8 Best Lice Shampoos
Pediculosis is an unpleasant and very delicate problem. Fortunately, now it is not at all necessary to cut your hair or wash your hair with kerosene to get rid of lice. Special shampoos will help to cure pediculosis and save the hair

Pediculosis is a disease of the skin and hair caused by parasites – head, body or pubic lice.1. Lice feed on human blood and lay eggs (nits), attaching them to the hair or folds of clothing. On average, a louse lives for about a month, but from the 6th day of life it begins to lay eggs, which turn into a full-fledged individual in a week.1.

Head lice are transmitted by direct contact from person to person. Body lice and pubic lice can also be transmitted through household items, bedding or clothing.2. Contrary to popular belief, head lice has nothing to do with personal hygiene. Lice live in both dirty and clean hair.2. Не пугают их окрашенные или короткие волосы, не предпочитают они и определенную группу крови. Также нельзя заразиться вшами от животных, так как человеческие вши на животных не живут2.

The most common symptoms of pediculosis are:

  • itching of the skin at the site of a louse bite;
  • scratches on the skin;
  • the presence of nits (lice eggs) in the hair;
  • the appearance of grayish-blue spots on the skin1.

It can take several weeks from infection with head lice to the onset of symptoms. The disease is often widespread, especially in crowded communities (kindergartens, schools, camps, military groups, etc.)2.

Today, there are many effective remedies for the treatment of pediculosis: shampoos, creams, ointments, sprays, solutions. Shampoos are perhaps the easiest way to deal with head lice.

Рейтинг топ-8 недорогих и эффективных шампуней от вшей по версии КП

Using lice shampoo is easy and simple. It is enough just to wash your hair with the product, which is familiar and does not take much time. Many shampoos have a combined effect – they kill both lice and nits, so only a single application may be required. It is worth remembering that almost all lice shampoos cannot be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children. In addition, parasites can become addictive to many shampoos.

What shampoos are better and more effective? We offer you a rating of inexpensive and effective lice shampoos according to KP.

1. Paranit

Shampoo from the Belgian manufacturer Paranit contains clearol at its core. This white mineral oil coats parasites and makes them unable to breathe. The shampoo does not contain insecticides, so the lice do not develop immunity to the drug. Paranit is highly effective, so re-treatment is only recommended for very thick or long hair. In addition, you need to apply shampoo to your hair for a very short time – only 10 minutes.

Contraindications are the same as for other shampoos – pregnancy, lactation, children under 3 years of age, diseases of the scalp.

Application: apply to dry hair, thoroughly rubbing into the scalp and all hair strands. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Comb out hair thoroughly with a fine comb (included) and dry in the usual way.

high efficiency, you only need to apply for 10 minutes, a large volume of the bottle, a special comb is included.
high price.
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2. Knowledge-2

The Russian drug Veda-2 is an antiparasitic shampoo based on permethrin, which causes paralysis and death of parasites, not only lice, but also ticks. The effect of the drug lasts from 2 to 6 weeks after treatment.

Shampoo is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 5 years old and people with skin diseases.

Application: shampoo should be applied to well-moistened hair and lather intensively until a thick foam is formed. After 20 minutes, the hair should be rinsed with a 4,5% solution of table vinegar and combed thoroughly with a thick comb.

affordable price, duration of effect up to 6 weeks, also helps with scabies.
requires rinsing hair with vinegar, can not be used for children under 5 years old.
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3. Mirrolla Permethrin

Another shampoo from a Russian manufacturer based on permethrin, which effectively copes with head lice, destroying lice and nits in just one application. Contraindications for the product are similar to those for other shampoos: skin diseases, pregnancy, lactation and age up to 5 years.

Application: shampoo should be applied to damp hair, rubbed until foam is formed and left without rinsing for 20 minutes. After that, the hair is washed with running water and washed in the usual way. The treatment should be repeated after 7-10 days to destroy newly hatched individuals.

has a pleasant smell, short exposure time on the hair, affordable price.
requires re-processing.
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4. Dis

Another permethrin-based product from a Russian manufacturer. The shampoo contains cosmetic additives for hair care, as well as components that make it easier to comb out dead parasites and nits. The kit includes a special cap and a comb for combing.

The shampoo retains its protective function on the hair for 2 weeks. Of the contraindications – only individual intolerance to the components.

The application is standard for all shampoos, but the exposure time (application to the hair) is increased to 40 minutes.

эффективное средство, минимум противопоказаний.
нужно выдерживать на волосах до 40 минут.

5. Parazidos

Parasidosis refers to pyrethroid insecticides. The shampoo is effective against live lice and larvae even after a single use. The product contains acetic acid, which dissolves the substances with which nits are attached to human hair.

Нельзя применять шампунь детям до 2,5 лет, беременным женщинам, людям с кожными заболеваниями и эпилепсией.

Применение: производитель рекомендует предварительно вымыть волосы обычным шампунем и подсушить. После нанесения средство нужно выдержать 3 минуты, смыть водой и вновь нанести еще на 3 минуты. После повторного смывания волосы нужно вычесать гребнем.

can be used for children from 2 years, short application time.
may cause short-term itching and burning, requires double application.
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6. Leisner

Leisner is an effective remedy that is produced in Holland. The shampoo is made on the basis of neem seed extract, which ensures the complete death of insects within an hour after applying the shampoo to the hair. Laisner has a less pronounced effect on nits, so the treatment will need to be repeated after 7-10 days. The composition of the shampoo contains herbal substances and biological additives that contribute to better adhesion to the hair.

Не рекомендуется применять шампунь беременным и кормящим женщинам, а также детям до 3 лет.

