Sometimes we get so tired from the day’s stress that even after returning from work, we can’t relax. Or maybe try to revive the familiar environment so that it helps us recuperate?
If we feel uncomfortable in our own home, the reason is not always in us. Perhaps the whole thing is in the wrongly organized surrounding space. Ancient teachings, such as Vastu (Indian science of housing) or Feng Shui, and Western geobiology, and just our own experience and common sense, speak of this. However, in order to engage in “therapy at home”, it is not necessary to possess secret knowledge or call a specialist. It is enough to listen to your desires, carefully look around and decide on changes.
1. Get rid of excess
A cluttered house is a cluttered mind. Many of us have inherited the habit of not throwing anything away. But the accumulation of unnecessary objects interferes with good energy circulation. Therefore, it is necessary to audit from time to time and boldly get rid of those things that we have not used for a year or more. And put all the rest in their places. Bringing cleanliness and order, we always put our inner world in order at the same time.
2. Choose the right furniture
The energy (and our mental) balance depends on how the furniture is arranged. For example, a massive closet in a small room will be overwhelming. Do not clutter up the dining room with furniture – this prevents you from concentrating on the ritual of the meal.
When choosing a place for a bed, the Feng Shui teaching recommends taking into account several factors if possible: it is better if it stands with its headboard to the north or east, not under the window and not between the window and the door. You should not hang a mirror in front of the front door in the apartment: with this arrangement, it seems to push energy out of the house.
3. Fill rooms with your favorite scent
When we enter someone else’s apartment, we immediately smell it, and our first reaction is “I’m not at home.” And vice versa, when in some place we suddenly catch the smell familiar from childhood, then our soul becomes good and calm. Many smells – warm bread, jasmine, lilac, cinnamon, ripe raspberries or New Year’s needles – deeply touch us.
A barely perceptible aroma of lavender from bed linen can remind you of your grandmother’s chest of drawers, and the smell of a freshly baked apple pie can remind you of the country veranda where we once sat with our parents. Natural aromas are favorable for us: they can soothe and cheer up.
Living in a new house or apartment, we first of all make sure that this new house smells “our way”. One is enough for this smell of freshly brewed coffee, others prefer scented candles, oils and incense. A few drops of mandarin and ylang-ylang oils will create an atmosphere of peace and serenity, geranium and rosemary will increase tone, and lavender will help you relax.
4. Complement the interior with flowers
Flowers and plants in general are good not only because they are pleasing to the eye, they also convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, regulate air humidity, purify it from pollution, the source of which is household chemicals, plastic, tobacco smoke, exhaust gases. Alive, they encourage us to life, awaken our vitality.
It is good when green plants fill in and thereby smooth out the corners, hide the protrusions of the walls. In addition, they soften the waves of negativity that come from anxious or depressed people. Well, if we sometimes please ourselves with a bouquet of flowers, then we will add joy to our lives … and a little bit of magic.
5. Consider lighting
Bright indoor light stimulates, increases physical and social activity, reduces depressive symptoms and improves sleep. When thinking about lighting, it is important to take into account the needs of the body: the kitchen, work room, nursery, living room should be very bright, more subdued light is suitable for the bedroom and bathroom.
Artificial lighting also needs to be carefully considered. A good trick: See how the afternoon sun illuminates each of your rooms, and place the lamps in places where there is light in natural light. At the same time, highlight the far corners, and the house will become more comfortable. Avoid fluorescent tube lamps, it is better to use fluorescent lamps.
Warm colors are stimulating and invigorating, while cool and neutral colors are calming and soothing.
Our body also needs darkness, because light is sometimes tiring. Too much light over a desk can cause irritability and migraines. On the other hand, when there is too much shadow, there is anxiety and even depression.
6. Move electrical appliances away from the bed
TV, computer, microwave, halogen lamps, telephone wires… The achievements of civilization, alas, emit electromagnetic waves that are harmful to health. Sometimes simple protective measures are enough to significantly improve our well-being. Electrical appliances should be located no closer than one meter from the bed. If you don’t sleep well, opt for a battery-operated alarm clock, put your cell phone away, turn off Wi-Fi at night.
7. Decorate the space in your favorite color scheme
Everyone knows from experience how strongly the color of the walls in the room affects the internal state. Someone gravitates towards light tones in the interior, someone is closer to dark ones. But there are also general patterns. Warm colors are stimulating and invigorating, while cool and neutral colors are calming and soothing. These observations of feng shui masters are confirmed by Wildrim’s scientific research.
Separate spots of warm color are good for the kitchen and living room. Yellow is suitable for the office: it promotes concentration and is favorable for creative work, although its excess causes increased excitement and irritability. In the bedroom and bathroom, it is better to prefer cool colors: blue (it “works” for inner harmony and tranquility), green (gives a sense of balance).
White is the epitome of purity, but if you use it in all rooms, there will be an impression of coldness and even harshness. The colors of the earth can give a sense of security, but only in moderation – otherwise the feeling of life will leave the house.