70 and older: the oldest women in labor in the world

70 and older: the oldest women in labor in the world

Is there an age limit for a woman if she wants to have a baby? We found out that in the XNUMXst century there is practically no such limit.

Nowadays, late children are becoming more and more a trend – someone wants to get on their feet stronger and build a career to provide for children, and it happens that women give birth closer to 40 years just for themselves. But still, usually speaking about late children, as a rule, we mean the age of about 40 years, since later pregnancy and childbirth can be associated with a risk to the health of both the mother and the baby.

However, age is not a hindrance when you so want to nurse your baby. No arguments about the health of the unborn child are taken into account.

More recently, in early September, literally a grandmother became a mother – 74-year-old Erramatti Mangayamma from the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh gave birth to twins. Of course, it was not without modern medicine. In Erramatti’s case, donor eggs were used for IVF. By the way, most of the expenses were covered by the reproductive medicine clinic, where the woman applied. The management of the institution wisely assumed that the pregnancy and childbirth of an elderly woman would be a historic event. And so it happened – that on September 5, a 74-year-old woman gave birth to two healthy girls by caesarean section, media reported around the world. Now Mangayamma is the oldest woman on the planet who managed to give birth.

Firstborn after 46 years of marriage

Until that time, the record belonged to another Indian woman – 72-year-old Daljinger Kaur and her 79-year-old husband Mohinder Singh became parents for the first time in 2016. The middle-aged mother believes that the Lord has heard her tireless prayers for the child. Doctors at the Haryana State Reproductive Clinic believe that the woman’s 2-year fertility treatment and IVF treatment played a role.

The child was born weighing 2 kilograms, but is now quite healthy. Daljinger takes care of him herself and says that now her life has become full, filled with energy and love.

Married at 12, at the maternity hospital at 70

The Indian land is rich in elderly mothers, you will not say anything. In 2008, in one of the maternity hospitals in the north-east of India, a girl weighing 1700 grams was born. Her birth became known all over the world, because her mother Rajo Devi Lohan was at that time 70 years old. She married at the age of 12 to a 14-year-old boy – according to Indian laws, this is quite permissible. The couple had to wait 58 years before medical technology developed enough to conceive a child. Of course, with the help of IVF, which at that time in India cost about 3,5 thousand dollars. The amount for rural residents is simply huge, but the couple decided to take a risk, because childlessness in India is, to put it mildly, not encouraged by society – in the villages they believe that a childless woman brings misfortune.

Gave birth at 79 and survived a son

However, if the Guinness Book of Records recorded the achievements of Soviet mothers, then there could be another entry. It was reported that a certain Ula Margusheva from Kabardino-Balkaria gave birth to a child in 1963 at the age of 79 from an 80-year-old husband. The woman had a magnificent figure, so she had no idea about her position. Who would have thought that such a thing was even possible? Surprisingly, she not only gave birth to a healthy baby, but also survived it – her son Ahmed died in 2005 from cirrhosis of the liver, and in 2009 Ula celebrated her 125th birthday.


However, giving birth in old age is possible not only with the help of IVF. For example, the British Dawn Brook in 1997 became a mother at the age of 59. Not 70, of course, but even here it was not without the help of modern medicine – the woman underwent hormone replacement therapy, which became the reason for the postponement of menopause. It is Dawn who holds the record – she is recognized as the oldest mother who managed to give birth to a living child, conceiving him naturally.

By the way, Dawn mistook the first symptoms of pregnancy for cancer.

Russian records

We also have older mothers: Russian woman Natalya Surkova (daughter of the famous Soviet poet Alexei Surkov) became a mother at the age of 1996 in the spring of 57 – she ranks fourth in the ranking of the oldest mothers on the planet, and in the Russian Book of Records she is listed as the oldest mother in the country … Moreover, at the time of birth, she was already a mother of two adult sons and even a grandmother.

But then a new love happened in her life – her chosen one was childless, and Natalia really wanted to give birth to her beloved baby. The conception took place thanks to hormonal therapy, the pregnancy was surprisingly easy, there was not even edema. The girl, who was named Sasha, was born healthy and strong: weight 3 kilograms 450 grams, height 51 centimeters.

But then, as Natalya recalled, began not the most pleasant period: not all friends and relatives approved of her act, and the chosen one at the time of childbirth had already disappeared from her life – and all this against the background of postpartum depression. However, with the help of her sons, the woman overcame difficulties, and the joys of motherhood outweighed everything. According to Natalia, after the birth of her daughter, she felt many years younger.

And like the stars

Actor Alexander Belyavsky and his second wife Lyudmila had to wait for the birth of a child for 16 years. The artist’s first marriage was tragic: in the summer of 1975, their son Boris drowned in the river due to an oversight of the nanny who looked after him. The couple took up a boy Andrei from the orphanage. At the age of 15, he found out that he was not native, began to move away from his family, and five years later fell out of the window and died. The couple left a daughter, Nadia, who was born in 1976.

The second daughter was born in 2003 – his wife Lyudmila was at that time 53 years old, and the actor was 70. This joyful event happened three months before the unhappy one – Belyavsky had a stroke, after which he practically lost the ability to speak. After that, the actor lived for another 9 years and died on September 8, 2012.

By the way

But what about the most famous aged parents in our country? Yes, we are about the couple of Emmanuel Vitorgan and Irina Mlodik. The first common daughter (and for Irina, in principle, the first) was born when the young mother was 55 years old, and the star papule was 77. The second baby was born quite recently, in August of this year.

But we cannot say that there was no IVF or the services of a surrogate mother. Young parents carefully protect their privacy and only communicate what they see fit. Details of how their children were born are not included in this list.

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