We checked them all. We were frankly surprised by some of the results. And amused.
Well, admit it, you want to know how your baby will grow? Looking into the future is always interesting. Specialists came to help the parents: pediatricians and mathematicians. Now, after all, scientists can predict anything, except, perhaps, the weather. Together, they made up several formulas by which you can calculate how tall your baby will reach by the age of 18 – 20. We checked all these formulas. And here’s what we got.
Everything is simple here. This method of calculating growth has been used since the 70s of the last century. All you need is to know the height of the parents. To calculate the girl’s height, the formula will look like this: father’s height + mother’s height – 13. 2. For a boy it is exactly the same, only you need not subtract 13, but add.
So, let’s check. Natasha’s example: dad’s height – 184 cm, mom’s height – 164 cm. 184 + 164 = 348. Subtract 13, 335 remains. Divide by two: according to the forecast, Natasha should grow to about 167 – 168 cm. Natasha has grown to 180 cm, getting out of all forecasts.
Example of a mouse. The height of mom and dad is 165 and 176 cm, respectively. Calculate: 165 + 176 = 341. Plus 13 – we get 354. Divide by two – 177 cm. But Misha ruined everything, reaching 196 cm.
Example of Tolya. Yes, Misha’s example is still not entirely indicative, we agree. Therefore, we also took Tolya – he is of a more human growth. The height of his mom and dad is 165 and 187 cm. Substituting in the formula, we get the total – 182,5 cm. Surprisingly, Anatoly’s height is 183 cm.
Method 2. Magic coefficient
For this formula, you also only need the height of the parents. To find out the height of a boy, the height of mom and dad in centimeters must be added and multiplied by a factor of 0,54, and 4,5 cm should be subtracted from the result.In the case of a girl, the coefficient will be 0,51, and more must be subtracted from the result – 7,5, XNUMX cm.
We consider. Natasha’s example: (164 + 184) x 0,51 = 177,48. We subtract 7,5 cm – almost 170 cm remains.The discrepancy with reality was 10 cm.
Example of a mouse. 341 × 0,54 – 4,5 = 179,6. HM. Apparently, Mikhail, with his monstrous growth, broke all the conclusions of mathematicians.
Example of Tolya. 352 x 0,54 = 190,08. Subtract 4,5, we get 185,58. Almost.
This method is a cross between the first and the second. The bottom line is this: you need (of course) to add the height of mom and dad, divide by two. If you are calculating the height of a boy, add 6,4. In the case of the girl, subtract all the same 6,4.
An example of Natasha. 348/2 = 174. We subtract 6,4 – it turns out that Natasha should not have grown taller than 167,6 cm. But she did.
Example of Tolya. Yes, we decided to abandon Misha due to his Uncle Stepa’s syndrome. Anatoly’s mom’s height is 165 cm, dad’s – 187. We count: 165 + 187 = 352. Divide by 2: 176. Plus 6,4 – we get 182,4. Bingo! Recall that Anatoly’s height is 183 cm.
Method 4. Formula Karkusa
Here, the method for calculating the final height of a boy and a girl is slightly different. Let’s start with Natasha. The formula prescribes to multiply the height of the dad in centimeters by a factor of 0,923, add the height of the mother to the resulting number, and divide the total by two. We consider: 184 × 0,923 = 169,832. Plus mom’s height: 333,832. We divide everything by two: 166,9 cm. Again by.
Now let’s get down boy Tolya… It’s simpler here: the sum of the height of mom and dad needs to be multiplied by a factor of 1,08, the result is divided by 2. It turns out 190 cm. If they missed, they overestimated the height of our experimental by 7 cm. I wonder if this method will work with Misha? Let’s try. We add, multiply, divide – it turns out 184 cm. It didn’t work out.
Method 5. Permissible error
We considered this method the most useless, because it allows an error of as much as 8 cm. Agree, there is a difference: a girl grows up to be a beauty 175 centimeters or a big dildo at 183.
An example of Natasha. To calculate the height of a girl, the formula prescribes to add the height of dad and mom, subtract 12,5 cm from the amount, divide the result by two. The result will be the final height of the child, plus or minus 8 cm.We count: 164 + 184 – 12,5 = 335,5. Divide by two, we get 167,8. Even if you add 8 cm of the error, you will not reach 180.
Example of Tolya. We count boys a little differently. We add up the height of mom and dad again, but add 12,5, not minus. It turns out 364,5. Divide by two – 182,3. Straight to the bull’s eye, without any errors.
Method 6. Growth of the child per year
Here we do not need either mom or dad, only the growth of the baby at the age of 12 months. To calculate the girl’s height, add 95 cm to it.In the case of a boy, add 100 cm.
An example of Natasha. Our girl was 69 cm tall a year. It turns out, according to this formula, she should not have grown taller than 164 cm. But she did.
Example of Tolya. At 12 months old, our boy reached the 71 cm mark.And, it turns out, he outgrew the forecast by as much as 12 cm.
Method 7. Purely mathematical
We will not torment you with the justification of this formula, it was deduced by highbrow mathematicians. And it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to understand if the method works. This is what we will do.
An example of Natasha. The mathematics girl’s height is suggested to be calculated using the formula: mom’s height + dad’s height, multiply the sum by a factor of 0,505, and subtract 5 cm from the resulting number.We consider: 164 + 184 = 348, multiply by 0,505 – we get 175,7. Almost. But you have to take another 5 cm away. As a result, we get a miserable 170,7 cm.
Example of Tolya. We estimate the boy’s height a little differently. The coefficient will be equal to 0,57, and from the total number you need to subtract not 5 cm, but as much as 14 and a half. We count: 165 + 187 = 352. Multiply by 0,57, we get 200,64. Subtract 14,5 – we get 186 cm with a small tail. Very close!
It is worth remembering that a lot affects a child’s growth: from nutrition to sports. Swimmers, for example, grow better and faster than strength training enthusiasts. In addition, the youngest are said to be usually smaller than the elders. But Natasha confidently outgrew her older brother, and Tolya (like Misha) has outgrown her older sister. So everything is relative.