7 types of acne: causes and treatments

7 types of acne: causes and treatments

It turns out that for each type of rash it is necessary to choose a separate treatment.

They always appear suddenly. White, red or black, microscopic or huge – acne can seriously ruin your life. It is a mistake to think that this problem worries only adolescents: even adults with good health and no bad habits suffer from it.

Where does acne come from and how to get rid of it? The readers of Wday.ru were told about this by a cosmetologist, trichologist, dermatovenerologist, nutritionist, head physician of the Beautyway clinic Evgenia Solopenkova.

Chief physician of the clinic “Beauty Way”, cosmetologist, trichologist, dermatovenerologist, nutritionist

Reasons for the development of acne

Pimples, or acne, are caused by inflammation of the sebaceous glands. The latter produce an oily secretion that is removed through the pores to the surface of the skin, creating a protective film. It keeps the skin soft, moisturizes and protects from external influences.

If sebum (sebum) is produced in excess, the ducts of the glands cannot cope with cleansing. In the clogged canals, cysts form, in which glandular secretions accumulate, mixed with dead cells and dirt particles. It becomes a breeding ground for bacteria that break down fats. Under the influence of microorganisms, an inflammatory process develops, rashes appear.

Excessive sebum secretion can be provoked by both external and internal factors:

  • hormonal disbalance;

  • chronic stress;

  • poor hygiene or too thorough cleaning;

  • poor nutrition;

    the wrong choice of skin care products;

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system;

  • genetic predisposition.

Depending on the cause, acne differs in shape, size, and color.

Types of acne

To cure a dermatological disease, you need to determine what type of acne is. The classification of rashes is extensive, but the most common varieties can be distinguished in it.

  • Comedones

This is the most recognizable type of acne that is localized on the face, sometimes on the back. A common cause of comedones is unhealthy diet. There are two types of them: closed and open.

When the pores are completely blocked, acne with white purulent heads is formed. Content closed comedones accumulates under the surface of the skin and forms a bubble. Salicylic acid works well for this type of rash. It exfoliates dead skin cells and allows excess sebum to escape.

Open comedones better known as blackheads. Their dark color is due to the fact that sebum is oxidized by oxygen and reacts with the coloring pigment melanin. For treatment, cosmetic scrubs or over-the-counter acne medications are sufficient.

  • Papular

This type of rash is a continuation of comedones. If untreated, blackheads become inflamed, redden, and painful. Attempts to squeeze out the contents lead to an increase in the inflammatory process and the formation of scars.

For the treatment of papules, drugs based on benzoyl peroxide, isotretinoin, and antibiotics are used.

  • Pustular

Spherical formations with purulent contents – pustules – are formed independently or on the basis of closed comedones. A red rim appears around the focus of inflammation. If a secondary infection joins, the purulent head acquires a yellow or greenish tint.

You can treat pustules with alcohol, tea tree oil, or over-the-counter medications.

  • Nodal

Subcutaneous acne occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous ducts and severe inflammation of the surrounding tissues. They resemble bumps or knots in shape. On palpation, dense, painful, are cured with drugs based on isotretinoin.

  • Abscessing

Suppuration of nodular acne leads to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and the formation of abscessed acne. They are filled with pus, soft to the touch, painful, outwardly resembling boils.

The abscess is opened surgically. If the disease recurs, help is required not only from a dermatologist, but also from other specialists: an immunologist, an endocrinologist.

  • Phlegmonous

If the inflammatory process affects the deep layers of the skin, cavities are formed, filled with purulent contents. The appearance of pimples resembles a hilly surface. Gradually, phlegmonous formations merge into reddish-purple nodes. Purulent contents mixed with blood are released through small holes, causing painful sensations.

Rashes are difficult to treat; only a qualified dermatologist should be involved in treatment.

  • Conglobate

The most severe form of acne that can occur anywhere on the body. When comedones merge in the deep layers of the dermis, purulent painful elements are formed. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics and retinoids, which normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

The appearance of acne on the body is a signal from the body that it needs help. Sometimes proper hygiene is enough to eliminate the rash. But if the number of acne increases, physical and psychological discomfort appears, it is better not to risk your health and consult an experienced dermatologist.

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