8 best earplugs for sleep

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Earplugs are special tabs or “plugs” for the ears that help a person protect himself from noise and sounds that irritate, interfere with sleep, work, and study. Such devices are very popular among residents of megacities, travelers and those who often go on business trips. Our experts have compiled a rating of the best noise masking and noise reduction tabs, the effectiveness of which has been proven by the experience of many users.

How to choose earplugs for sleep

The range of earplugs on the modern market is too wide, the buyer often finds it difficult to choose the right product. However, there are a few criteria you can consider to narrow down your search options:

  1. Type of product and nature of its action. Earplugs can create a noise masking effect – they act like mini headphones that broadcast relaxing sounds that drown out all extraneous noise, help you fall asleep, and improve the quality of sleep. There are also classic earplugs that simply reduce noise levels with varying degrees of effectiveness.

  2. Your budget and cost of earplugs. If you don’t have a lot of money, you can buy inexpensive disposable earplugs for sleeping. However, if you need noise protection regularly, for example, you intend to use them every night, then buying one or two pairs of reusable inlays will save you money in the end.

  3. Required level of noise reduction. Pay attention to the number of decibels that are blocked by earplugs. This information should be indicated on the packaging or in the product description on the official website of the manufacturer, in the online store.

  4. Tab material. Disposable sleep earplugs are made from wax or a wax-paraffin mixture. This material is very plastic and adapts well to the shape of the auricle, not missing the sounds of the external environment. Reusable earplugs for sleep are made of silicone or special soft plastic. They also have a good level of noise cancellation and are comfortable to wear. There are reusable inlays made of polyurethane (foam) or modern materials similar in properties. They have a high level of noise suppression, but they are fixed in the internal auditory canal, which creates a feeling of vacuum and pressure, which many people do not like.

  5. Sleep earplug size. With wax liners, this is not so important, since you can use as much material as you need. For example, one wax tab can be divided into two parts. And when it comes to silicone and polyurethane plugs, size matters. Too small will fall out or fit loosely, let noise through. And too large will create unnecessary pressure, it will be uncomfortable to use them. The same applies to the shape of the earplugs, it should be ergonomic and fit the shape of your ears.

  6. Softness and flexibility of the material. Wax earplugs for sleep are the best in this area, since the material is plastic, softens from body heat, it is easy to give it the desired shape, it is practically not felt in the ear. Silicone tabs are also quite soft. But polyurethane earplugs from different manufacturers have different degrees of softness. To not ri

forge money, before buying the model you like, read product reviews from users who have their own experience of using it.

Rating of the best earplugs for sleep

Nomination Place Name of product Price
     1 Bose Noise Masking Sleepbuds      16 790 ₽
     2 Alpine Sleepsoft      1 575 ₽
     3 HUSH PLUGZ      470 ₽
     4 PAUL HARTMANN Calmor      375 ₽
     5 Ohropax Classic      620 ₽
     6 MOLDEX      60 ₽
     7 Travel Dream Earplugs Enhanced Noise Protection #4      175 ₽
     8 Arena Earplug Pro      650 ₽

Bose Noise Masking Sleepbuds

Rating: 4.9

The first place in our ranking is occupied by smart earplugs for sleep. In fact, these are specialized headphones with noise masking. Putting them on before you lie down to rest, you will sleep soundly and as much as you need to get enough sleep. Earplugs broadcast recorded sounds that soothe and drown out any external noise. The user can choose from 10 types of sounds that are already recorded in the device’s memory. In addition, you can download and install other sleep sounds.

According to reviews, with these headphones you can relax in any position, including on your side, as they are very tiny – the size of a pea and have soft tips that increase your comfort and prevent the earplugs from falling out during sleep movements. The earplug program has built-in alarm clocks that you can turn on and off at will. Only you will hear the wake-up call, so it will not disturb other people if they are nearby.

The earplugs are battery powered, one charge is enough for 16 hours of continuous broadcasting. You can fully restore the charge in 8 hours.



Alpine Sleepsoft

Rating: 4.8

On the second step of the rating are earplugs, which will be a real salvation for people who have trouble sleeping or just need silence. The manufacturer guarantees that the device absorbs sounds up to 22 Db. A special filter installed in the earplugs passes a specific sound frequency, while blocking the rest.

These sleep aids are made from a special silicone that expands and conforms to the shape of the auricle from the heat of the human body. Earplugs are completely immersed in the ear, a special holder that comes with the kit will help to fix them. According to user reviews, they are not felt during sleep, they do not fall out, even if you toss and turn a lot.

The design of these earplugs is simple, installation and removal from the ears does not cause any difficulties. The devices have special holes that allow air to pass through – the ear canals are ventilated and practically do not dry out. In order for the “gags” to serve you as long as possible, it is enough to properly care for them – rinse with soap after each use.




