8 decency rules that many parents forget

8 decency rules that many parents forget

Parenting today is not at all what it was in our childhood, and even more so in the childhood of our grandparents. The eternal control of the child and the nervousness of the parents, spoiledness, fascination with gadgets and many other characteristic features have appeared in modern childhood.

But even in these volatile times, some things remain the same. Learning to teach your child courtesy lessons will never go out of style, no matter what type of parent you are.

Here are some important rules of etiquette to teach your child.

Many children tense up when someone greets them. Maybe he’s just shy. However, it is important to teach the child that it is customary for educated people to greet each other. That would be polite if he answered with a greeting. There are many options: good afternoon, hello, hello, good morning, etc. And do not forget to explain to your child which greeting to use for whom.

How to give and receive compliments

It is common for an adult to respond to a “thank you” compliment, but not for a child. And giving someone a compliment in general can be a difficult test. The easiest way to help a child is through practice. Give your little one compliments and teach them how to respond to them.

While some children have fun chatting with everyone and everyone, others freeze at the simple question “How are you?” or, with a shrug, they quickly answer: “Good.” Role-playing will set the stage for constructive conversation in the future. Play scenes and practice different scenarios in them in such casual conversations.

How to wait for your turn

Patience is a very important and necessary quality, but today many children want something immediately (or even better yesterday). Here parents will have to try and teach the kid the rule of waiting, letting others go ahead, sharing, standing in line and not swearing when the ice cream runs out for you.

Most kids today can easily pick up your phone, unlock it, take a video, buy a new app, like something on Facebook. But can they pick up the phone and answer politely? Can they say: “Hello, says such and such”? Can they answer: “Yes, please wait a minute”? In most cases, no. But they know how to take 25 selfies of their noses or whatever. Think about it!

How to say thank you and please

“Give me, I want to play!” – this is how a conversation between two peers can begin, which will end in resentment and tears. “Magic words” have not been canceled, and you can teach how to use them only by showing respect for your own child. It is not at all ashamed to add “please” when you ask your little one for something, and then thank him. Remember that we and only we – parents – are a model of behavior for your child!

How to start and end meals

It doesn’t matter if you eat at home, with friends or in a restaurant, it is important to teach your child to follow the rules of behavior at the table. Your fidget doesn’t need to know how to use a knife and fork or what spoon is needed for dessert yet. But waiting for everyone to sit at the table, not leaving your seat until the others have finished, thanking and helping to clean up the plates is something that should be practiced every day, first at your family, and then at a party.

It is important that the child learns, when leaving, to say goodbye and to thank for the hospitality in case he was a guest. Leaving without saying goodbye is a bad form, which the child, obviously, will not learn about without the advice of adults.

Patience, courtesy, respect, and empathy are the four most important keys to good behavior that we often overlook when teaching children. Although it often takes quite a bit of practice to consolidate this important knowledge for future generations. And, of course, you should always start with yourself!

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