8 best remedies for worms

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The appearance of this material carries with it, first of all, an educational meaning. Treatment of helminthic invasions in our country, alas, does not begin with a doctor’s appointment, an infectious disease specialist-helminthologist, or even a therapist. Even in large cities, sometimes there is simply no such profession as medical parasitology, not to mention regional centers. A “holy place” is never empty. Therefore, in the treatment of diseases caused by parasites, traditional medicine and medical commerce have launched their hands so widely that from the point of view of the layman there is no need to be examined, tested, diagnosed accurately and used drugs for worms with proven effectiveness. Helps everyone and “folk medicine”. What’s wrong with that? And the fact that it is considered so is a serious step back in its development.

Many of us have visited various sites that are full of ads and spells that have nothing to do with the truth. And if we see the headline from “getting rid of all parasites in one go”, then we need to think about whether we should once again tempt fate and endanger our own health? If you are sworn in that “all worms will go away overnight after a single spoon”, and this “folk panacea” costs five times more than a real medicine, then you should turn around and leave this resource.

Why is this so? if only because there are relatively few anti-worm drugs worldwide for the treatment of helminthiasis, or helminthic infestations caused by round, flat, and tapeworms. It is these parasites that are colloquially called worms. Of course, there are other parasitic infestations in which the worms are not to blame. They are caused by protozoa, mites, and even insects. Scabies is an example of tick parasitism, and an example of unicellular protozoa that cause corresponding invasions can be called dysentery amoeba, malarial plasmodium, or the causative agent of balantidiasis. But we will talk directly about remedies that really help with helminthic invasions, which owe their existence to various parasitic worms. In the first place in the number of cases of self-infection are pinworms. This disease is enterobiosis, and you can pick up this unpleasant disease even in an organized children’s team, especially if the sanitary condition is poorly monitored there. Pinworms have an unpleasant feature, a person is both the final and intermediate host, and, moreover, the same child or adult who constantly becomes infected from himself.

In endemic areas, for example, in the vast area of ​​​​Western Siberia, where rivers carry a huge amount of water to the Arctic Ocean, the causative agent of opisthorchiasis, or cat fluke, is very common among freshwater fish, and especially the carp family. This disease is very insidious, and having eaten at least once an infected fish, a person becomes a carrier as the final host of flatworms that are not in the intestines, but in the hepatic ducts. After one – only eating poorly cooked or poorly fried fish, a person can get a parasite for a period that exceeds 25 years (!). This is precisely the duration of life in the ducts of the liver of a feline fluke protected from adverse environmental factors.

And it’s not even about the symptoms of intoxication that this worm causes, like an ordinary parasite. It has long been proven that opisthorchiasis, or Vinogradov’s disease, with a long course, can contribute to the disease of people with such a malignant neoplasm as hepatocellular carcinoma, or liver cancer. Thus, worms not only steal our food resources in the intestines, but sometimes literally suck our blood, like, for example, hookworms. They can have a certain degree of oncogenicity, and with prolonged parasitism, if not directly cause, then with their aggression and exposure to antigens, pave the way for malignant neoplasms, or for the malignancy of relatively harmless tumors, especially the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, in this review we will talk about really effective medicines for worms, but first we will explain a little how folk remedies, the action of which is based on vague and empirical, healer principles, are inferior to drugs created with the participation of pharmaceutical science.

Are folk remedies better than pills? No, worse!

First of all, it should immediately be said about a variety of folk remedies, information about which literally does not leave the aggressive sites of Runet, and, most unpleasantly, tries to discredit really effective drugs for worms. Here is an example of such a pseudo-argument, which says that:

  1. folk remedies have “obvious advantages over drugs”;

  2. the correct dosage of a folk remedy for worms is safe, and since these are “herbs”, there are no side effects, just as there are practically no contraindications;

  3. along with the main action, all kinds of decoctions, collections and infusions strengthen the immune system, and, in addition to the main and expected effect, they show a general healing effect.

The whole argumentation here is turned upside down, it is absolutely mediocre, not corresponding to the truth, and there is only one goal here: to “push” the visitor to dietary supplements, which are sometimes even registered as cosmetics.

A knowledgeable specialist, or just a thinking person, will not leave stone unturned from these arguments. If you open any reference book on medicinal raw materials, or on herbal medicine, then, unlike general pharmacology, even scrolling through it at a speed of 100 pages per second, you will not see a single formula there. There will be no data on maintenance doses, on the effect of passing it through the system of microsomal liver enzymes on the phytopreparation, or on drug monitoring. There will be no data on receptors, but on drug antagonism, cumulation, or accumulation of a herbal or folk remedy in the body.

