8 best tile grout manufacturers

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The finishing operation when installing a tiled finish is to fill the seams and voids. A grout or fugue was created especially for this. The composition fills the empty space between the tiles, giving the coating a finished appearance and increasing the strength of the cladding. Today, all well-known world brands have joined the battle for the Russian market. Many of them have built factories in our country, where they have established the production of quality products at an affordable price. When choosing a tile grout, our experts recommend paying attention to several points.

Recommendations for choosing grout for tiles

Appointment. The search for inter-tile composition should begin with the scope.

  1. If you want to finish the tiles in the bathroom, then the water resistance of the composition comes to the fore. In addition, the recipe should contain antiseptic and antibacterial additives that will prevent the development of microorganisms in the grout.

  2. In a kitchen where there is often food next to the tiles, it is better to fill the joints with eco-friendly grout. At the same time, the composition must be waterproof, resistant to chemical compounds and household detergents.

  3. A special fugue is required for the design of tiled surfaces based on natural stone or marble. Not all manufacturers can boast of having highly specialized products in the catalog.

Base. There are three types of grout on the market today.

  1. Cement compositions are the simplest and most affordable. They are available in powder form, which is diluted with water before application.

  2. Epoxy grouts are a two-component composition. Before starting work, the resin is thoroughly mixed with the hardener. This fugue is highly durable and moisture resistant.

  3. The most modern product for filling joints is polyurethane grout. It successfully combines water resistance and inertness to chemical compounds.

Seam width. When choosing a grout, it is important to measure the width of the tile joints. The fact is that each composition has a certain limitation on this parameter.

  1. The acquisition of grout for voids 2-5 mm wide does not cause problems. Such compositions are in the catalogs of almost all players on the Russian market.

  2. Difficulties can arise when the seams are very thin (up to 2 mm) or too large (30-40 mm). In such cases, you should not save and buy universal types of fugue, but focus on finding a specialized product.

Packing. Troubles can lie in wait for a potential buyer at the last stage of selection. These are packaging options. The fact is that to fill a small area (kitchen working area), 1 kg of grout is enough. And the minimum packaging from the manufacturer can be 2 kg. In this case, not only will you have to overpay, but also throw half of the contents of the package (bucket) into the trash can.

We have selected 8 of the best tile grout manufacturers for our review. All of them actively sell their products on the Russian market. When distributing positions, the editors of the magazine simplerule relied on the opinion of the expert community, taking into account the feedback from domestic consumers.

Rating of the best tile grout manufacturers

Nomination Place Manufacturer Rating
Rating of the best tile grout manufacturers      1 Mapei      5.0
     2 Pulls Deco      4.9
     3 Ceresit      4.8
     4 Rights      4.7
     5 Gloss      4.6
     6 Blow      4.5
     7 isomat      4.4
     8 Kerakoll      4.3


Rating: 5.0

Leading our review of the best tile grout manufacturers is the famous Italian brand Mapei. The manufacturer has gained vast experience, the company was founded back in 1937. It was engaged in the production of building materials, and the first trowels were presented to the public in the 70s of the last century. To date, a network of branches of 67 plants has spread over 32 countries. Most grouts are the result of the work of Mapei chemists. Experts appreciated the DropEffect (moisture protection) and BioBlock (fungus barrier) additives. A rich color palette (about 30 colors) deserves praise.

There are a lot of positive reviews in Runet, both from tilers and from ordinary users. Some are satisfied with the ease of use, while others praise the grout for easy care.



Pulls Deco

Rating: 4.9

Another major player in the global construction market is the Vetonit Deco brand. It is owned by the French company Weber, which has been in existence for over a century. During this time, the concern has built 200 production sites in 62 countries. Moreover, three factories operate on the territory of our country, which made it possible to reduce the final cost of grouting. In the catalog you can find both traditional cement compositions and waterproof epoxy mixtures. The experts liked the chemical resistance of the dried grout and resistance to temperature extremes (-30 … + 70ºС).

Domestic users are impressed by the brand’s competent pricing policy, the unique technical characteristics of the grout, and the high quality of the compositions. Of the minuses, a limited choice of colors should be noted.