Application: Apply shampoo to dry and well-combed hair so as to cover the entire scalp and saturate all hair. After 60 minutes, comb your hair with a thick comb (included in the kit), then rinse your hair with warm water. Repeat treatment after 7-10 days if necessary.

high efficiency, one application is enough, does not irritate the scalp.
can not be used for small children, high price.
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7. Педикулен ультра

Pediculen ultra is a remedy from a Russian manufacturer. The shampoo is highly effective and allows you to get rid of lice and nits in one application. If the number of parasites is very large, re-application is required after 7-10 days. The shampoo comes in a 200 ml bottle, so the volume is enough for additional processing.

Противопоказаниями к применению шампуня Педикулен ультра является беременность, лактация и детский возраст до 3 лет.

Application: Apply shampoo to dry, well-combed hair so as to cover the entire scalp and saturate all hair. After 3 hours, comb the hair with a thick comb, then rinse the hair with warm water using regular shampoo or soap. Repeat treatment after 7-10 days if necessary.

high efficiency, one application is enough.
долго ждать при нанесении, требует промывания волос с моющим средством.
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8. Hygiene

Higienika is a highly effective Bulgarian preparation containing permethrin, which is a poison for lice and causes paralysis. Shampoo is safe for people and animals, does not accumulate in the body. Like many shampoos, contraindications for use are children under 5 years of age, pregnancy and lactation. Do not use this remedy for damage to the scalp, inflammatory processes and skin infections. Also, sometimes shampoo can cause an allergic reaction.

Standard application: apply to moistened hair, rubbing into the roots and scalp, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Next, comb your hair well with a thick comb. Re-treatment will be required after 7-10 days.

there is an option “Hygienika mousse” for children from a year old, affordable price.
requires re-treatment, may cause an allergic reaction.
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Как выбрать шампунь от вшей

Before choosing a lice shampoo, you should consult with your doctor. The specialist will assess the scale of the problem and prescribe a remedy, taking into account contraindications and the age of the patient. If you decide to choose a shampoo yourself, pay attention to 4 important criteria that the chosen product must meet. 

  1. Shampoo should be active not only in relation to the lice themselves, but also to nits. This will help avoid re-processing and the result will be more effective.
  2. The use of the drug should be convenient. Each shampoo has its own exposure time (the period that must be maintained after application). It can vary from 20 minutes to several hours. When processing, you will need a frequent comb to comb out dead parasites and nits.3. Some shampoos come with this comb. Also, some shampoos require additional products to wash it off and treat the hair after use.3.
  3. Шампунь должен иметь минимум противопоказаний, быть безопасным, особенно, если это касается детей младшего возраста.
  4. Shampoo should not cause allergic reactions. The use of the product involves actively rubbing it into the scalp, and this procedure should not cause skin irritation. It is advisable to conduct a standard test for an allergic reaction on a small area of ​​​​skin.

Отзывы врачей о шампунях от вшей

Despite the ease of use, doctors consider lice shampoos to be quite effective. The problem is that most shampoos work mainly on adults and are ineffective against nits. This is due to the lower concentration of insecticide in shampoos compared to other anti-pediculosis agents. Therefore, when using shampoos, as a rule, a second treatment is required after 7-10 days, when the lice hatch from the nits.

In addition, almost all shampoos have contraindications for use during pregnancy, lactation and in early childhood. Some shampoos can only be used from 5 years of age. Another disadvantage of some shampoos is the difficulty in rinsing after use. Given all the contraindications and side effects, the doctor may prescribe not only a shampoo, but also an anti-pediculosis lotion, spray or aerosol.

Popular questions and answers

Will laundry soap and vinegar help in the fight against lice, as well as answer other popular questions dermatologist Nikita Gribanov.

What temperature are lice afraid of?

– The average temperature of the human scalp fluctuates around +28 degrees. It is she who is comfortable for the life of lice. If the temperature drops to +10 degrees, the lice leave the person, but the nits remain in the hair.

The complete death of all forms occurs at temperatures above + 55-60 degrees or below -20 degrees. Sanitary treatment of clothes and linen is based on this. Prolonged exposure to such temperatures on the scalp is not only unreasonable, but also dangerous to health. Do not experiment with this, use insecticides prescribed by your doctor.

Can you get rid of lice with laundry soap?

— Laundry soap is undoubtedly an environmentally friendly and natural product. Its components dissolve the sticky mass with which the nits are attached to the hair, and a large amount of fat prevents the breathing of adults. All this gives certain results in the fight against pediculosis, but the effectiveness of the event is quite small.

Laundry soap can help in the earliest stages of head lice, but will require repeated treatment and thorough combing of the hair. Consider laundry soap only as an additional method of controlling lice with insecticides.

Does vinegar help against lice?

– A solution of vinegar is ineffective in the fight against live parasites. It dissolves the sticky secretion that attaches nits to the hair. It is more advisable to use a solution of vinegar to rinse the hair after applying an insecticidal preparation or in order to prevent infection.

Sources of:

  1. Scabies and pediculosis: old problems in the new time. Delyagin V.M., Rumyantsev A.G. Medicine, 2007. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/chesotka-i-pedikulez-starye-problemy-v-novom-vremeni
  2. The problem of pediculosis in modern society. Anikina A.S. Bulletin of Medical Internet Conferences, 2016. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/problema-pedikuleza-v-sovremennom-obschestve
  3. Новые аспекты в лечении педикулеза. Лопатина Ю.В. Инфекция и иммунитет, 2012. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/novye-aspekty-v-lechenii-pedikuleza

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