7 Ways to Get Advice from the Universe

When we need to make a difficult decision, we subconsciously look for a clue what to do. Some rely on the opinion of loved ones, others write down the pros and cons on paper, and someone prefers to turn to the “single information center” – our Universe. Is it possible to count on the help of the irrational in finding answers to serious questions?

Scientists started talking about the existence of a “universal energy-informational field” 40-50 years ago. Tsiolkovsky, Vernadsky and many other Russian and foreign scientists thought about the possibility of contacting this field.

By the end of the XNUMXth century, on the basis of scientific research, philosophers came to understand the relationship between the microcosm, that is, man, and the macrocosm, the Universe. This is comparable to a mini-computer as part of the global computer system – the universe. Information about the past, present and future, as well as answers to all questions, is already embedded in us from birth.

Psychotherapist John D. Moore believes that a person can access this “single database” through special techniques.

1. Dreams

The necessary information often comes to a person in a dream. But after waking up, it is not always possible to remember the dream or some of its details. Keep a notepad and pen close to the bed. Take a few minutes tonight to formulate your question. Write it down and mentally turn to the Universe with a request to find the right solution.

And after waking up, immediately write down what you remember, especially bright, unusual details. Then try to decipher the dream, taking into account the question asked. You will probably have to turn to the dream book, but sometimes the answer that came in a dream is obvious.

  • Pros: sometimes gives impressive results
  • Cons: answers are often vague, it takes time to master

2. Feelings and physical sensations

Sometimes the signs that a person receives while awake are more tangible than dreams. At the moment of making an important decision, we may experience various physical sensations, such as an unpleasant tingling sensation, a feeling of warmth, a slight breath or touch. At the level of feelings, some describe a sudden wave of anxiety, or vice versa, a surge of joy and inspiration.

When this happens to you, acknowledge it and thank the Universe for the clue. In the future, when choosing one solution from several, try to concentrate on physical sensations.

Mentally make a choice and visualize the situation and the possible consequences in detail. At the same time, do not forget to note the reaction of the body and the emotions that the imaginary picture evokes. Sometimes physical impulses and emotional outbursts speak louder than words.

  • Pros: allows you to better “hear” the body and be aware of hidden emotions
  • Cons: can cause a strong psychosomatic reaction in impressionable natures

3. Verbal communication

Some people hear the answer to a question as if spoken by someone nearby, even when no one is around. This usually happens at the peak of strong inner feelings, perhaps even despair. Thus, the Universe speaks to you directly, warns you or points you in the right direction.

You can say the same question aloud or mentally until the answer sounds in your head. This works best with questions that can be answered with yes or no. Otherwise, the verbal image is difficult to interpret. But, the main thing is that you will always receive an answer.

  • Pros: “it’s always nice to talk to a smart person,” especially if it’s you!
  • Cons: difficult to tune in to a serious perception of the inner voice, difficult to interpret

4. Other sounds

Other sounds around us are also voices of the Universe. Children’s laughter, music, a sudden clap of thunder can be clues if you give yourself such a mindset. Ask the Universe for feedback on the decision, and then listen.

Did a police siren sound, or did a familiar tune play somewhere? Consider what this might mean for you. With the help of external sounds, it is often possible to disconnect from the endless scrolling of the problem and find an acceptable solution.

  • Pros: simple and quick way to make a decision
  • Cons: you need to be critical about the choice of place and time

5. Meditation

People who practice meditation techniques sometimes experience mental visions during their practice. Similar visual phenomena appear in the last few minutes before sleep. So, you can see swirling colors, flashes of light, or even a sharp image. This usually means that the person becomes more sensitive to visual perception.

This experience is gained through regular practice. For those who own the technique of meditation, you need to tune in to receive a visual image as an answer to a question of interest and concentrate on the “picture”.

  • Pros: Promotes peace of mind
  • Cons: requires knowledge of meditation techniques and a lot of free time

6. Signs and symbols

Inscriptions, numbers and symbols that attract attention are also considered useful clues. An advertising slogan noticed at a particular moment, an inscription on the pavement or a sticker on a passing car – the brain seems to pull the necessary information out of context and focuses on it.

Call it a coincidence, or practice using these signs as parting words. But do not get too carried away and look for a secret meaning in all subjects. As the saying goes, sometimes a banana is just a banana.

  • Pros: trains mindfulness
  • Cons: can cause an obsessive desire to find hidden messages everywhere

7. People and animals

The Universe often communicates with us through “helpers” – other people or animals. For example, we needed advice on an issue, and an outsider in a telephone conversation suddenly said just what we needed to hear. Animal behavior can also be interpreted in different ways, depending on the situation.

  • Pros: more sensitive perception of the world around
  • Cons: you can miss important information due to the surprise effect


Regardless of which way you prefer to receive the necessary information and where it comes from, from the depths of the subconscious, from the global library of the collective unconscious, or directly from space, the ability to listen to yourself and the outside world will be a rewarding experience for self-improvement.

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