If a man leaves, it’s not always the woman’s fault. But there are certain behaviors that turn partners off, even if the start was promising. And if the same scenario is repeated in your relationship, it may be worth studying the issue more carefully and choosing a new strategy.
In an ideal relationship, the partner would always see us only from the good side. But in reality, he inevitably has to observe the manifestations of our worst features. Of course, this is understandable. We live together, keep a common budget, even use the same toilet, often not being able to take a break from each other. It is too hard to turn to each other all the time only with a decorative facade.
But it’s one thing to just allow yourself to be yourself in the presence of a partner, without trying to seem better than we are. And it’s quite another thing to unconsciously take on a role that destroys relationships. Many women don’t realize how easy it is to inadvertently sabotage a relationship.
Types of women who repel men with their behavior
1. “Tyrant”
The typical female tyrant seeks to seize power in relationships, all the while trying to “put the man in his place.” It seems to her that this is how she effectively solves problems. Even if she does it out of good intentions (which is far from always the case), her behavior eventually begins to annoy her partner, who is tired of constantly hearing that he is wrong about everything.
By trying to control him, she does not respect his opinions and wishes and, most importantly, undermines his confidence in his own competence. Next to her, he ceases to feel courageous (which is important for any man).
2. “Mom”
Such a woman treats her partner almost like a son. He does not have a soul in him, he constantly worries about him, I am sure that he is always right, perhaps even chooses for him what to wear on the first day at a new job. She is constantly preoccupied with the emotional state of the relationship. This is a really important aspect of them, but in this case it is a manifestation of unhealthy behavior.
Such a “mother” bears the entire burden of relationships (with all the joys and sorrows, ups and downs). She takes full responsibility for herself and firmly believes that keeping relationships afloat is her responsibility. He is constantly interested in how he feels now, if everything is in order with him and if she can help him with something.
What is the problem here? First, if a man’s girlfriend or wife behaves like a mother, he starts to rebel. After all, children rebel against their parents. Secondly, a woman should not take responsibility for raising an adult man! Even if she likes it at first, discontent and mutual resentment will begin to accumulate over time.
3. “Seductress”
She easily lures men into her arms, flaunting her sexuality. In other words, he controls his partners through sex. This behavior destroys the relationship as the woman manipulates or even blackmails the man. If he wants sex, he has to obey her demands. Of course, a relationship based on blackmail has no long-term prospects.
4. “Lady in Distress”
This story is as old as the world: a young man meets a girl, saves her from some misfortune or danger, and they live happily ever after until the end of their days. Sounds very simple and romantic.
Unfortunately, in real life, happiness usually does not last long. A lady cannot be in trouble all the time, and a man cannot be a hero all the time. It’s too hard and simply unrealistic for both of them. In the end, he inevitably becomes annoyed by her helplessness.
5. “Teasing”
Almost all of us have met such persons: they like to tease, it seems that they promise something, but at the last moment they change their mind. In moderate doses, such a game does no harm, but if carried away, it inevitably leads only to disappointment.
Such behavior inevitably creates alienation in the relationship over time: a man feels dissatisfied, a woman feels loneliness. And both partners feel that they cannot be honest and open with each other.
6. “Accountant”
Absolute equality in relations is important for a woman-“accountant”. She considers who paid for what, literally to the penny. She forgets that love relationships are not at all the same as business relationships. If they do not bring joy, intimacy soon disappears, and love leaves behind it.
7. “Princess”
It is important for “Her Highness” to be admired and extolled, but love worries her much less. She dreams of becoming a “trophy” for a successful man. Thus, she not only deprives her partner of happiness (since their relationship is actually an empty “showcase”), but also robs herself, losing the chance for real intimacy.