8 diseases for which there is still no cure

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Modern medicine is developing at a surprising pace. Despite this, there are still many diseases, mostly viral ones, that we cannot cure. Some of them are fatal. See what diseases you need to be especially careful about, because if you get sick with them, there will be no help.

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1/ 8 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

It is a neurological disease that is believed to be caused by prions, infectious proteins with an unnatural conformation. It manifests itself as dementia and involuntary muscle contractions, and sometimes with weakness and sleep disturbance. The patient usually dies within the first year of illness as a result of progressive neurological deficit. There is no cure for this disease, and no immunization to protect against infection. photo: Shutterstock

2/8 Ebola

Ebola attacks violently. It is manifested by fever, muscle relaxation, extensive internal and external hemorrhages. Death is a consequence of losing a large amount of blood. The death rate of this virus reaches up to 90 percent. Ebola occurs sporadically in Africa. There is no effective drug or vaccine to combat this virus. photo: Shutterstock


AIDS, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is the result of infection with HIV. This virus destroys T lymphocytes, i.e. it deprives our body of immunity. At the moment, there are many drugs available on the market that extend the life of people suffering from AIDS, but there is still no effective drug to combat this disease. In recent months, information has spread around the world about the first person cured of the virus. We are talking about Timothy Ray Brownie who recovered from a bone marrow transplant. This is the only case of recovery of an AIDS patient. It should be added, however, that this method cannot be applied on a mass scale, due to the difficulties in selecting a tissue compatible donor, which would additionally have the HIV resistance gene. photo: Shutterstock

4/ 8 Heine-Medin disease

Heine-Medin disease, otherwise known as polio, is a viral inflammation of the anterior horns of the spinal cord. It causes limb paralysis and sometimes meningitis. There are effective vaccinations for the disease (one of them is oral), but there are still vaccinations in South America, Africa and Asia. There is no cure for this disease. photo: Shutterstock

5/ 8 Rabies

Rabies is caused by Rabies virus. Infection occurs through the contact of an open wound with secretions from an infected animal (usually saliva). In the initial stage of the disease, general symptoms appear: fever, headaches, fatigue. Drooling, photophobia, hydrophobia and severe vomiting appear in the later stages of the disease. Death occurs approximately one week after the onset of symptoms. Effective treatments for rabies have not been developed. When symptoms appear, there is no salvation. However, it is possible to administer antitoxin and a series of vaccinations immediately after exposure to the virus, before infection develops. photo: Shutterstock

6/ 8 Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease in which the functioning of the exocrine glands is disturbed. As a result of this disease, thick mucus appears in the organs. The lungs are most clearly affected, resulting in chronic bronchopulmonary disease. Cystic fibrosis can only be treated symptomatically, which mainly boils down to antibiotic therapy, inhalation, physical therapy and oxygen therapy. People affected by this disease usually live in Poland for twenty or several years. photo: Shutterstock

7/ 8 Lupus erythematosus

This ailment belongs to autoimmune diseases, i.e. those in which the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body. It is still not clear what causes this condition. Lupus can affect various organs of the body (including, for example, the skin). Its symptoms can be alleviated by the use of steroids. No effective drug has been found to cure this disease completely. photo: Shutterstock

8/8 Asthma

Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways that is chronic in nature. It develops as a result of bronchial hyperresponsiveness, that is, a tendency to bronchospasm due to stimuli that do not normally cause such a reaction. The patient has frequent attacks of breathlessness, a sharp cough and characteristic wheezing. Asthma can only be treated symptomatically. photo: Shutterstock

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