. One plate and a cup after breakfast will quickly turn into a mountain of dishes. And a mess at home will cause a mess in your thoughts.

Studies show that people who wash dishes immediately after eating and make their bed in the morning tend to be happier and more successful. The order of the house gives a sense of control and comfort.

4. Set realistic goals

You don’t have to promise yourself to run a marathon in a month. Better register for the 5km course. Don’t plan to achieve a grand goal in a short period of time. Be realistic: set yourself a modest goal and successfully accomplish it. The feeling of satisfaction from victory, however small, will inspire you to greater accomplishments. Act progressively, and then you will achieve even more than you expected.

5. Allow yourself some spontaneity

Nobody argues: it is reasonable to live according to the schedule, dine in the same cafe, buy groceries on Saturdays in the same store. But so your life will soon turn into a boring routine. Allow yourself spontaneous actions. Get out of your comfort zone. Try Thai food, get on a snowboard, go to a new department store.

Any new experience is a new emotion. They make us happier, change our outlook on life, help us discover new abilities and attachments, and most importantly, they teach us to respond more calmly to change.

6. Stop Complaining

Even in the darkest times, there are good things in life. Be grateful instead of complaining all the time. No need to use friends and others as a vest to cry. By constantly thinking about problems, missed opportunities and world injustice, you fixate on the negative. And day by day you accustom yourself to the role of a victim. And when something good happens, you just won’t be able to appreciate it.

7. Try not to compare yourself to others

Can’t sleep because a colleague got a promotion or a friend bought a huge house? There will always be someone who has a better career, personal life, or financial situation than you. What now – do not sleep with envy at all? If a loved one has achieved something, be happy for him and think about what helped him in this. Surely it’s not just luck or coincidence.

Also think about what success means to you. Do you need a career with a company, or will you feel happier freelancing? Do you dream of a big car and apartment, or are these “dreams” imposed by society? Everyone is different, and everyone’s understanding of happiness is also different. Decide what is important to you and move towards that goal.

8. Don’t procrastinate

Do you also put off small things all the time? Call the insurance company, change the battery in the car alarm, extend the rent of the apartment, pick up the package at the post office? All this takes minutes. And as a result, tasks accumulate, and now you already need to spend a whole day off to figure it out. Therefore, it is so important to plan every day and every week, evenly distributing things. It is equally important to leave in the schedule and days off, free from work and obligations.

Source: www.businessinsider.com

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