Many people want to see themselves successful and wealthy. Watching the business grow, work brings pleasure, and relatives do not need anything. But sometimes things don’t go according to plan. In search of quick solutions, loans are taken, which multiply exponentially and pull to the bottom. What to do in such cases?
Everyone who is mired in loans has his own story and the reasons why he ended up in a debt hole. There is only one result — everyone sees problems and a burden in loans and at some point they lose hope and faith that this can somehow be changed.
But there are many ways to help get out of this hole.
1. Determine what brings you joy
Money follows joy, but joy never follows money. It is the delusion “now I will get rich and then I will live” that leads people to the point where “money does not bring happiness.”
But if you do what you love and enjoy it, creating money will be much easier for you!
A person who has many claims to life, who works at an unloved job and is in a destructive relationship, creates a cage for himself. And at some point this cell captures all spheres of life, including financial ones.
Debt is always in your head first — you have to work hard, you have to be the best daughter, you have to support your family. When you begin to enjoy work, surround yourself with people who inspire and encourage you without “it’s necessary” and “you must”, then everything will be much easier to create, in crises you will see opportunities and, in general, start thinking in others formats.
This will allow you to get out of the credit hole very quickly and never get there again.
2. Change your point of view
Most people who would like to increase their income often have various limiting thoughts: “Now is not the best time to quit” or “Ask for a higher salary is not worth it because I am not qualified enough”, “The job market is crowded”, etc. d.
A person in debt begins to literally grab and hold on to any straw in the hope that if he does not move long enough, then everything will somehow resolve itself.
The fact is that, being in a debt hole, you first of all must begin to act. Look for a job with higher pay. Look for new sources of income. Communicate with those who have already got out of debt and learn about their experience.
It is important for you to move from the “I can’t” mode to the “everything is possible” mode, to switch the brain from the “I survive” point of view to the “I create” point of view. And then at one fine moment you yourself will not notice how you find yourself in a financial plus.
3. Learn to own money
The main feature of people who live on credit is the fear of owning money. You can tell everyone around you that you love money, but if you don’t have it, you don’t.
The good news is that you can easily teach yourself this skill.
First, it is important for you to get used to the idea that you always have money. To do this, open an account and save ten percent of any of your income there. This account is not to save up for an apartment, a car, or schooling for children. It is to always have money.
Second, train yourself to always have cash in your wallet. Not to go to the store and immediately spend it, but to always know that the money is at your fingertips. Gradually bring the amount of cash to the amount that you think wealthy people carry with them.
And thirdly, expand your knowledge in terms of creating passive income. Learn what it takes to make money work for you. Banks have insurance products, you can also buy a portfolio of shares, invest in precious metals and antiques.
The more ways you learn, the more options you will have on how to create money from the comfort of your couch. As a result of these three steps, in a couple of months, or even faster, the thought “I have no money” will leave you. And in a calm state, creating income is much easier.
4. Know how much your life is worth per month
Often, people who live in debt have a very vague idea of how much their life costs them every month. Because of this, there is a constant fear that there will not be enough money for something. It is extremely important to know the cost of the minimum needs per month — a roof over your head, food, hot water and light.
When you are sure that, for example, 5 rubles will be enough for a quiet existence for a month, this is very relaxing. As a result, instead of surviving, you are engaged in solving other problems.
As for loan payments, if your debt is around $100, divide by 000 to see how much money you need to generate each month in addition to the minimum cost of living. If the debt is over 12, then it is better to divide by 500 months or five years. Then fix the payment amount and pay it monthly.
In addition, there are many tools for refinancing debts. Be sure to go to your bank and discuss possible options for solving the problem.
5. Ask for money
Very often, in such a situation, only one thought is spinning in people’s heads: “Where can I get money to pay off the next loan payment?” And that’s all they can think about.
That is, they narrow down their requests to one specific amount and, as a result, by the end or middle of the month, at the very least, they find it. The trick is to start asking for money for something that gives you pleasure.
Who or what? For example, at home. “What will it take to create so much money this month?” And start asking for the amounts that are comfortable for you. Start with a minimum cost of living plus a monthly loan payment. When you realize that you can easily generate this amount, double the request.
6. Be willing to do whatever it takes
People who are mired in loans are usually depressed or, on the contrary, create the illusion of cheerful time wasters. If you are standing on the edge of a debt hole or already in it, you need to pull yourself together and say: “I will get out! If necessary, I will go to wash the floors, work in a cafe.
A person who wants to change the situation will not be afraid to do everything possible to change it. When you set yourself up to solve a problem, changes are not long in coming: a new project appears, you get a promotion or a salary increase. You start expanding and that creates a wave of improvement in life.
7. Learn to thank yourself
Financial debt is often just the tip of the iceberg of your moral debt. To whom and what do you owe? Parents — to be a good daughter or son? Husband or wife — the best spouse? Children the perfect parent? To the chief — the unique worker?
In trying to be perfect, you drown in constant self-judgment. How easy is it to create your life when someone constantly criticizes you?
It is important to remember that everyone has the right to make mistakes. But if this is the only thing you pay attention to, it will seem to you that your whole life is one big mistake. And with that kind of attitude, you obviously won’t get very far.
By beginning to thank yourself and your life for what you have today, you will radically change the approach to what and how you do it. After all, when we focus on something, we create more of it in our lives. And after a week, you will notice that every day there will be more and more reasons to be grateful to yourself.