8 Best Quartz Heaters

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Choosing among alternative methods of space heating, buyers often prefer quartz heaters. This type of climate equipment has an increased efficiency of 86-95% and it starts to heat the room and people immediately after being turned on. But without knowing important technical details, you can miscalculate and buy a heater that is not suitable for a particular apartment or user. Our experts have prepared a small memo on what to look for when choosing a quartz heater. We also have a review of eight models that have good performance and positive reviews. Perhaps among them you will find an option that is already acceptable to you.

How to choose a quartz heater

First, let’s remember the main criteria for choosing a quartz heater:

  1. Power and heating area. These two characteristics are inextricably linked. The calculated value is 0.1 kW per square meter. For example, for a room of 15 m², a heater with a power of 1.5 kW is needed. But this is only suitable for auxiliary heating. If there are no other sources of heat in the country house and a quartz heater is selected as the main heating, then the maximum area is displayed using the formula 0.15 kW per 1 m².

  2. Heating element type. A quartz heater can have one of two types of heating element inside. Infrared consists of a nichrome or tungsten filament enclosed in a quartz glass tube. It warms up faster, but shines brightly in the dark and dust burns on the glass surface of the heating element (because the temperature is 700 degrees). The second type is monolithic (MKTEN), where the thread is poured into a quartz slab. It is safer (temperature +80 … +120 degrees), but such models weigh more and heat up longer.

  3. The presence and principle of operation of the thermostat. The presence of a thermostat helps to automatically maintain the set temperature. The device can be mechanical or electronic. The last option is more accurate.

  4. Dimensions. The dimensions of the heater are from 38x35x10 cm to 200x20x9 cm. This affects the space occupied on the wall or floor.

  5. Weight. The weight of heating equipment varies from 1 to 13 kg, which is important for ceiling or wall mounting (for example, it will be difficult to attach a unit weighing 12 kg and measuring 45×45 cm to a plasterboard wall, since the distance between the profile in the wall is 50 cm).

Type and method of placement. Quartz heaters can be horizontal or vertical, placed on a table, floor, wall or ceiling. All this is chosen taking into account the specific place of operation (so that there is where to put it and does not interfere with the passage).

Rating of the best quartz heaters

Nomination Place Name of product Price
Rating of the best quartz heaters      1 Dance BIH-L-3.0      3 732 ₽
     2 NeoClima Shaft 3.0      3 860 ₽
     3 Ballu BIH-LM-1.5      2 190 ₽
     4 Ball BIH-LW2-1.5      1 790 ₽ 
     5 Hyundai H-HC3-10-UI998      1 005 ₽
     6 NeoClima NQH-1.2i      730 ₽ 
     7 Polaris PQSH 0208      1 000 ₽ 
     8 NeoClima NQH-05      530 ₽

The best quartz heaters

Now consider the best models selected by experts. When compiling the list, both the characteristics of the equipment and the reviews of the owners were taken into account.

Dance BIH-L-3.0

Rating: 4.9

In the first place is the BIH-L-3.0 model from the manufacturer Ballu. This is a rectangular heater with one long quartz tube, inside of which a coil is placed. The device is universal in terms of installation method and can be mounted on the ceiling, wall or stand on a tripod. But the latter will need to be purchased separately. The model has one mode of operation, controlled by a mechanical thermostat. The regulator knob is located on the side, behind the front panel. The dimensions of the heater are 94x18x9 cm, and the weight is 4.1 kg. This allows you to mount it on any type of wall partition. In the reviews, buyers are satisfied that the case temperature (except for the front panel) is not higher than 40 degrees, so the quartz device does not pose a fire hazard to wall materials.

This quartz heater is the best for rooms with an area of ​​35 m². At the same time, the device has a length of less than a meter and easily fits over the door. Power of 3 kW warms up the room in 10 minutes. The product is worth looking at for heating a large garage, office or classroom.



NeoClima Shaft 3.0

Rating: 4.8

Next, a quartz model from NeoClima with dimensions of 88x15x10 cm. The heater has a power of 2800 W and is equipped with one heating element. Since the spiral is placed in a glass tube, in the dark it glows strongly from heating, which serves as additional lighting in the room. This helps to navigate in the dark so as not to trip over furniture, but some users, judging by the reviews, interfere with sleep. The heater has a built-in thermostat. Turning on and adjustment are carried out by one wheel located on the right side of the case. The quartz device operates in one mode. Brackets for wall mounting are already included in the kit, but the heater can be attached to the ceiling or mounted on a tripod.

Our experts have singled out this quartz model as the best for spacious rooms. With its help, it will be possible to heat a small country house with an area of ​​​​up to 30 m². This is an excellent solution for space heating on a construction site or in a workshop.



Ballu BIH-LM-1.5

Rating: 4.7

Further in the review is a quartz heater with a square panel. Its distinguishing feature is compactness – the dimensions of the device are 35×46 cm with a body thickness of 8 cm. A stand with rubber tips is provided for installation on the floor. This simplifies the issue of placement and does not require complex installation. The quartz unit does not have a thermostat, but there are two toggle switches on the back wall that start heating at 30, 50 or 100% power. The maximum figure is 1500 watts. Despite its compact dimensions, the model is suitable for heating an area of ​​25 m². This is possible due to three quartz lamps located one above the other at once.

