7 Vodka-Based Cocktails to Try This New Year’s Eve

There are 9 days of New Year holidays ahead, and to be honest, I will definitely get tired of drinking one vodka. Therefore, I have plans for a gastronomic tour of vodka cocktails. One for each day and two days off before work. Set “vodka week” in the studio!

What vodka is better to take for cocktails

Vodka does not have a specific pronounced smell, it does not spoil the taste of the ingredients mixed with it. On the contrary, it allows them to open up to the fullest, makes the taste brighter, more interesting. Its versatility has appealed to bartenders around the world.

In addition, it has an ideal strength for cocktails. Therefore, vodka has gained worldwide fame not only as an independent drink, but also as an indispensable cocktail ingredient.

But not all vodka products are equally good for making cocktails. “Living” water is made from different products.

This should undoubtedly be taken into account when choosing vodka for mixing it with other components of the cocktail. For instance:

  1. Any kind of grain vodka (Smirnoff, Absolut) goes well with citrus fruits. Therefore, wheat, malt, corn, and especially barley alcohol is indispensable for fruit cocktails. Such, for example, as “Caipiroska”, “Trans-Siberian Express”.
  2. We should also mention rye-based vodka (Pervogon, Polugar No. 3). Its distinctive vegetal aroma with a subtle green pepper aftertaste is perfect for a Bloody Mary or Caesar.
  3. For cocktails that have a bitter-sour taste, but a sweet aftertaste, choose a companion to match – potato-based vodka (Monopolowa). The Ruby cocktail has such an unusual mix of flavors, and potato vodka will perfectly complement it.
  4. Wheat vodka (Russian Standard, Nemiroff) is great for sweet dessert cocktails. In Cocoa A Trois Liquid Chocolate Dessert, wheat-based vodka strikes the perfect balance between the degree of this mix and the flavor combination of its ingredients.

Attention! It is better to take vodka for cocktails from well-known manufacturers. For example, good alcohol is produced by the Moscow Kristall plant. Indeed, otherwise, there is a high probability of buying low-quality counterfeit. Such alcohol will not only make the taste of the drink disgusting, but in the morning you will still be “attacked” by thoughts of an aimlessly spent evening due to a painful hangover.

What dishes are best served with vodka cocktails

According to etiquette, a cocktail should be served before meals and after it. In bars, at ceremonial receptions, it is presented exactly between dishes.

Unlike the Russian tradition of eating alcohol with food, Europeans prefer to drink food at the meal. Therefore, they are so scrupulous about combining food with alcohol.

Small sandwiches are combined with strong cocktails (for example, B52). They are often served snacks in the form of canapes. There may be kebabs, but it is better to put their mini versions on the table.

Iced cocktails are incompatible with lamb meat. Roast lamb ribs, eaten at a buffet table and washed down with an ice cold drink, will lead to further indigestion of food, which will undoubtedly ruin the whole evening.

Dessert drinks require fruit snacks, chocolates. Small dry biscuits, toasted almonds, and nutty sweets are also served. An excellent solution would be fresh and canned berries and fruits.

Cocktails with vodka and other alcoholic drinks

Now I want to talk about cocktails in which, in addition to the vodka itself, there is other alcohol in the composition. Here are examples of the best, in my opinion mixes:

“Flag of Russia”

This cocktail was called earlier “New Russian”. All because not everyone could afford it. In the late 80s, grenadine syrup and a liqueur called Blue Curaçao entered our country.

Then, presumably, this layered shot was created. Who is the author and where exactly the drink appeared is unknown.

The ratio of ingredients is the same (20 ml each). Grenadine is poured into a pile. Carefully pour in Blue Curaçao with a spoon or knife. Vodka is mixed with cream and carefully, so as not to mix the layers, is added to the stack.

«Harwey Wallbanger»

Legend has it that in one of the villages lived a big man named Harvey. When visiting drinking establishments, he would ask the bartender to serve the classic Screwdriver, but be sure to add Galliano liqueur there.

After drinking alcohol, the hefty kid began to sway from side to side, because of which he began to “count” the walls of the bar. The cocktail was named after him – “Harvey Wall Breaker”.

To prepare, you need 45 ml of vodka, 15 ml of Galliano, 90 ml of orange juice. First you need to pour vodka and orange juice into a glass, then add ice, mix gently. At the end, add Galliano liqueur.

«Cossack Charge»

The history of the appearance of the cocktail is not shrouded in mystery, not seasoned with a bike, but has a real, albeit approximate, date of creation.

The name of the author, of course, remained unknown, but it is indisputable that he was an emigrant from Russia and came up with his brainchild in the late 80s in the United States.

Preparing this strong cocktail is very simple: 45 ml of vodka, 15 ml of cognac, 15 ml of cherry brandy are mixed in a blender. Pour the mixture into a glass and serve.

«Long Island»

If you order this cocktail, then you should know that you will definitely be “taken away” from this drink. According to one version, it owes its appearance to the ban on alcohol in the United States.

Since the color of the drink resembles tea, it was often drunk in the bars of that time. According to another version, the drink got its name in honor of the island of the same name in New York Bay.

For cooking, you will need 20 ml of vodka, rum, gin, tequila, Cointreau liqueur, lemon juice, 100 ml of cola, 150 g of ice. Take a tall glass and add ice cubes. Pour the ingredients one by one, then mix.

Have you noticed that many of the popular vodka cocktails originated in the Americas?

I think this is because the Slavs are used to drinking vodka in its pure form, and abroad it went with a bang only as part of cocktail drinks.

Cocktails with vodka and non-alcoholic ingredients

No less interesting options for cocktails based on vodka and non-alcoholic ingredients. Here are three more drinks worthy of being called the best.

“Bloody Mary”

The cocktail was invented by George Jessel in the 30s. The name of the drink was in honor of Mary I Tudor – the Queen of England, who became known as “Bloody” after the massacre of the Anglicans.

But the title of the creator of the drink was also disputed by Fernand Petio, who said that he had prepared it back in 1920 and called it “Red Snapper”.

For cooking, you need to take 50 ml of vodka, 25 ml of tomato juice, 5 ml of lemon juice, ground black pepper, salt.

All components are pre-cooled. First, tomato juice is poured into a glass, then vodka, lemon juice. Season with pepper and salt. Components do not mix


This simple cocktail was invented by American oilmen to hide the smell of alcohol by disguising it with orange juice.

According to legend, the contents of the glass were stirred with a screwdriver, which is why the cocktail was called that. But some people tend to believe that Skrewdriver contains the name of the ingredients in the cocktail. That is, “Skrew” – orange juice, “driver” – vodka.

To prepare a modern version of a cocktail, you need 50 ml of vodka, 150 ml of orange juice. These two ingredients are mixed and poured into a chilled glass.


If there are at least assumptions about the place and time of appearance about other cocktails, then there is very little information about Caipirosca.

But it is known for sure that this drink is a “relative” of the Brazilian cocktail “Caipirinha”. Perhaps someone, not finding the alcoholic product cachaca, replaced it with vodka.

For cooking, you need 50 ml of vodka, 20 ml of sugar syrup, 25 grams of lime. In a separate container, sugar syrup is mixed with citrus, crushing it, squeezing the juice. The mixture is poured into a glass, filled with ice cubes and vodka is added.

Here’s an interesting collection I came up with. Maybe you have your own more worthy candidate for the title of “The Most-Most”? I would like to know your opinion.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health! Take care of yourself!

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