7rd week of pregnancy

By the 7th week of pregnancy, the embryo ceases to look like a sea creature. Though your body has not changed on the outside, the inside is full of hormones. Check out what to expect in the 7th week of pregnancy.

The embryo that is developing rapidly now will soon take a clearly human-like form. The 7th week of pregnancy changes a lot in its external appearance. It is surprising that an embryo weighing only about a gram and measuring 7 mm earlier this week already has such specialized structures as the appendix!

Meanwhile, you feel the effects of pregnancy more and more. Perhaps you have already been to the gynecologist for the first time or you are about to go there. This is where most women realize that “this is really happening”. Although some ladies prefer to inform their loved ones about their condition only at the end of the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced, some decide to do so after the first visit to a specialist.

7rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development

If you could “see” what the embryo looks like right now and compare what you see with the state of a week ago, you would be amazed. Seen with the naked eye, it would look like a tiny bean, but when you zoom in, everything changes. In the first place, you would see miniature handles and legs. At the moment, they look more like fins, but you can already see that each of them has five protrusions from which the fingers will develop.

The size of the embryo at the 7th week of pregnancy is still very small. At the beginning it will be only 7 mm, and at the end it will be 12 mm (given the parietal-seat distance). However, this should not fool anyone, as extraordinary things are happening in their body.

The heart, which last week only had two parts, now has four parts. Blood cells which are temporarily produced by the liver (until the bone marrow is formed) move in the circulatory system. The kidneys are also developing intensively and will start producing urine within a week or so. Muscles and skeletal system grow.

In the 7th week of pregnancy, a lot is going on on the miniature head. The outline of the nose slowly emerges and the eyelids form around the nucleus of the eyes. The embryo also has… a tongue.

Your baby is slowly starting to move. For obvious reasons, you can’t feel it yet – because who would be able to register the movement of a little bean inside your body? You will feel your baby moving in 8 weeks at the earliest, and probably not until around 11 weeks. Until then, however, you will have the opportunity to see the process on an ultrasound.

7st week of pregnancy – changes in your body

In the 7th week of pregnancy, your breasts may be even a size larger than before. They are usually very sensitive to touch, especially the nipples. The rim around the nipples becomes darker and small protrusions appear on it, which are the opening of the sebaceous glands. Fat tissue is now being stored in your breasts and your glandular tissue is also growing. The breasts also become more supplied with blood.

If you experience morning nausea (and not only), this condition will unfortunately be with you for some time. It’s perfectly normal to feel disgusted with the foods you’ve loved so far – don’t worry about it. If you cannot bear the sight of certain foods, try to replace them with others so that your diet is balanced. Sometimes, in addition to nausea, an additional symptom appears – very large amounts of saliva in the mouth.

If your nausea is extremely troublesome, you may be having multiple pregnancies. If you haven’t been to the gynecologist for the first time, ask your doctor about it during the appointment. Sometimes, even in the early stages of pregnancy, you can see two vesicles that indicate twins.

The appearance of your lower body has not changed yet, but your uterus is twice as large as it was before pregnancy. The placenta is intensively formed in it – an organ that will provide your baby with oxygen and nutrients. This explains your constant fatigue – the body uses a lot of energy in the process of building this new organ.

Especially important in the 7st week of pregnancy

There is a superstition that a pregnant woman should “eat for two.” Nothing could be more wrong. Nausea, flatulence and heartburn combined with more food will make you and your baby feel bad. First of all, don’t force yourself to anything. If only the foods you want are allowed during pregnancy, you can eat them. Eating a few small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals will help you survive the discomforts associated with the 7th week of pregnancy. Thanks to this, you will not feel so tired.

Tests in the 7st week of pregnancy

By the 8th week of pregnancy, you should see your gynecologist for the first time, so if you haven’t done it yet, now is the right time. The first visit includes a gynecological examination along with taking a sample for cytology, measurement of height, blood pressure and body weight, as well as a breast examination.

Mandatory laboratory tests that you must perform early in pregnancy: blood count, blood type and anti-Rh antibody tests (to assess the risk of serological conflict), urine tests and fasting urine sugar, and blood tests for syphilis.

Additional tests that are worth doing are tests for viral diseases, the presence of which threatens the proper development of the child. These are: HIV, rubella and HBV, which causes hepatitis B. You can also check if the pregnant woman has parasitic toxoplasmosis.

Even if your doctor has not written you a referral for these tests, you can ask for them yourself. You will certainly receive a referral. Remember that your health has a huge impact on your baby’s development, so it’s important to know if your body is not struggling with an infection. Additionally, in the case of early diagnosis of HIV infection, measures can be taken to prevent transmission of viruses from mother to child.

An interesting fact about the 7nd week of pregnancy

By week 7 of pregnancy, your baby’s brain grows at an amazing rate. Every minute, about 100 new nerve cells are formed!

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