In the case of traditional medicines, such terms as synergy and antagonism are unlikely to be used, and only because, unlike tablets, medicinal raw materials are extremely diverse and cannot be standardized. Collected by the same person, at the same time, and the same medicinal material may contain a very different amount of active elements, and this cannot allow a normal, effective dose to be given in advance.

For plant materials, it may well be unknown, since more than one chemical substance is given, the formula of which is known. Any decoction or infusion may contain several tens or even hundreds of compounds that have not been fully studied, and may not even be discovered. In addition, taking a herbal remedy for worms may have a very small therapeutic latitude, and the minimum effective dose may be close to the toxic dose, as for example, for henbane, or for cardiac glycosides.

Yes, traditional medicine and herbal medicine were a necessary precursor to modern pharmacology and the pharmaceutical industry. But its time as the main remedy has passed. And if it is necessary to take a substance with proven efficacy, prescribed dose, knowledge of side effects, including dose-dependent ones, we are forced to admit that traditional medicine in general, and herbal medicine in particular, is ineffective and unpredictable.

Therefore, in such a difficult matter as the treatment of known helminthiases, one should not use unknown folk recipes, but turn to those remedies that really help.

But before giving a small list of effective and internationally recognized medicines for round, flat and tapeworms with a known mechanism of action and exact dosages, let us remind the reader what symptom complex and what complaints, as well as what test results can indicate infection with helminths. When such symptoms appear, you should not run to the site of a “popular, innovative, harmless, space” and so on remedy for worms, but visit an infectious disease specialist, or at least a therapist first.

Clinical picture of helminthiases and test results

The typical course of enterobiasis is very typical for the clinic of helminthiases. Pinworms do not cause any severe and acute pain in the abdomen, and in adults the disease is most often asymptomatic. Indeed, in an adult, the immune defense is mature, and pinworms are still not as dangerous as some other types of helminths, such as echinococcus, and especially alveococcus. And yet, for children with a weakened immune system, pinworms are dangerous, causing an allergic-toxic clinical picture, which consists of the following symptoms and signs:

  1. more often a child, and sometimes an adult, is concerned about discomfort in the abdomen, near the navel, and weak, wandering, mild pains in the abdomen;

  2. there is an alternation of diarrhea, constipation and bloating – signs of intestinal dyspepsia associated with secondary dysbacteriosis and the presence of antigens and toxins;

  3. disturbing symptoms of gastric dyspepsia. This is nausea and lack of appetite, belching and nausea, most often these signs are observed in a child in the morning;

  4. long-term enterobiosis causes increased fatigue and irritability. The child becomes whiny, because of the pronounced itching in the anus, he does not sleep well;

  5. bruxism can be considered a sign of helminthiasis. This is the name of the grinding of teeth in a dream, which occurs not only in a child, but also in adults, and is clearly audible at a distance;

  6. not only can pinworms crawl out of the anus onto the skin to lay eggs there, but also migrate farther from the anus. Therefore, they can crawl into the genital tract in girls and cause nonspecific microbial vulvovaginitis there, and if there are infections such as pyelonephritis or cystitis, then they are prone to periodic exacerbation against the background of enterobiasis;

  7. a long course of enterobiasis leads to a lag in physical development, the child loses weight;

  8. in the study of a general blood test, a characteristic symptom of helminthiases is an increase in the number of eosinophils over 5% when calculating the leukoformula.

In general, any eosinophilia against the background of asthenia, poor appetite, pruritus, urticaria, bronchospasm or allergic bronchitis, both in adults and in children, is always suspicious for helminthic invasion and parasitosis.

Of all this set of numerous symptoms and signs, one of the main ones that directly indicates pinworm infestation is severe itching in the anus at night. Why do pinworms lay their eggs not in the intestines, but outside? Yes, simply because the developing larvae need oxygen from the air. Within a few hours, by morning, the eggs are ripe, and after the larvae hatch, potential infection is possible. If the pinworms did not cause severe itching, then the child would not have insomnia, irritability and tearfulness.

But the harm of skin itching is not only this. This is the most important factor in self-infection through the mouth and getting into other people, when the eggs of pinworms, capable of development, fall under the nails, and then into the mouth. In addition, a child with chronic microbial lesions of the skin, with impetigo, with streptoderma, can also bring in a secondary microbial infection when scratching.

