What kind of person would you like to be? Perhaps those who attract the views and attention of others? Here are the characteristics of such people.
1. Natural
We are all attracted to people who don’t pretend to be someone else, don’t wear masks, don’t pretend or splurge. Becoming such a person is not easy, especially if you are still young and trying to find yourself, but it is worth at least trying. Otherwise, there is a great risk at the end of your life to regret that you did not have the courage to be true to yourself and your dreams.
2. Consistency
It does not at all mean rigidity, inertness of views, donkey «stubbornness» and the inability to look at the situation from a different angle. No, we are talking about the ability not to bend in the face of circumstances, to withstand the blows of fate, without giving up your desires, plans, principles and values, despite all the falls and failures.
3. Ability to self-regulate
Perhaps this quality should be put in the first place, since it affects not only ourselves, but also those around us. Do you know how to control yourself — your emotions, what you eat and drink, what content and how much you consume, what you broadcast to the outside world? Probably, there are no people who have not «stumbled» at least sometimes, but the intention itself is important, as well as the willingness to return to the chosen course again and again.
4. Curiosity
An inexhaustible interest in life does not let you get bored, makes life exciting and full of opportunities, helps to learn. Thanks to this quality, some of us always have something to do, and others are always drawn to such a person.
5. Realistic optimism
The ability to see the world and people as they are, but at the same time not to lose hope and be enthusiastic about tomorrow, to believe in the light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is not yet visible … This is a wonderful quality, the owners of which can only be envied (however , not «only», but also to learn from them).
6. Kindness
It has been scientifically proven that our kindness improves not only the lives of those around us, but also our own. True kindness is manifested not only in the willingness to help when we are asked for it, but also in the ability to see beyond our own boundaries, not to judge others, to have compassion and sympathy for them, even if their problems are incomprehensible to us.
7. Ability to love
And not necessarily just your romantic partner — whether you have one or not, you can love your friends, family, pets, your city and humanity in general. A loving person attracts others, you want to be next to him, bathing in his «energy».
Living with an open heart is not easy — there will surely be people who willy-nilly hurt you (not only people, but also circumstances). But the ability to love inspires us, which means that it is worth trying to trust the world.