7 traits of an ideal woman

Writer Anthony D’Ambrosio about what that woman should be like.

We often talk about how important it is to find a woman with whom we will sway on the waves of life, who will be there, no matter what happens. Choosing that one is one of the most important decisions in a man’s life, and maybe the most important. The woman we choose to share our world with will be the mother of our children, help us make plans, bring us to our senses, make us better.

But what is the ideal woman? For years we listened to what women want. At the same time, it was believed that we, men, only need a status wife. I don’t agree with this. What is important to us in a woman?


Beauty is not how you look, but who you are. We want to see next to us the one who not only works on her appearance, but also tries to be sincere, real.

You are exactly like that with your friends – so be like that with us! We see how you laugh in your company, do not restrain yourself in our society. We like girls with a great sense of humor who don’t take life too seriously. Be yourself. Order a cheeseburger for lunch. Getting dirty with ketchup – believe me, it’s not scary.

Feel free to meet us in a T-shirt or tracksuit. Forget about makeup and styling for a while – we like it that way too. Well, yes, we are pleased when you dress up and look luxurious, but you do not need to do this, just to earn our approval. Do you feel compelled to do this? So, next to you is simply not the same man.

2. (Self) respect

The way you present yourself speaks volumes. I’m not talking about clothes that emphasize the dignity of the figure (although I don’t see anything wrong with it). I’m talking about social networks.

They are your showcase. Where you go and with whom, what and how you say characterizes you as a person. And to be completely honest, we are rarely attracted to girls who attend all events in a row in any company. Boys who are looking for “popular” girls may still like it, but real men do not play such games.

Your life should not be completely “wide open”: you need at least some intrigue

We prefer a woman who reads a book at home to one who gets drunk with friends on weekends. Your life should not be completely “wide open”: you need at least some kind of intrigue. The less we know about someone’s life, the more interesting that person is to us. It motivates us to seek, to ask questions, to dig deeper.

So our conversations become more meaningful. And if we always know where you were and what you did, what could be interesting here?

3. Sensuality

Men are creatures of flesh and blood. Everything in us comes alive with touch. And we, of course, are attracted to women who are free in the manifestations of feelings. You want to be taken by the hand, kissed, hugged and asked how your day went. And we want the same! This helps to feel desired and strengthens the bond with your partner.

4. Mind

Life is bigger than a new handbag, designer shoes and a new episode of your favorite show. Although, we confess, we ourselves are too fond of watching football matches. Conversations with smart women start – with those who know a lot about the world around and strive to make it better. They think critically and touch our feelings. Not every decision in life can be made without thinking, and when you feel insecure, it is especially helpful to have someone around to help you make the right decision. This does not require a Harvard degree (or any other) – only intelligence, the ability to think and understand.

5. Confidence

Life is not an easy thing. A new day is a new fight, and having a confident woman next to you helps a lot in chasing your dream. A woman who loves herself despite her flaws will love a man despite his flaws. Loving you, she will open any doors on the way to the stars with you. There is something sexy about confident women.

We do not notice half of your shortcomings – the very ones that you spend hours looking for in the mirror

Perfection does not exist, we are not looking for it. When a woman understands what she is worth, it is incredibly seductive. In the end, we are looking for someone who will complement us, and not just serve as a trophy.

She knows what she wants and doesn’t wait for us to give it to her. She is happy with herself and her body. It may sound strange, but we really feel confident on a sexual level. It is an energy that attracts and gives an unforgettable sexual experience.

6. Ambition

Yes, we like the role of family breadwinners who plan everything, but we also like the women who plan with us. We do not want to make all decisions without exception alone. We need someone with vision, someone who can look ahead.

Purposeful women are more obligatory. An unclear future is not about them: they know exactly what will lead them to their goal. Failure? They don’t even consider this scenario. Does she strive to be the best mother for her children? Making a successful career? So, it will work on relationships as a couple. In difficult times, she will not give up so easily. But if she lacks ambition – not a fact.

7. Modesty

The energy of modest people is directed to others, and for a man in search of a life partner, this is very attractive. Modest women empathize with others, putting their interests ahead of their own, but do it in such a way that they themselves find peace and protection. In such a relationship, our ego does not suffer.

Of course, there is something in playing the game called “you have to woo me”, but, you see, it takes a lot of energy. And please, if we are bluntly telling you about our feelings and how beautiful you are, do not look at us as if we have grown a second head. Actually, it took us a lot of courage.

We used to think that appearance, popularity and social status can help a girl find true love, but this is not the case. What really matters is who you are. We need you with all possible flaws.

About the author: Anthony D’Ambrosio is a freelance writer.

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