8 facts about how a man in love with a woman feels

Hello dear blog readers! What a man in love feels is a mystery to many women. Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand what is happening to him, especially if he is reserved and laconic. But today we will lift the veil of mystery. I will tell you about the signs by which you can determine whether you managed to win his heart, or whether he is just polite with you, practicing pick-up skills and thus increasing self-esteem. So let’s get started.

8 facts of male love

Love is the basic need of every human being. And relationships are the most difficult process that causes both pleasant emotions and pain, disappointment, and devastation. It doesn’t matter what gender the person belongs to. And no matter how hard she tries to avoid torment, without intimacy and love, her life is not so rich and full. Let’s look at how representatives of the male half of humanity behave if someone manages to win their heart.

So, the most common symptoms are:


People are different. Sometimes this difference in characters and preferences is too obvious, and it is important to be able to find compromises, negotiate and make concessions to each other. This is if the partner is important, and there is a desire to maintain a relationship with him. So, in such cases, we become more tolerant. Even if we completely do not understand the hobbies and desires of a loved one. For example, if a guy agrees to watch some girly melodrama, although in fact he would never waste time on it under any pretext — he just wants to please you and become closer. Even if he was indignant or resisted initially, but still sat down with you for viewing — this is an act that speaks of your value to him.

He is also ready to put up with your shortcomings. That is, not to leave in search of something better, but to stay close and try to establish contact in order to reach mutual understanding. But you should not specially arrange tantrums for him in order to test the patience and sincerity of feelings. So you risk losing intimacy, if it has managed to form, and its location.


8 facts about how a man in love with a woman feels

Love inspires and inspires. There is a lot of energy that you want to realize. Only not for destruction, as with the accumulation and retention of negative emotions, but for creation, the creation of beauty. It is for this reason that many discover new talents and skills in themselves. For example, someone may start writing poetry or music, although there was absolutely no interest in this matter before. Someone creates with their own hands interior items, sometimes even furniture.

So, if you notice that the chosen one is burning with the desire to create beauty, or just went about his work with enthusiasm and copes with it lightly, know that you managed to conquer him.


At the sight of you, he literally “burns”, his eyes shine, and the smile practically does not leave his face? This is the result of the effect on the body of hormones that are released when falling in love. Dopamine enhances the feeling of pleasure, satisfaction. It is for this reason that people say that even at the thought of a loved one, it seems to them that they are «in seventh heaven with happiness.»

Serotonin increases muscle tone, which sometimes makes movements seem chaotic. And a person does not seem to find a place for himself during separation from the object of adoration. But it happens that, on the contrary, it ceases to be produced, and then sadness arises, the fear of losing a loved one. This condition is quite painful and destructive to health. Since a lot of resources are spent to keep yourself normal and not to panic. There may even be obsessive thoughts, groundless jealousy.

Adrenaline increases activity, which makes you want to move mountains, and it seems that wings grow behind your back. Endorphins help you feel peace, harmony and happiness. They also make us more purposeful and self-confident. By the way, they are actively developed directly at the moment of sexual intimacy with a partner, and the more often it happens, the stronger your emotional connection will be.

8 facts about how a man in love with a woman feels

Oxytocin promotes the formation of attachment. Your partner may become less emotional in his manifestations towards you, but this does not mean that he has stopped loving. He just calmed down and is now confident in the stability of the relationship, which is why tenderness comes in place of drive and excessive excitement. Therefore, do not rush to conclusions about insincerity or insensitivity, perhaps this is precisely the sign that he «breathes unevenly towards you.»

Non-verbal manifestations

There is a desire to touch the partner as often as possible. And if not everyone can afford such a luxury at the initial stage, that is, during the candy-bouquet period, then touches are of such a “random” nature. He may try to sit as close as possible to you, at least inadvertently touching your hands, hair, and so on. He may even preen in your presence and try to sit upright. The pupils will basically be dilated, and the toes of the shoes and sneakers will be turned in your direction. You can learn more about non-verbal manifestations by clicking on this link.

Demonstration of indifference

Do not believe it, but sometimes, the more a man likes a woman, the more he seeks to emphasize his independence and disinterest in her. That’s when it’s really hard to recognize how he really feels. And how to understand here, pretending, or really indifferent? There is one caveat — he will try to be in her field of vision all the time. Even if he stands with his back, sideways and pretends to be busy and does not notice anyone around, he will still inadvertently look at her. This is either fear and self-doubt, embarrassment, or such a way to attract attention. How to provoke a girl so that she wants to seduce him.

Such a trap for those who yearn to please the opposite sex and arouse admiration. In addition, women often get tired of banal compliments and attempts to get to know them. And in order to be remembered, to stand out, the guys have to be cunning. They choose different methods, up to the game that they do not notice the beauty and attractiveness of the nearby lady.

Accuracy in handling and imaginary ideality

8 facts about how a man in love with a woman feels

When meeting people, it is common to show more attractive and socially approved character traits. And this is quite normal. Especially when the interlocutor is interesting and you really want to like him in order to arouse the desire to meet again. Least. There are, of course, exceptions when straightforwardness is the most striking character trait. But in this case, you will immediately be notified of what feelings you evoke. If you notice that the guy is really going out of his way, trying to show all his abilities and virtues, be sure that you «hooked» him.

Uniqueness and significance

A woman with whom a man is in love feels special, desirable. After all, that’s what it really is. She is unique to him. One in a million, despite her lack of makeup or a svelte model figure and flawless skin. Unconditional love, that is, no matter what, can only be given by parents. But in close relationships, people appreciate each other even for the imperfections that distinguish them from the rest. Therefore, if he takes care of you, and you feel free in his presence, not afraid to be real, then you are very lucky.


If he cares about how you spent your day, that’s great. But sometimes people are interested in each other’s affairs out of politeness or out of curiosity. But in case he asks you about future plans, for weekends, holidays, vacation, in the end — this is a good call. He wants compatibility, wants to be closer and spend his leisure time with you. He includes you in his life, and not just trying to achieve sexual satisfaction. By the way, if after intimacy he does not lose interest in you, but becomes, on the contrary, more tender and attentive, or at least does not change in behavior, this is also a good sign.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! To better understand what exactly the male half is looking for in a relationship with a woman. And also, what kind of chosen one most people dream of, I recommend that you read this article. In it you will find useful information that will help attract the attention of the guy you like. So success to you, and, of course, mutual and bright love!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina.

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