8 alarming symptoms that tell you it’s time to run to your gynecologist

Symptom 1. Itching and burning

If you find redness on the external genital organs that itch, and when irritated (for example, during water procedures) there is a burning sensation, then you should definitely see a doctor. These symptoms can signal inflammation such as vaginitis or cystitis. Therefore, a visit to the doctor and a smear on the flora are simply necessary.

Symptom 2. Specific discharge

If the discharge is dark in color (with an admixture of blood or even black), quite abundant and with a pungent unpleasant odor, then you urgently need to take a smear for flora and possible infections. It may not be such a terrible thrush and more serious chlamydia or inflammation. Remember, white discharge with concomitant itching speaks of a fungal infection, i.e. thrush, and liquid colorless or with a greenish tinge – of vaginosis or trichomoniasis.

Symptom 3. Menstrual irregularities

Do not ignore the frequent disruptions of the menstrual cycle, do not attribute this to cold weather, lack of vitamins, etc. The reason is completely different, and only a doctor can identify them. Here we can talk about inflammation of the ovaries, hormonal imbalance, etc. Also, polycystic ovaries can cause irregular periods.

Symptom 4. Unexpected sharp or dull aching pain

If you periodically have pain, usually pulling or stitching, in no case do not tolerate it. It is not in vain that your body gives such alarming signals. Move the pain reliever aside and run to the doctor. Measure the temperature, if it is elevated, then call an ambulance. Such symptoms can signal internal bleeding, rupture of ovarian cysts, and more!

A quiet aching pain is no less dangerous than a sharp one. If the lower abdomen is constantly whining, you need to undergo a full examination – from internal ultrasound to smears. The causes of such pain can be endometriosis, fibroids, inflammation of the appendages.

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