7 very healthy cereals that few people know about

7 very healthy cereals that few people know about

A guide to cereals for those who already cannot look at buckwheat.

According to a survey conducted by the Institute of Public Opinion in 2020, Russians love buckwheat more than other cereals. This is the most popular cereal, it has even been nicknamed “the symbol of the crisis” because it is the first to be swept off the shelves in case of unfavorable economic forecasts. Further in the ranking are rice, oatmeal, wheat … But if you are tired of all this, and you don’t want to change the principles of healthy eating, then we have 7 very useful cereals, which few people know about – or simply don’t remember.


Porridge is not prepared from whole flax seeds, otherwise it would be a very fatty porridge. Previously, oil is squeezed out of the seeds, and the resulting cake is processed in a special way so that the consumer can prepare a dish from the cereal.

It is no coincidence that flaxseed porridge is advised to be eaten by vegetarians, who usually have a deficiency of nutrients: it contains vitamins of groups A, E, B, and also minerals – calcium, sodium, magnesium, fiber and amino acids. Such porridge is especially useful in the off-season – it enhances immunity and protects against colds. And due to the high calcium content in its composition, flaxseed porridge is very beneficial for bones and teeth.

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Porridge can have a bitter taste, so manufacturers soften the taste by adding other cereals to the package. There is nothing wrong with that, flax does not lose the benefit of such a neighborhood.


Groats with such a beautiful name are obtained from the most beautiful parts of the plant – flowers. Amaranth is grown by some gardeners on their plots as an ornamental plant, without even knowing about its beneficial properties.

The main advantage of such porridge is its high content of iron and protein. This means that cereals help relieve inflammation and are very nutritious. It is advised to give it to children with gastrointestinal problems. If you cook such a porridge in milk that contains calcium, then this important element will be well absorbed due to the vitamin D content in amaranth. This is a great option for those on a gluten-free diet.

Amino acids and vitamin E reduce cholesterol levels in amaranth and are useful for those who keep fit. So porridge from this cereal can be safely eaten by the whole family.

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The taste of amaranth porridge is quite mild and children like it. If you add fruit, cereals make the main dish for breakfast, or a full-fledged side dish for dinner – to meat or fish.


Despite the grains, quinoa is a pseudo-grain crop. It is classified as a leafy vegetable. But quinoa is boiled in the same way as ordinary cereals, it turns out a dish that looks like millet porridge.

Quinoa is worth taking note of for mothers of babies who are not very fond of meat dishes. The product is not just a high protein content, in its composition this protein is very similar to that in animal products. Quinoa bypasses rice, millet and corn in protein content.

A plate of such porridge can replace a dinner with fish due to the content of phosphorus, calcium and iron.

Quinoa contains many vitamins that are important for a growing body – vitamins B1 – thiamine, B9 – folic acid, as well as vitamins A, C, U, and also fiber, and quite delicate, with which even a child’s body is able to cope.

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Children can be given quinoa when the baby has already mastered traditional cereals, can chew and digest rice or corn grits without any problems. And how to cook quinoa – look HERE.


Bulgur – specially processed wheat grains. Nutritionists say in a voice – this is one of the most useful cereals due to fatty acids, B vitamins, trace elements – selenium, manganese, copper, iron, the list of advantages is very long. But there are limitations: people with diseases of the stomach and intestines should be careful, bulgur is a fairly heavy food.

For the same reason, such porridge should not be introduced into the children’s diet in the first year of life. She is able to provoke colic and increased gas production. Older children of Bulgur, in the absence of contraindications, can and should eat. It is very nutritious, due to vitamins it improves the condition of kosha, nails and hair, strengthens the nervous system – improves sleep, reduces irritability. Thanks to the large amount of mineral salts, it promotes a better metabolism.

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Bulgur is advised to eat in the season of colds, it has anti-inflammatory properties. But remember that this cereal should not be eaten by people with a grain allergy.


Couscous was originally made from millet, which was ground into flour. In general, this was a rather laborious process, because it was necessary not only to grind the grains, but also then knead the tough dough with water, and then send it back for processing.

Now the couscous, the one on the shelves in stores, is no longer prepared by hand. In fact, these are balls of semolina, rice, barley or durum wheat, sprinkled with wheat flour. This combination and method of production give couscous such a delicate, one might say, creamy taste.

Couscous contains many B vitamins, which means that porridge has a positive effect on the regeneration of cells of the nervous system, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Due to its high iron content, such porridge increases the level of hemoglobin. Couscous is called an energetic porridge, it is nutritious and increases activity.

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Such porridge can be fed to a child already in the first year of life, but not earlier than 8 months. As with any new products, it should be introduced into the diet gradually, monitoring whether allergies appear.


Wheat groats of coarse grinding are called arnovka (arnautka – finely ground groats). Arnovka is still considered more useful. Large grains in the porridge and the fiber content improve digestion, so this product is worth eating for various gastrointestinal disruptions and the treatment of dysbiosis or diarrhea.

Such porridge is quite high in calories – there are more than 100 calories in 400 grams of the product, but, paradoxically, it is ideal for dietary nutrition, because a) nutritious, b) regulates metabolism, lowers cholesterol, so that it can be eaten even by people with diabetes … Arnovka contains vitamins A, E, D, B, K, which has a beneficial effect on vision; calcium is the prevention of joint diseases, strong bones and teeth; antioxidants that cleanse the body of toxins and salts.

By the way

Not only porridge is made from arnovka, puddings with the addition of milk and other cereals are very tasty. You can include arnovka in recipes for cutlets, fish balls.


Groats for real athletes. This is practically a “protein shake” – there is a lot of protein in the porridge, and the spelled preserves useful substances, including unsaturated fatty acids and B vitamins, even when finely ground. You can eat a plate of porridge, and the feeling of satiety will remain for a very long time. All thanks to the super-slow carbohydrates contained in spelled, which are absorbed and give energy longer than even buckwheat.

They make cereals, flour from spelled, and from it, in turn, pasta, they are also very useful.

This is one of the few grains that contains healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. There is manganese, but in such a volume that a portion of porridge covers half the daily requirement!

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Spelled is sometimes called by manufacturers two-grain, emmer, farro.

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