7 types of childhood tantrums that will drive you crazy

At a certain age, people can only express emotions by stomping their feet, lying on the floor and howling. Especially if they are forced to clean up legos and eat broccoli, notes journalist Rosa Silverman. Which children’s tantrums are quite normal, and which are alarming?

Sooner or later, every new parent comes face to face with a natural disaster. We fear child tantrums much more than alien invasions, melting glaciers, or public speaking. Especially when we hear that psychological problems are hidden behind some of their symptoms.

Psychologist Andy Belden has compiled a list of times to watch out. This is constant aggression towards parents, relatives and objects, an obsessive desire to harm oneself, too frequent tantrums (more often 10-20 times a month at home and more than 5 times a day on the street), too long tantrums (more than 25 minutes), inability to child to calm down.

However, in most cases, bursts of children’s temperament are normal and pass as they grow up, especially if a tantrum happens …

1. While eating

The kids have just been painting calmly, and now you are dragging them to the table, on which a plate of pasta is waiting with – oh horror! – vegetables. Of course, they will not tolerate such disgrace. Don’t you know they had chocolate ice cream for dinner? Maybe this brew is a sophisticated mockery on your part?

If you don’t listen to the voice of reason and get ice cream out of the freezer, you will have to face the consequences that all the neighbors will know about. Get your earplugs ready, put away all the plates, and save the sauce. It also leaves marks on the wallpaper.

2. Before bed

Maybe it’s not time to go to bed yet. It’s only nine o’clock in the evening, not all episodes of “Paw Patrol” have been watched to the end. One more please! Not? Have you heard about children’s rights?

Of course, they are not tired and full of energy as never before. All friends are allowed to watch TV until midnight. Confiscate the remote or tell the kids that since they don’t want to go to bed, you’ll be watching French art house together.

3. In the supermarket

They showed miracles of patience, following you around the supermarket while you were looking for sesame oil. For 10 minutes they didn’t complain and kept their emotions to themselves.

You sensed something was brewing, so don’t be surprised when your refusal to politely ask you to open your cereal box so they can grab a bite sets off a real tornado. Flakes fall on the floor, the guard asks you to leave the premises, you can’t remember when else you were so ashamed …

4. With strangers

It’s nice when a child is polite and brought up in communication with others. This adds points to the fact that you are a wonderful mother, but this is not always the case.

The little one suddenly decides that in order to get what she wants, she needs to yell on the site, in a cafe or at a party. “Come on, stop screaming!” – the zero effect of your stifled whisper will bring undisguised pleasure to both the mother-in-law and the parents of other children.

5. Shoe

School boots that fit so well somehow cause a fit of rage. He dreamed of sneakers with lights and wheels in the sole.

What does “not what you want” mean? It’s the only shoe worth wearing, if you insist on it, he might run out of the store barefoot.

6. Because of change

No, the hysteria is not at all because of the umbrella, which he certainly wants to take with him to the street, although the sun is shining brightly outside the window. The point is a cocktail of emotions that are associated with innovations in a child’s life: the birth of a new family member, a new nanny, a transition to another kindergarten or school.

The easiest way to express inner displeasure is to take it out on the most vulnerable member of the family. That is, a loving mother or grandmother.

7. From scratch

Favorite number of children from one to 4 years. Just a minute ago, you were getting along great: playing with soft blocks or the baby amazed you with his ability to eat with a spoon. And suddenly he goes into a scream – yes, such that it seems like a little more – and he will tear his tiny ligaments.

Alas, at this age, kids are not very sensitive to persuasion and rational arguments. On the other hand, in less than an hour he will be cheerful and happy.

Source: The Telegraph.

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