Other helminthiases also have their own specific signs, but, unfortunately, they are most pronounced in rare invasions, and in modern large cities the presence of “worms” occurs with just such an erased clinical picture.

Diagnosis of helminthiases: what will the blood show?

Diagnosis of helminthiases is not always simple, but in the case of pinworms, it is simple and very reliable. Unlike opisthorchis, there are always a lot of pinworms, and they obligingly lay their eggs not inside, but outside. With opisthorchiasis, sometimes fecal analyzes are completely uninformative, it is necessary to repeatedly analyze the duodenal contents and probe, which, of course, exhausts the patient.

In order to diagnose enterobiasis, expensive blood tests are not needed at all, and no special financial costs are required. It is necessary to do a scraping from the perianal folds, and you should not wash yourself before the scraping, and you should not wash the child so as not to wash off these eggs. This scraping can be modified, and such an analysis is called the imprint of perianal folds on adhesive tape, this is the usual medical hypoallergenic tape.

It is relatively useless to look for pinworm eggs in the feces, so you can donate feces during other invasions, for example, when a bovine or pork tapeworm, or a wide tapeworm, parasitizes in the human intestine. Popular study on “blood”

What should you know about the diagnosis of helminthiases in the blood? There are more questions than answers here. Unlike microorganisms, whose cells are destroyed in abundance, and hereditary material (DNA, or RNA and DNA in viruses, which are non-cellular life forms) comes out, here we have PCR, real-time polymerase chain reaction. This analysis qualitatively, and sometimes quantitatively, can give an answer whether the genetic information of a given pathogen, microorganism or virus is present in the body, and a person can already be recognized as either a carrier of an infection or a patient.

With regard to helminths, or parasitic worms, the situation is fundamentally different. These are multicellular organisms, and their hereditary information does not get into the external environment before their death, and, moreover, into the blood. And if the worms are in the intestines, then they are safely digested after death, and doing PCR, not only by blood, but even by feces, is useless. As for antibodies, this method cannot be both highly sensitive and specific. Therefore, when diagnosing, for example, opisthorchiasis using ELISA, there can be a large number of errors, for example, in the presence of autoimmune pathology, rheumatoid arthritis, circulating immune complexes, the presence of other helminthic invasions, and so on.

Therefore, the ideal method in any case would be the isolation of eggs of parasites, in the case when a person is the definitive host. There are well-designed parasitological atlases and determinants that, using one egg or segment, allow you to accurately diagnose, and even determine the subspecies of the pathogen, but this requires an appropriate highly qualified laboratory assistant, and the presence of a laboratory where such studies are performed.

In the case of extraintestinal helminthiases, special methods are needed. So, in Siberia, trichinosis occurs, when, after eating raw bear stroganina, edema occurs, and encapsulated Trichinella larvae appear in large numbers in the muscles. Therefore, this disease is called puffiness. This requires a biopsy and microscopy of muscle tissue. In case of infection with cysticercosis, or the larval stage of the porcine tapeworm, with helminthic invasion by echinococcus or alveococcus (the most severe and inexorable helminthiasis in the world), appropriate diagnosis is necessary. MRI, setting appropriate samples – the reaction of labeled antibodies with a special diagnosticum, a biopsy of the affected organ allows you to make a final diagnosis.

Rating of the best medicinal and folk remedies for helminthic invasions

Nomination Place Name Price
Rating of the best medicinal and folk remedies for helminthic invasions       1 Praziquantel (Biltricid, Chloxil)      470 ₽
     2 Mebendazole (Vermox, Wormin, Helmindazole)      89 ₽
     3 Pyrantel (Helmintox)      73 ₽
     4 Levamisole (Decaris)      71 ₽
     5 Piperazine      14 ₽
     6 Pumpkin seeds, or traditional medicine      715 r/kg


According to our rules, in this section we will analyze those few drugs for worms recognized by official helminthology and parasitology, which have a high, proven effectiveness in case of infection with tapeworms, flatworms and roundworms, mainly of intestinal localization. However, first of all, we will talk about the most common helminthic invasions, such as pinworms, opisthorchis, and other varieties of parasites. First, the INN, or international generic name of the drug for worms, will be indicated, and then a list of the names of commercial copies, or generics, that can be seen in pharmacies. There are few medicines for helminthiases, much less than dubious “folk” remedies. This list is based on clinical and international recommendations, and is not intended to make advertising or anti-advertising to any manufacturer or remedy for worms. Only official instructions were used for each product, for each drug a price range is given that is relevant for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation for the end of winter 2020.