Experts liked the heater for its simplicity and reliability, which is confirmed in the reviews. There is also a handle that allows you to lift the heated device and rearrange it depending on the needs of users. We recommend taking a closer look at the product for those who work in auto repair shops or other enterprises where there is not enough main heating in cold boxes, and employees often have to change locations during the working day.



Ball BIH-LW2-1.5

Rating: 4.7

Experts gave the fourth place to the quartz heater from Ballu, presented in the BIH-LW2-1.5 series. Pay attention to the unique design of the front panel. This is a new line of Platinum, characterized by oblique metal jumpers with different directions. The product immediately stands out with its appearance against the background of competitors’ devices with a classic front grille. The power of the heater is 1500 watts. Two quartz lamps are placed inside the case, so it is suitable for an area of ​​25 m². The dimensions of the unit are 55x13x12 cm and it weighs only 1.6 kg. For installation, a ready-made wall mount is already provided. The mounting height is allowed from 1.8 to 2.5 m. The heater can be started at full power or only half, which is controlled by toggle switches on the side.

According to the editors of the magazine, a quartz heater is the best for use on terraces, spacious gazebos or outdoor cafes. This is facilitated by a sealed housing with a waterproof rating of IP24, which is not afraid of direct and oblique rain. The quartz model also includes a bracket with the ability to change the angle of the heater. A step of 15 degrees allows you to direct the heating unit to users, depending on their number and location.



Hyundai H-HC3-10-UI998

Rating: 4.5

South Korean manufacturer Hyundai offers a quartz model H-HC3-10-UI998, which is endowed with a power of 1000 watts. This ensures economical energy consumption and heating of an area up to 10 square meters. m. On the case there is a round toggle switch, the position of which allows the heater to operate with a power of 330, 660 or 1000 watts. Users in the reviews like that it is placed on the front panel and is easily accessible for switching. The rated current of 4.5 A will not overheat a household outlet. Heating is carried out by three quartz lamps located one above the other. The curved shape of the reflector behind them promotes even heat dissipation from floor to ceiling in the room.

Our experts considered the product to be the best for use in an office where the main heating capacity is insufficient in winter. The quartz apparatus has a strict ultra-thin design that will perfectly fit into the business style of the room design. Adjustable support allows you to set the angle of the heater depending on the needs of the user. It is convenient to place such a fireplace under a table or on the side of a chair so as not to freeze during sedentary work.



NeoClima NQH-1.2i

Rating: 4.5

And here is another quartz heater from the Greek brand NeoClima. The device is endowed with a power of 1200 W and two modes of operation for 0.6 and 1.2 kW. The front panel has a light indicator that indicates the presence of power. The heater involves wall installation, but the relatively small dimensions of 57x16x13 cm allow it to be placed on the floor by attaching it to a small tripod. Owners in the reviews report that with a floor or desktop installation, you should not worry about safety – when it rolls over, the quartz device turns off automatically. A wide heating angle of 120 degrees allows you to cover the entire room with an area of ​​12 m² and not change the position of the device.

According to experts, this quartz-type heater is the best for a small workshop or garage where work is actively underway and accidental flying of parts is possible. The front panel of the device has thicker metal bridges than competitors, so flying off bolts or nuts will not be able to break a quartz lamp, the cost of which is 50% of the price of the goods.



Polaris PQSH 0208

Rating: 4.4

This is a heater with two quartz lamps that are capable of operating with a power of 400 (one coil is on) or 800 W (both tubes are on), which is determined by the positions of the toggle switches on the front panel. The model can be placed on the floor or table. To carry it, a handle is provided at the back. The manufacturer endowed the quartz device with two types of protection – when capsizing or overheating, the contact plate opens inside and power is not supplied to the heating elements. The electrical circuit is restored when the heater returns to the vertical position or cools down. Users in the reviews report that the quartz fireplace really does not dry the air and does not start the circulation of air masses around the room, driving dust. It silently produces heat by heating surfaces. The effect of turning on is felt instantly.

The main advantage of this heater is its price, combined with functionality and quality. Two modes of operation, high-quality assembly, several types of protection, and all this for about 1000 rubles.



NeoClima NQH-05

Rating: 4.3

The NQH-05 quartz heater completes the review. The desktop model has a vertical body with a stable base and two lamps inside. The upper handle allows you to take the device for rearrangement without having to turn off the device and wait for it to cool down. Inside the front panel there are two reflectors, one of which directs infrared rays upwards, and the other downwards, carrying out uniform heating of the room. The device has a power of 800 W with the possibility of adjustment in three versions. It is suitable for heating an area up to 10 m². Dimensions 38x27x16 cm allow you to install it both on the floor and on the table. The device weighs only 1 kg. Quartz heating elements are protected by a fine steel mesh, so they cannot be touched by fingers or damaged by hard objects. Owners in the reviews are satisfied with the quiet operation of the fireplace and fast heating.

We considered the quartz device to be the best in terms of reliability. This is a very simple mechanical model in which there is practically nothing to break. The heater is great for frequent transportation, for example, to the country house or to a forest house rented for the weekend.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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