8 Effective Ways to Raise a Leader

We dream that children become leaders, courageous and passionate, and inspire others. How to achieve this? How do you develop the skills they need in a highly competitive world?

1. Build emotional intelligence

It is he who helps us manage our behavior, overcome difficulties in communication and make the right decisions. All this children learn from us. They are particularly sensitive to how we express strong emotions and how we respond to their feelings.

TalentSmart tested more than 1 million people and found that 58% of leadership is dependent on emotional intelligence. Moreover, it is highly developed in 90% of effective leaders, which means that a child with developed emotional intelligence is more likely to become a leader.

2. Don’t Focus on Achievements

Parents pay too much attention to results because they believe that this is the only way children learn to succeed. But focusing on personal achievement gives kids the wrong idea about work. They think that the success and rewards of the leader are only his merit. In fact, the best leaders surround themselves with professionals because they know they can’t do it alone.

3. Do not overpraise the child

Praise is essential for developing healthy self-esteem. However, if you overdo it, it will not do him any good. If you praise children every time they hit a ball or draw a line on paper, they will develop false confidence. Commendation for effort and dedication.

4. Allow children to take risks and fail

Success in business and in life in general is associated with risk. If you keep protecting your kids all the time, not letting them experience the bitterness of defeat, they won’t understand what real risk is. And if you support their attempts, they will be able to make mistakes and understand what they are doing right and what is not.

5. Say “no”

If you indulge any desires of the child, there is little chance that he will become a leader. He must learn to set goals, overcome difficulties and experience the joy of achievement. Hearing “no”, of course, he will be a little upset, but he will quickly cope with feelings. But if you spoil him, he will have a hard time in life.

6. Let kids work through problems on their own

Leaders are self-sufficient, take responsibility and act. Let the kids learn this. If you solve all the problems for them, they will never stand firmly on their feet and learn to think critically.

7. Keep your word

Leaders are open and accommodating. They are not perfect, but they are respected because they keep their word. Children can learn this only if they see a worthy role model nearby – you.

8. Be human

Children may not obey and argue with you, but you are still their hero and role model for the time being. Do not try to look perfect in their eyes and hide mistakes. If you seem infallible, the child will feel guilty about failure. He seems to be the only one who makes mistakes. It is important that children see you as living people who make mistakes and who can be hurt. Only in this way will they learn to deal with mistakes and learn from them.

About the Developer

Travis Bradberry – psychologist, co-author of the book “Emotional Intelligence 2.0”, one of the founders of TalentSmart.

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