Rating: 4.7

The third position in the ranking is occupied by inexpensive hypoallergenic reusable earplugs, which are made of medical silicone. They are universal, they can be used for sleeping, relaxing, studying, working, traveling, for comfortable swimming and generally for protection from any noise. The difference between HUSH PLUGZ and other types of earplugs is that they do not need to be inserted deep into the ear canal. “Gags” are located at its entrance. Hold tight and won’t fall out while moving. They are flesh-colored, and therefore almost invisible during use.

Many are interested in how comfortable sleeping with HUSH PLUGZ earplugs is, as they are usually used for this purpose. According to user reviews, these silicone balls do not cause any discomfort. They do not press on tissues, they do not have hard parts that could cut into the auricle or canal in the side position. When properly fitted, HUSH PLUGZ earplugs are virtually invisible in your ears. After using the earplugs, it is enough to rinse with water and you can place them in a storage case.




Rating: 4.7

The next position in the ranking is occupied by sleep earplugs made of wax in a cotton shell. Using them is very simple – just remove the cotton wool, warm the wax in your palms, knead with your fingers and place it in the external auditory canal. The immersion depth is 1,5 cm, which means that the wax does not penetrate into the internal canal, but simply fills the auricle, protecting it from the penetration of noise and sounds from the external environment. After use, earplugs must be disposed of, as they are disposable. But if you have some kind of container to protect against dust during the day, you can use them repeatedly.

According to user reviews, sleeping with such liners is much more comfortable than with silicone or foam counterparts. They do not press at all, the ears do not hurt after use. Lying on your side with these earplugs is a pleasure as they are soft. The level of noise suppression is rated as sufficient, even strong clatter and other loud sounds are either completely inaudible or well muffled.



Ohropax Classic

Rating: 4.6

On the fifth line of the rating are earplugs for sleep from a German manufacturer. These are wax inserts that must be removed from the cotton shell before use. According to the manufacturer, the tabs provide a noise reduction level of 27 dB. You can use these earplugs anywhere and anytime – just unroll the cotton wool, heat the wax in your hands and fix the wax in the ear. Their color differs little from the skin tone of most European-type people, so the tabs in the ears will be invisible to strangers.

If you read the reviews, it becomes clear that these earplugs are a real salvation for those whose structure of the auricle and auditory canal does not allow the use of accessories made of other more rigid materials. The tabs perfectly muffle extraneous sounds. At the same time, the level of noise reduction is not so high that it is completely isolated from the outside world. With these earplugs, you can hear an alarm clock, a crying baby or talking to yourself.




Rating: 4.5

The next position in the ranking is occupied by universal earplugs for sleep, which are made of soft polyurethane. They have the shape of a cone, which means that they penetrate shallowly into the internal auditory canal, reliably isolating you from any sounds from the external environment. To fix the tabs, they need to be squeezed with your fingers, giving them an ergonomic shape. It will remain for some time, making it possible to place the earplugs in the ears. Gradually, the tabs return to their original shape, filling all the available space of the auricle.

User reviews say that these earplugs are a good option for getting rid of any noise. What is happening in the room you are in can still be heard, but the sounds from other rooms, including from the street, practically do not break through the polyurethane barrier. You can use these tabs repeatedly, so the cost of one session of silence is very cheap.



Travel Dream Earplugs Enhanced Noise Protection #4

Rating: 4.3

The penultimate position of the rating is occupied by foam earplugs from Travel Dream. Our experts included them in the rating because they provide enhanced noise protection up to 35 decibels, which is an excellent indicator for inlays. The manufacturer claims that these accessories are comfortable to use, have an ergonomic conical shape and universal size, do not cause discomfort, do not put pressure on the auditory canal. They can be used repeatedly, washed and stored in a place protected from dust and dirt, for example, in a plastic container that comes with the kit.

Reviews about these earplugs are mixed. People with a large physique (big ears), for example, men, they are suitable. They perform their functions 100%, that is, they protect against noise, if not completely, then with very high efficiency. But there are also negative reviews that they cause an unpleasant feeling of vacuum. But if the desire to be in silence overpowers the discomfort of wearing earplugs, this inlay model should suit you.



Arena Earplug Pro

Rating: 4.2

At the last step of the rating are earplugs, the shape of which was developed taking into account the needs of professional swimmers. They have a unique design with three rings of different sizes and a “leg” for comfortable insertion and removal of inlays. This shape effectively prevents water from entering the ears. And also protects from any unwanted noise from the external environment. The largest outer ring prevents the inlays from sinking too deep into the ear canal. Therefore, the use of these earplugs is not associated with the risk of hearing damage or discomfort during sleep.

Arena Earplug Pro are reusable accessories. They can be washed, stored in a plastic container and used in a variety of situations where complete silence is needed. According to user reviews, they have a good level of noise reduction, and the soft material of the membranes allows you to use the product comfortably for several hours.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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