8 Best Cheesecake Cheeses

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Housewives who are used to making Philadelphia cheesecake are often interested in what other cheese is suitable for this delicate dessert. We have selected the 8 best products on the market and reflected their merits in the ranking. The presented cheeses are suitable for making European casseroles at home.

Rating of the best cheeses for cheesecake

Nomination Place Name Price
Rating of the best cheeses for cheesecake      1 Hochland curd for cooking      260 ₽
     2 Almette curd creamy      120 ₽
     3 Fine Life Mascarpone      215 ₽
     4 Original Philadelphia “Classic”      370 ₽
     5 Bongrain Chavroux      220 ₽
     6 Little Swiss      360 ₽
     7 Snow fresh      176 ₽
     8 Boursin      520 ₽

Curd for cooking Hochland

Rating: 4.9

Cheese “Hochland” will be an excellent substitute for expensive Philadelphia. On the bright packaging of the product there is an inscription “made for cooking”. Under the lid there is information that the product is based on curd cheese from the Hochland Professional line.

Many customers consider it the best choice for getting the perfect cheesecake. The pluses include a soft delicate texture, a pleasant taste with a slight saltiness. Cheese perfectly keeps its shape and does not spread. This is just what you need for dessert. Price – 270 rubles for 400 g.



Curd creamy Almette

Rating: 4.8

In almost every grocery store you can find Almette cheese in a cute package in the form of a wooden bucket. Its composition inspires confidence. It contains whey, protein, water and salt. Cheese will be an excellent ingredient for cheesecakes, sauces and other dishes. It can be eaten for breakfast with sandwiches.

There are a huge number of positive reviews on the Internet. Consumers praise convenient packaging, optimal consistency and pleasant taste. The price of a jar with a volume of 150 g is from 100 rubles.



Mascarpone Fine Life

Rating: 4.8

To make the perfect cheesecake, use Fine Life brand cheese. The creamy product is made from fresh cream. It is famous for its delicate texture and neutral taste, goes well with fruits and berries.

Dessert from Mascarpone is tender and satisfying. Opinions about the product are mostly positive. For a jar of 250 g, you need to pay 155 rubles. The stock price will be even lower.



Original Philadelphia “Classic”

Rating: 4.7

Philadelphia cream cheese is a classic cheesecake ingredient. A few years ago, it was considered a delicacy, but today you can buy it in almost every major supermarket. The product quickly gained popularity due to its universal milky-creamy taste and plastic texture without lumps.

Housewives combine Philadelphia with many ingredients and add it to various dishes – cakes, rolls, sandwiches. The only drawback of cheese is the high cost. The price for 200 g is 365 rubles.



Bongrain Chavroux

Rating: 4.6

Continues rating soft goat cheese “Chavroux”. It has a creamy taste with spicy notes and melts in your mouth. This is a universal product that is eaten separately, served with avocados, crackers, homemade bread. It’s great as a base for cheesecake.

The goods are produced in the form of a pyramid. The white texture is very soft. It is salty and not greasy. The advantages include the natural composition. It contains no harmful additives. Buyers consider the cost too high due to the big name of the brand. 150 g costs about 390 rubles.



Little Swiss

Rating: 4.5

Cheese “Petit Suisse” resembles in appearance a smooth white dough without crusts. The product is enriched with cream and is very popular in Europe. Its taste cannot be called salty or sweet. Cheese is widely used to add extra fat to dishes.

Real Petit-suisse contains 40 to 60% fatty substances. This is the choice of real gourmets who want to get not only great taste from dessert, but also health benefits. The price for 100 g is from 360 rubles.



Snow fresh

Rating: 4.5

Next in the ranking is natural goat cheese, which contains nothing superfluous. It is made from pasteurized milk and cream with the addition of salt and lactic acid cultures. The product is produced in Norway using a special technology. Cheese texture has no lumps.

The product melts in your mouth, it is not salty. Due to the high energy value, cheese is not suitable for people who watch their figure. Some buyers are confused by the pronounced goat smell. For 125 g you have to pay 176 rubles.




Rating: 4.4

The most delicate Boursen cheese has a soft, thick texture and tastes like pressed cottage cheese. Its buttery texture is ideal for making cheesecake. It is made from fresh cow’s milk. The cheese has no rind. It adheres beautifully to the surface. Some customers prefer to have it for breakfast along with toast.

This is a healthy product rich in calcium. Real “Boursen” is delivered in foil packaging. For 100 French cheese, you will have to pay about 210 rubles.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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