7 ways to recharge your batteries before a tough day

The morning is especially difficult if we have a difficult day ahead – with a responsible meeting, interview or conversation, on which our future life may depend. At such moments, we are in dire need of additional energy in order not to lose the battle with stress. And you can get it not only with the help of coffee.

1. Use the advantages of the “half-asleep” state

“The state immediately after waking up is called hypnopompic, and in many ways it is similar to the state of hypnosis,” explains hypnotherapist Leah Larwood. During this period, the alpha rhythm predominates in the brain, contributing to calm reflection and self-knowledge.

“Starting to wake up, try to “catch” on the “borderline” phase between sleep and wakefulness. When you wake up, go back to the position you were sleeping in. Try to re-enter this half-asleep state and, while in it, think about the upcoming business. At this point, you are especially close to your subconscious, which contributes to mental clarity and the emergence of new, unusual, creative ideas, ”says Larwood.

2.Open the curtains immediately

“Bright sunlight will help your body tune in to the right biorhythm and understand that it’s morning, which means it’s time to turn on “wake mode” and prepare for a new day,” explains psychologist and neuroscientist Lindsey Browning.

3. Write down everything that worries you

Worried about how the upcoming meeting or other important business will go? “Use the first 20 minutes after waking up, when your brain is still working at a relaxed alpha rhythm and in close contact with the subconscious mind. Try to put your feelings on paper.

Start with something specific. At the top of the page, write down the main question or statement, and then simply list everything that comes to mind in connection with it. Describe your experiences as freely as possible, not forgetting important conclusions and insights. Give this exercise 15 minutes – often this time is enough to find the key to solving the problem, ”advises Leah Larwood.

4. Make a to-do list for the day

If you’re not interested in free-form writing, you can create a more practical to-do list for the day. “Prioritize by dividing tasks into three categories: urgent, important, and optional,” recommends Lindsey Browning.

You can use another method: “When compiling a to-do list for the day, I draw a sheet of paper crosswise and divide the tasks into 4 groups: “Do”, “Delay”, “Assign to another”, “Refuse,” says therapist Alkta Patel.

5. Remember about biorhythms

If you are a morning person, then the most difficult tasks of the day are best solved in the morning, when you are most productive. And put off routine tasks for the evening, as you can do them “on the machine”, even if you are already tired.

“Owls” are usually most efficient and energetic in the afternoon. Therefore, if you are used to going to bed and getting up late, it is worth doing simple tasks in the morning – for example, checking e-mail.

6. Practice slow breathing

“Before turning on the computer, I usually do a simple exercise: for 60 seconds I try to breathe slowly, taking no more than 5-6 breaths per minute. Slow breathing activates our parasympathetic nervous system, giving us a sense of calm and improving self-control before starting the work day,” says Alkta Patel.

To complete the exercise, count to four as you inhale and to six as you exhale. Repeat this cycle 6 times. This practice can also be useful during the day: use it if you feel that you are not coping with stress.

7. Go for a walk

“If time permits, it is worth going for a short walk after morning activities. It is not necessary to go somewhere far away or go to the park – just walk along the nearest streets. It may seem like a waste of time, but it is not: natural daylight and light physical activity are very helpful to cheer up before the start of the working day, ”explains Lindsey Browning.

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