When anxiety does not let us sleep, when we can no longer think about anything else, it seems that only «magic» pills will save us. But in fact, we can manage anxiety without resorting to medication.
Often we have so many problems spinning in our head at the same time that our psyche can no longer cope. At such moments, attention is focused only on troubles, and we forget about everything else. It seems to us that in life there is nothing but problems. And we seek to calm ourselves with the help of drugs. Although this is not at all necessary. There are 7 effective ways to relieve stress without sedatives.
1. Switch attention
“When anxiety overcomes, you need to stop fruitlessly obsessing over problems. Just tell yourself: “Now I won’t think about it” — and switch your attention to breathing, ”recommends psychotherapist John Moore. The practice of mindful breathing, in which you breathe deeply and focus on each inhalation and exhalation, is very helpful in taking your mind off your anxiety.
2. Get your worries down on paper
Often the same disturbing thoughts come back again, and we forget that we have already considered this problem. “If you transfer experiences to paper, they will most likely stop pursuing you so persistently,” the expert says. Keep a diary in which you write down everything that bothers you during the day.
3. Laugh more often
“We cannot worry when we are happy and having fun,” reminds John Moore. Do not neglect «frivolous» entertainment. Go to the circus, watch comedies, spend time in a fun company. Laughter literally fills the brain with «hormones of joy.»
4. Dance
Dance promotes the production of “feel good hormones” and allows you to relieve accumulated stress. “Dance is great for banishing boredom and relaxing,” recommends a psychotherapist. If for some reason it doesn’t work out, just try to imagine that you are moving to the music. Even an imaginary dance can cheer you up.
5. Take care of yourself
Take a walk in the park or forest, enjoying the peace and tranquility. While walking, try to breathe slowly and deeply. And don’t forget to take care of yourself. Hot baths, relaxing music, massage perfectly help to relieve anxiety and tension.
6. Meditate
Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and listen to your breathing. If extraneous thoughts come up, just acknowledge that they are there and let them be. After that, bring your attention back to your breath, look inside yourself, your body.
7. Practice creative visualization
Sit comfortably, relax and close your eyes. Imagine something beautiful — for example, a calm sea, a beach, mountains. Try to make the mental image as clear and realistic as possible. Breathe in the salty smell of sea water or pine needles, listen to the cries of seagulls or the singing of birds, the sound of waves or the rustle of branches, feel how a wave touches your feet, or how a warm wind caresses your face.
“Remember that anxiety becomes a serious problem only if we allow it to take over the body and mind,” says the therapist.