Rating: 4.8

The construction brand Ceresit is well known in the vastness of Russia. It belongs to the German concern Henkel, which was founded back in 1876. Trademark grouts are supplied to more than 100 countries around the world. The manufacturer’s catalog contains the entire range of building mixtures, but most of all the experts liked silicone-based grouts. Special praise deserves the composition of Ultra Pox, which can withstand both mechanical and chemical stress. Professionals praise joint grouts for their elasticity; the company has products in its arsenal designed to fill 40 mm wide joints.

In reviews, products under the Ceresit brand are praised for their high quality, excellent performance, and ease of use. The disadvantages include the high price.




Rating: 4.5

Grouts from the Italian company Litokol are very popular in our country. The manufacturer managed to achieve success in the Russian market due to affordable prices and European quality. There are 5 production sites in Russia, which are equipped with modern imported equipment. Experts drew attention to the full automation of production and a multi-stage control system. The Starlike brand was invented for grouting, epoxy compounds are represented by the Crystal, Defender and Epoxystuk X90 lines, and Litochrom and Litochrom Luxury are cement mixtures.

Domestic consumers are satisfied with the quality of the grout, a wide range of colors, and easy maintenance. By cons, they include a modest range of compounds for joints with a thickness of less than 3 mm.




Rating: 4.4

The Finnish company Kiilto has been operating in the building materials market for over 100 years. The range of the manufacturer includes products for both professional and domestic use. The brand is purposefully strengthening its position in our country; three modern enterprises have already been built in St. Petersburg, Ramenskoye and Kaluga regions. While the range of grout for tiles is not particularly impressive. In the catalog you can find Kiilto Saumalaasti cement composition (32 colors) and KIILTO Epoxy Tile Grout epoxy grout (6 colors). The experts liked the high adhesive properties of the mixtures, the absence of shrinkage and cracking.

Masters praise Finnish grout for long-term preservation of plasticity (up to 3 hours), which is convenient when filling tile joints over a large area. Of the minuses, the high price stands out.




Rating: 4.3

The oldest manufacturer of building materials on the European continent is the German company Sopro (1864). The brand became famous for supplying cement to the United States during the construction of the Statue of Liberty. Today, the manufacturer has focused on ready-made solutions that will simplify the task of finishing a bathroom or kitchen for the consumer. Grout mixtures are represented by a decorative elastic ruler DF 10 for tile joints from 1 to 10 mm and Saphir cement mortar (joint thickness 1-6 mm). The color range is quite wide, it is allowed to add silver or gold sparkles.

Domestic consumers liked the well-established feedback, high quality materials, durability. The disadvantages they include inconvenient packaging (2 or 2,5 kg each).




Rating: 4.2

The leading position in the market of South-Eastern Europe is occupied by the Greek brand Isomat. It was formed not so long ago (1980), but has already managed to put into operation branches in neighboring countries (Turkey, Bulgaria), as well as in Russia. Experts appreciated the release of rare types of trowels. An example is Epoxy Glitter, a three-component composition that stands out for its exceptional water resistance and inertness to chemical compounds. Marble grout, designed for decorating marble tiles, stands apart. The manufacturer also has products for everyday life, such as the Multifill, Smalto and Marble collections.

Russian users speak flatteringly about the variety of grouts, the uniqueness of some compositions and color stability. The disadvantages include high material consumption.




Rating: 4.1

Kerakoll is the leading environmental manufacturer of grouts. It was founded by Romano Sgedoni in a garage (1968), where he started the production of tile adhesive. Experts noticed a serious attitude towards green technologies in 2000, when investments in them increased from 15 to 50% and environmentally friendly components began to displace chemicals. Within 10 years, the assortment included more than 1700 environmentally friendly building materials. Cement (Fugabella Eco Porcelana) and epoxy (Fugalite Eco) lines with a rich variety of colors and shades are available to the Russian consumer. The brand closes the review of the best manufacturers of tile grout.

In Runet, Kerakoll grout is associated with the standard of safety and environmental friendliness. Only a high price can stop a potential buyer.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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