8 elements that cannot be left aside when undertaking in hospitality

8 elements that cannot be left aside when undertaking in hospitality

Having adequate software is always of great help in the management within a bar, restaurant or cafeteria

Of Czech origin, Storyous is a unique software and POS system that facilitates the operation of gastronomic establishments, in addition to improving the relationship between merchants and their customers.

The system generates valuable statistics and simplifies storage management, as well as offering a tool to effectively control a restaurant or cafeteria. Thus, with Storyous, the owners of these types of establishments can offer a better service to their customers and follow, in real time and with a simple click, which products are the most sold, what stocks are running low or what type of meals provide you with greater profitability.

Creating a hotel business from scratch is not easy at all and with an adequate information management and control system, the daily process work is more bearable, but now let’s see what we need to take into account before starting to “work”:

  1. Preparation of a business plan: structuring the ideas in your head is essential. Sometimes, for this, it will be necessary to seek advice through professionals in auditing, consulting and hotel management, so one of the first steps will be to assess the investment that these will entail. This study will help to have a clear idea of ​​the business possibilities, strengths and weaknesses. A good business plan allows the accounts to be clearer and more orderly and even to look for investors to finance part of the project.
  2. Market: It is essential to do a thorough study of potential customers and competitors to anticipate everything that may come next. Knowing the target audience, knowing which market niche is best based on the project idea, analyzing how they do it in other similar businesses and being aware of the latest developments in the sector will help clear up many unknowns and advance the business plan.
  3. Choice of location: critical point when running a hospitality business. Here it will be necessary to analyze which area is best, what type of public is in that area and if the project really fits that area, without forgetting to correctly analyze the number of similar premises, what they offer and how the business is doing. “It is advisable to opt for a business that offers something different from what is around, bring something new to the neighborhood and that stands out from its opening.” Jana adds.
  4. Choice of location: After choosing the area, it will be necessary to identify the type of premises and the availability in the area. This is often complicated given that the supply of suitable premises for restaurants may be scarce or have very high prices.
  5. Economic analysis: Once everything related to the premises has been analyzed, it will be imperative to make an analysis of how much money is available and the expenses that are going to be counted on. Here you have to take into account both your own resources and those that may come from grants, aid or loans. It will also be necessary to analyze the expenses such as machinery, facilities, furniture, salaries, taxes, licenses, computing, advertising … Without forgetting to make an estimate of the variable cost of raw materials with which you are going to work, bank and commercial commissions that will go happening as the premises begin to operate.
  6. Commercial and marketing strategy: You have to define what will be offered to the customer, the dishes that will stand out or the drinks that will be counted on. The quality of the raw material is another of the key points, as it will help to identify the price margin and target audience. Choose the most convenient suppliers taking into account costs, delivery time, presentation and of course quality. The marketing and communication strategy and the costs that they will entail must also be taken into account: social networks, advertising inserts, brochures …
  7. Human Resources: An analysis must be made of the number of people on the workforce, schedules, shift rotation and rest of workers, as well as the conditions that are going to be offered to them. This is one of the most complicated points since it is difficult to find qualified personnel with the intention of establishing themselves in the position.
  8. Licenses: The process of obtaining all licenses and permits to open a hospitality business is long, tedious and complicated. There is a lot of paperwork to fill out before opening a store, with various procedures to do with the City Council, the Community and other institutions. It is important to inform yourself and know in advance everything that will be needed to start the procedures.

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