Praziquantel (Biltricid, Chloxil)

Rating: 4.9

And you can start a review of drugs for worms with an anthelmintic for the treatment of opisthorchiasis, as well as invasions caused by other types of flatworms. Given that this disease is very widespread not only in our country, but also in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, and a person becomes infected by eating salted or insufficiently well-processed river fish, then these worm pills are necessary and in demand.

It is all the more important that opisthorchiasis accounts for 75% of all cases of helminthiases in our country. So, according to Rospotrebnadzor, in 2010 more than 33000 cases were registered among adults, and another 5000 among children and young men. If we assume that the number of identified patients with opisthorchiasis is slightly less than the number of asymptomatic cases in which people help, this will mean that a very large number of people are affected, especially those living in the basins of the Ob, Ural, Irtysh and Volga, as well as the Northern Dvina. We can consider opisthorchiasis to a greater extent a Siberian disease, since in the lower and middle reaches of the Ob and Irtysh, the population, especially the rural population, is very widely affected.

How does Biltricide work? The cells of the body of opisthorchis become permeable to calcium, which causes an uncontrolled spasm of the entire musculature, persistent paralysis of the parasites, and its death. With the help of Biltricide, not only opisthorchiasis, but also other helminthiases caused by flatworms are actively treated. These are fascioliasis, schistosomiasis, which is widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia, infestations with pygmy, pork tapeworm, and wide tapeworm. The last worms are no longer flat, or trematodes, but tapeworms, but Biltricid is highly active against them as well.

How should Biltricide be used? It is available in tablets produced by Bayer, or in one package of 6 tablets as 600 mg each, and they can be purchased in the winter of 2020 at pharmacies in Novosibirsk, which is located in the endemic zone of opisthorchiasis, at prices ranging from 415 to 520 rubles per pack. There are no analogues and generics on sale at the moment

It is necessary to take the tablets as a whole, the multiplicity and doses depend on the diagnosis and form of the disease. So, with opisthorchiasis, a dose of 25 mg per kg of body weight is needed three times a day, from one to three days for the treatment of opisthorchiasis. For the treatment of schistosomiasis, which occurs in Thailand and affects tourists who swim in shallow freshwater bodies, a higher concentration is needed – 40 mg per kilogram of body weight, but a single dose is needed: the treatment lasts one day. The amount of medicine for worms and the duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

The drug is serious, and in more than 10% of cases, patients after taking it may experience headache, nausea and abdominal pain, heart rhythm disturbance, and urticaria. These symptoms can be caused both by the action of the worm medication itself, and are associated with the massive and rapid death of the parasites.

Therefore, usually a short course of treatment of opisthorchiasis and other trematodosis with Biltricid is carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor on duty. If the drug for worms is recommended once a day, then it is advisable to take it in the evening.

Advantages and disadvantages

The remedy is not indicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, and in case of an urgent need for the treatment of helminthiases during breastfeeding, it must be interrupted for the duration of treatment and for the next day. The medicine for worms has its own small list of contraindications. This combination with rifampicin, children under 4 years of age due to insufficient data on safety and efficacy, it is prohibited in the presence of extraintestinal teniasis, in the form of cysticercosis of the eyes, when blisters form in the tissues of the eyeballs, or finns, as inside pork meat. This occurs when the human definitive host of tapeworm self-infection occurs (when vomiting, eggs rise into the stomach, dissolve in gastric juice, and repeat their path, as inside a pig). The parasite uses a person not only as the final, but also as an intermediate host. In this case, cysticercosis of the eyes and brain proceeds as a metastatic lesion, and is difficult to treat.

But in general, praziquantel is one of the reference agents for the treatment of various forms of helminthiases associated with invasion by tapeworms and flat trematodes. Not a single folk remedy for worms, not a single dietary supplement can be compared in effectiveness with the correctly prescribed Biltricid according to indications, and under medical supervision.

