7 tips for those who want to lose weight by the summer

Video blogger and healthy lifestyle activist Yulia Bogdanova lost 25 kg in a year and a half. She managed to lose weight with the help of a balanced diet and exercise. Her advice will help those who just want to get in shape for the beach season, and those who want to radically change their body.

As a child, my parents fed me as expected: first, second and compote. That’s why I was a chubby kid. Later, all the senior classes tried to lose weight, sometimes by terrible methods, with the maximalism characteristic of teenagers. Sometimes it was possible to decently lose weight. For example, for the sake of participating in a beauty contest, I lost 15 kg and even won. And then there was a breakdown, and the weight returned. At university, I already weighed 75 kg.

Then there were not so many publications about proper nutrition and sports. I had to collect information bit by bit, but I managed to find the right approach.

First, I stopped starving. I began to eat flaxseed porridge in the morning. I included lean fish and cottage cheese in my diet. I started to carry a container of vegetables with me everywhere.

The hardest part was giving up sweets. I’m a terrible sweet tooth. And sometimes it seemed that I could lose consciousness if I didn’t eat candy. Donated blood for sugar – everything is normal. But the analysis for the content of vitamins and trace elements showed a lack of chromium. It turns out that it is his lack that causes such crazy cravings for sweets. I started taking chromium, and life became easier.

The weight began to go away, but I realized that you can’t get an ideal figure without sports. My first workouts were under the Cindy Crawford complex. I still consider her programs ideal, and most importantly, accessible to anyone – there would be a desire.

Then I signed up for a fitness club. I went to training five times a week, of which yoga was once and water aerobics was once. As a result, in a year and a half I lost weight from 75 to 50 kg.

Here are 7 tips for those who want to lose weight for the summer.

1. The right attitude

The process of losing weight, like any other project, begins with your mood. What are your thoughts on the start? With the fact that it will be a sad diet? Are you repelled by things that make you uncomfortable? I advise you to initially tune in to the creation of the beautiful. Imagine and feel what kind of body you want to get in the end.

Surround yourself with beautiful images, place everywhere where your eyes often fall, pictures with your future ideal body. Keep the focus on the slimness that you can create yourself.

2. Take it slow

No need to drastically change your lifestyle and all eating habits from Monday. So not everyone can. Build in the new gradually, but on a daily basis. For example, start by simply walking in the morning and swap out white bread for whole grain bread. Or get a nice container for snacks, fill it with chopped vegetables and fruits and carry it with you. Getting started is the hardest part, so do it with pleasure.

3. Drink Hydrogen Water

The drinking regimen is very important. Water helps you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism and digestion. Water breaks down fats, removes toxins from cells, and reduces hunger. You need to drink at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight, but it is better not less than 2 liters per day, and do not mix water with food. I recommend drinking hydrogen water, which is very popular in Japan. It is 6 times more effective than ordinary water because it saturates the body at the cellular level.

Don’t forget to reward yourself for your performance. But food shouldn’t be a reward.

This drinking water contains molecular hydrogen, the best known antioxidant. Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the world and thanks to this it easily penetrates into cells, neutralizing the most dangerous reactive oxygen species.

4. Keep a food diary

It is very important to write down everything that you have eaten, at least at first. Today, you can install interesting applications (for example, FatSecret), make notes in them, count the consumption and consumption of calories, and find out the glycemic index of carbohydrates. It is simple, visual and very streamlines the process of losing weight.

5. Eat more often, but less

Nutrition rules in numbers: you need to eat 5 times a day (including snacks), but in small portions, about 300 g each.

Caloric content and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates depend on individual indicators. But for weight loss, this is about 1200 kcal per day and the proportions of BJU, respectively, are 40-50%: 25-35%: 15-25%. Naturally, proteins should be easily digestible, fats should be healthy, and carbohydrates should be complex.

6. Become a perpetual motion machine

Movement is the second component of success after nutrition. Be physically active every day. Choose a sport to your liking. Running, dancing, swimming, going to the gym, exploring your city on foot – it gives much more joy than a cake with tea.

7. Praise yourself

Don’t forget to reward yourself for your performance. Set small goals and figure out in advance how you can please yourself for achieving them. New dress, spa trip, etc. Food shouldn’t be a reward!

The process of losing weight is work. But this work gives more than lightness in the body and improved health. This is a different self-esteem, conscious life changes and building a new lifestyle – beautiful in every way.

About expert

Julia Bogdanova – president and founder of Enhel Group Company, healthy lifestyle activist. Her blog.

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