7 ways to think about money in a way that it is

Coach Leonid Krol suggests that we analyze our thoughts about money, choose the easiest and most useful ones, and refuse those ideas that money does not like.

1. Think not about money, but about the experiences and sensations that accompany it.

2. Let it be bright, colorful, with shades of images, preferably complemented by aromas and tactile sensations, which will form a complete picture of what money will give you.

3. Think about money cheerfully without falling into the trap of fear and falsehood. It is important that the process itself is interesting and valuable.

4. Money and the feelings associated with it should please, be a part of life, and not a sign of success. It’s good if they help you connect with others when you “treat” them.

5. Be sincere about your fear of losing money. When you feel fear or insecurity, do not twitch, allow yourself to reach the bottom, and only then – push off and rise up.

Wealth under the mattress rarely gives results, but takes strength and investment horizons

6. Do not drown out anxiety with spending and feeling like you belong to the rich. Keep track of purchases made out of anxiety and try not to repeat them.

7. Daydream. Presenting what you want as achieved is an important way of planning.

5 wrong ways to think about money

1. Be afraid of money and their self-will: “they do what they want, they do.” Better to be poor but healthy than rich but afraid of losing everything.

2. Needless to worry about your wealth. It is important to understand what attitude to money was in your family in three or four generations. Perhaps you are still at the mercy of the attitudes that you inherited from your parents.

3. Eat for the future, store up jewelry, make nests and savings at any cost: the anticipation of a “rainy day” and the possibility of paying off easily becomes neurotic. Wealth under the mattress rarely gives results, but it takes strength and investment horizons.

4. Show wealth, brag and boast about it – money loves silence. The habit of throwing money away on the grounds that “the more goes, the more comes” rarely leads to a good result.

5. Pretend that nobility is more important than material well-being. Modesty is a wonderful quality, but it is important not to overdo it. Often, the more we emphasize the importance of some qualities, the faster we lose them.

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