Mebendazole (Vermox, Wormin, Helmindazole)

Rating: 4.8

Mebendazole is one of the main drugs for worms – from pinworms and many types of worms, it affects the metabolism of glucose in the tissues of parasites, depletes their energy supply. As a result of inhibition of the synthesis of energy substrates, the worms are immobilized and freely exit the body. In addition to pinworm infestation, this remedy is universal in helminthiases caused by roundworms and tapeworms, including some forms of echinococcosis. It is prescribed for the treatment of enterobiasis in children under 5 years old strictly by body weight: 5 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, and for children over 5 years old – 10 mg daily. It is not recommended to prescribe it to babies under two years of age. The Hungarian company Gedeon Richter is releasing mebendazole in the form of Vermox, and 6 tablets of 100 mg each will cost from 85 to 130 rubles, in February 2020 prices.

Advantages and disadvantages

This medicine for worms is not recommended for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, during breastfeeding, with ulcerative lesions of the intestine, liver failure, also rarely, but there are side effects such as hives, eczema, nausea and abdominal discomfort, dizziness. And if the medicine is used in high doses and for a very long time, for example, in severe forms of echinococcosis and alveococcosis, then alopecia occurs – hair loss. There are also symptoms of an overdose. If Vermox is prescribed to a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus who injects himself with insulin, then it must be remembered that the need for insulin while taking the drug will be slightly reduced.

Pyrantel (Helmintox)

Rating: 4.7

Pyrantel is also a modern inexpensive drug, its action is based on neuromuscular blocking of impulse transmission, subsequent paralysis of helminths, which makes it possible to expel them. At the same time, there is also no excitation of worms, their stimulation and “death creep” is not observed. Pyrantel acts both against adults and larvae, and other immature forms with nematodes, that is, with invasion by roundworms, which include pinworms. Therefore, in addition to enterobiasis, Pirantel is well treated ascariasis, and less common invasions – trichuriasis, ankylostomiasis, and so on. It is necessary to prescribe Pirantel for pinworm invasion once, at a dose of 10 mg per kilogram of body weight, for both adults and children. Pirantel is produced by various manufacturers, and its analogue Helmintox is produced in France. The cost of Pirantel is very low. 250 mg tablets, 3 pieces, produced in Poland, will not exceed 40 rubles, and a 250 ml suspension, also produced in Poland, will not cost more than 75 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pirantel, even abroad, is considered a first-line drug for the treatment of pinworm infestation. Its effectiveness is very high, from 95 to 100%, and the drug is very well tolerated. In addition to tablets, there is a suspension form that is very well received by children, because it has a pleasant peach taste. So, the kids do not have any negative emotions, the price of Pirantel, like tablets and suspensions, is very attractive with high quality, and in pharmacies it is ubiquitous.

It is very convenient to dose the suspension, since there is a measuring spoon and a special graduation scale. This allows you to choose any amount of medicine for an adult and for a child. Finally, the suspension can already be prescribed to babies from the age of six months. However, despite the good tolerability, contraindications should also be taken into account. This is severe myasthenia gravis, pregnancy, caution should be exercised in the treatment of patients with liver failure. You also need to remember that you can not prescribe a laxative to try to expel worms after taking the medicine. You can not take Pirantel and its analogues in pregnant women, and if we are talking about the treatment of a nursing mother, then for the duration of the drug, it is necessary to suspend breastfeeding. Various side effects are also possible, ranging from nausea and vomiting, to increased transaminases, dizziness, and hyperthermia.

Levamisole (Decaris)

Rating: 4.7

This drug also blocks neuromuscular transmission, and is used in various forms of nematode invasion, including enterobiasis. The drug is prescribed once, for adults – one tablet of 150 mg, and for children – according to body weight schemes. After a week, two or three, you can repeat the drug. Decaris is also inexpensive, produced in Hungary by Gedeon Richter, and the packaging costs no more than 82 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

However, do not rely on the cheapness of the remedy, all antihelminthic drugs are relatively inexpensive. The fact is that according to modern data, the effectiveness of Decaris is gradually decreasing, and unlike Pirantel, a single dose of the drug causes the elimination of parasites in only 56% of cases. Therefore, if possible, other drugs should be used. You also need to take into account side effects, for example, the incompatibility of the drug with the intake of alcoholic beverages – a teturam-like reaction occurs.


Rating: 4.6

Piperazine is an example of how a natural compound found in black pepper was isolated, purified, studied, and then chemically synthesized in its pure form, and turned from a “folk extract” into a real drug. It has been used for over 50 years in the form of piperazine adipate. It is anthelmintic not only in humans, but also used in veterinary medicine. The mechanism of action is similar to biltricide, but since we are talking about intestinal helminths, roundworms cease to actively resist peristalsis, break away from the intestinal wall, and are digested or excreted. Pirantel is used only for the treatment of such nematodes as ascariasis and enterobiasis, piperazine is ineffective against opisthorchia.

