Yes, yes, the same one that they write on the blackboard at school. It turns out that the scope of chalk is much wider than we are used to thinking.
A hundred simple white crayons cost about 100 rubles, and if you try, you can find it cheaper. This penny tool will save you a lot more money on expensive household chemicals, you just need to know how to use it.
1. Remove greasy stains
Who among us has not sprinkled our favorite thing with mayonnaise, butter or sauce? And if there are children in the family, then not a day goes by without greasy spots. Removing them from clothing is usually very time consuming, and often also useless. But you should also try this method: rub the greasy stain with chalk, leave it on for 10 minutes, and then wash with dishwashing detergent. The chalk will absorb the grease and the stain will come off more easily. But it must be fresh, with the old, such a trick will not work.
2. Save silver
It is not worth cleaning cutlery or silver jewelry with chalk: it will leave scratches invisible to the eye on the metal surface, due to which the product will fade and deteriorate over time. But chalk is quite capable of protecting silver from darkening. You just need to put the block in the jewelry box or the box where the silverware is kept. Chalk will absorb excess moisture, which causes the silver to darken, writes
3. Eliminate unpleasant odor
When the house is damp, the closet inevitably begins to smell musty and moldy. Everything that we put away for seasonal storage – bags, shoes, also takes on this unpleasant aroma. But if you put a few pieces of chalk in a closet, bag or shoes, it will absorb excess water, and with it the unpleasant smell will go away. By the way, chalk also successfully absorbs mold spores. So stock up on a couple of boxes of this miracle remedy for the winter.
4. Clean off the rust
Scissors, knives, tools – they all tend to rust. If you put chalk in the toolbox, oxidation will go much slower. And if you rub a rusty surface with a block, the red marks will come off it, as if they did not exist. By the way, if you rub the tip of a screwdriver with chalk, it will not slip when trying to tighten the bolt.
5. Protect from pests
If you are still annoyed by gnats or ants, chalk will help. Ants are afraid of chalk, so it can be used as a repellent. You need to draw lines where ants crawl into the house: on the windows, at the doorstep, on the ventilation holes. And no living creatures will crawl to you anymore.
6. Bleach yellowed fabric
School or office shirts, T-shirts, even white sneakers – all this tends to turn yellow over time, despite the cool powders and all kinds of bleaches. Even the worst stains can be removed by chalking and leaving for 10 minutes before washing as usual. And if you rub your clothes with chalk before each wash, you will notice that things are getting whiter each time.
7. Cover up scratches on the walls
Children and animals are the main destructive factors in the apartment. Scratched walls become the prose of life. If you don’t have wallpaper on your walls, but paint, scratches can be dealt with by simply rubbing them with a matching chalk color. Rub, shake off excess chalk – and the scratch will be much less noticeable.
8. Whiten your nails
Yes, chalk has also been used in the beauty industry. To get rid of darkening – after peeling potatoes, for example, or other homework, rub the chalk with a soft brush, and then go over your nails with it. Dirt and darkening will instantly disappear and your nails will shine brighter. But do not chalk your nails, as you will only damage them.