7 unexpected changes in the female body after childbirth

7 unexpected changes in the female body after childbirth

We are not exaggerating, young mothers really get superpowers with their child, whether they want it or not.

The birth of a child radically changes the life of a woman (however, the man involved in the event too, but now not about them). After all, it is not so easy to integrate a new person into your everyday life, whom you need to fully and completely patronize, to whom you now belong without a trace. But this applies to the way of life. However, changes are taking place, and quite unexpected ones, with the woman’s body.

The voice of the woman who gave birth becomes lower and more monotonous – this is the conclusion reached by scientists from the British University of Sussex. But this is not forever – within about a year, the timbre of the voice returns to its original state.

Scientists believe that the reason for the transformation of the sound of the voice is hormonal changes in the female body. The level of sex hormones after childbirth decreases sharply, which affects the vocal cords. Meticulous scientists have even found that the maximum female voice after the birth of a child can decrease by two semitones.

By the way, there is one more explanation – psychological. People with lower voices are believed to be more credible because they appear to be competent and well versed. It is for this reason that the female body lowers her voice after childbirth in order to better cope with a new role for herself.

Aggravation of sensitivity

It would seem, much more, during pregnancy, and so the mood changes almost every minute. But here anxiety is added to sentimentality. Young mothers worry about every little thing: why does the baby cry, why does he sigh in his sleep, and whether he breathes, why does he sleep so much, why does he sleep so little, and so on. And that’s just fine. The fact is that the hormone oxytocin makes a woman nervous, which is in excess in her body during this period of life.

Oxytocin begins to be intensively produced just after childbirth. At this time, he has two main functions: it helps the uterus, which has expanded during childbirth, to return to normal, and also “turns on” the maternal instinct. Hence the anxiety. The hormone progesterone, which is responsible for calming the nervous system, could help, but just after childbirth its levels are quite low.

However, oxytocin also has a positive property, because it is also called the “love hormone” – it is one of the reasons for the endless tenderness that a mother feels for a newborn. Many would agree that this feeling is worth any worry.

And this is a fact that is confirmed by scientists: after the birth of a child, a woman becomes smarter. A young mother has to take care not only of herself, to resolve issues of survival of her offspring, so it is not surprising that nature has foreseen this. The brain of a woman who has given birth literally increases in size, and the woman’s ability to solve various life tasks increases accordingly. Neuroscientist Craig Kinsley noted that having a child is an important stage in a woman’s mental development. And measurements of the brain radiation of the mother and child showed that they literally tune in to the same wavelength. Well, a miracle!

But there is a nuance: if a woman stays up on maternity leave, she will inevitably become stupid. After all, routine absorbs, and the lack of new experience makes the intellect ossify and become covered with moss. Skills that are not needed in childcare (professional, for example) are moved to the far corners of the brain.

The body “internalizes” pregnancy

It’s like a new experience for him. The body has become acquainted with bearing a child and the second time will be able to do it without straining so much. The fact is that during pregnancy, the immune system of the female body decreases sharply: by nature, such a mechanism is provided in order to prevent the rejection of foreign cells so that there is no miscarriage. The body begins to produce special T cells that are responsible for the development of the fetus and that make sure that the immune system does not reject it. It was found that these cells remain in the mother’s body for another 4-5 years after childbirth and help to mobilize the body as quickly as possible in case of repeated pregnancy.

For this reason, moms often say that it was much easier for them to give birth to their second child – just because their immune system was ready for this, whereas during the first pregnancy, the body has to make much more effort to rebuild …

The connection with the child is formed at the physical level.

Yes, yes, mother and her child are connected not only on the mental and emotional levels, but also on the physical, and this connection is not interrupted by cutting the umbilical cord. Scientists from the Canadian University of Albert have found that the cells of the baby’s body can remain in the mother’s body, and not only remain, but also quite successfully survive in it. As a result of studies, it was found that in 63 percent of cases in women who gave birth to boys, male cells remain in the organisms.

Scientists have concluded that fetal cells can cross the placenta and survive in the mother’s body. Which, by the way, is not so bad – the male cells in the female brain significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Thanks to the cells of the embryo in the mother’s body, regeneration processes are triggered, thanks to them not only wounds heal faster, but also more serious diseases can be healed.

In addition, pregnancy can even prolong a woman’s life, however, mainly in cases where the bearing of the fetus occurs already in adulthood. A study of the Pennsylvania Amish community found that women who became pregnant later in life lived on average longer than those who gave birth younger.

Reduces the risk of cancer

After childbirth, a mechanism “turns on” that protects the female body from the occurrence of certain types of cancer. For example, women who give birth to their children at a younger age are statistically less likely to experience ovarian and uterine cancer. Moreover, this risk decreases more and more with each full-term pregnancy. And those who give birth and breastfeed before age 25 are less prone to breast cancer.

What changes have you noticed in yourself? Let us know in the comments!

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