The drug is available in tablets of 200 or 500 mg, the maximum daily dose is not more than 4 grams. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor, and, for example, with enterobiasis, the duration of use is 5 days. Then, after a few days, the cycle is repeated, and this drug is very, very cheap. Domestic Piperazine can be purchased even at a price of 20 rubles. for packaging, produced by Pharmstandard.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Piperazine can be considered its cheapness, and the ability to use a lot of people, regardless of income level. But on the other hand, you need to know the pathogen very accurately, since it only affects roundworms. If there is ascariasis, then the drug can be taken only once. The disadvantages include some discomfort in the intestines, headaches, nausea. And if the patient has kidney failure, they may experience widespread muscle weakness, tremors, and changes in coordination. However, the drug is still quite safe, and in the absence of contraindications, it can be prescribed to babies, including those up to a year old, as well as to pregnant women.

Pumpkin seeds, or traditional medicine

Rating: 4.4

If you “suspect something”, and there is no desire to take official drugs, since there are no clear indications and a diagnosis, then pumpkin seeds are for you. It is also unsafe to use tinctures (wormwood, onion, horseradish, garlic, chanterelles). They contain alcohol and need to be cooked. Is there a simple, harmless and effective remedy? Yes, I have. These are pumpkin seeds that are successfully used for worms. Treatment of worms with pumpkin seeds dates back more than one hundred years, and, before the synthesis of modern anthelmintic drugs, this remedy was one of the main antiparasitic drugs.

Why do pumpkin seeds help with worms? Because they contain the amino acid cucurbitin, which has a detrimental effect on parasites. Its biological action is an antagonist of the biogenic amine of histamine, and cucurbitin is able to reduce the amount of histamine in tissues. And this compound is necessary for the vital activity of helminths, and they maintain a specific zone of reactive inflammation in the tissues around them.

It is important to know, but pumpkin seeds help with worms, but not any. For example, if you buy delicious pumpkin seed oil, the very “quintessence” of pumpkin seeds, there will be no effect, despite the fact that all the nutrients are carefully collected in the oil. Why did this happen? But because you need to know how to use pumpkin seeds from worms. Cucurbitin is not contained at all in the seeds themselves, but in a thin, translucent film – the husk that “envelops” the seed. And in the production of oil, only peeled seeds are used, which give little cake and do not clog the press.

How to take pumpkin seeds from worms correctly? To do this, you need the seeds to be unshelled, or even better, raw. There is no evidence that roasting reduces the activity of cucurbitin, but when roasted, the dried film is easily separated from the seeds, and roasted pumpkin seeds no longer have such activity against worms as raw ones.

In the event that you peel the seeds yourself, then it will be enough to consume a tablespoon of the husk per day. This will probably cause a rapid paralysis of the muscles of the worms, and they will simply leave the body. Or maybe it won’t happen. After all, we don’t know how much cucurbitin is in the husk, how the seeds were stored, whether they turned gray, and so on. In the case of a medicine, the sale itself in a pharmacy, the availability of an expiration date, the exact dosage of tablets, and the manufacturer’s guarantee that each tablet contains what we need, exists. And in the case of pumpkin seeds, we can only guess how much effective or not very cucurbitin is there.

How much should you eat pumpkin seeds for worms? Usually, 100-120 grams is enough for an adult, and a third less for children. This is the daily dose. In addition to direct ingestion in dry form, there are some other ways that increase the therapeutic effect.

But still, we said above that pumpkin seeds were one of the most highly effective preparations for worms long before modern remedies. And if you want to be treated more effectively and with high results of deworming, then in this case, you first need to:

  1. visit a general practitioner or infectious disease specialist;

  2. pass all the necessary modern tests;

  3. make an accurate diagnosis in order to “know the enemy by sight”;

  4. take sanitary measures, for example, in case of pinworm infestation – ironing with steam and boiling clothes, cut nails short, take funds to all family members together with the child;

  5. start a short course of treatment with a modern anthelmintic prescribed by your doctor.

But already as an addition to the main course of treatment, you can safely apply pumpkin seeds. Thus, the synergy of the effects of a real drug and a folk remedy can be useful.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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