Every day, many of us enter into a battle with insomnia and … lose. The situation reaches the point of absurdity – feeling sleepy throughout the day, in bed we cannot close our eyes. It is worth considering – are we preventing our body from going to sleep on time?
Those who do not get sleep often try to lure him with the help of pills. But if you do not suffer from serious sleep disorders, this will solve the problem only for a while. But a few simple tips will help you and your body wake up easier in the morning and not toss and turn in bed at night, unable to persuade yourself to sleep.
Turn on the light right after waking up
It may be more pleasant to get ready for work in semi-darkness, as bright light hurts the eyes. But it is he who, according to Shelby Harris, Ph.D. and an employee of the New York Center for Sleep Disorders, helps to regulate the daily rhythm of your body. In the light, the body begins to produce melatonin, a hormone that helps us fall asleep and regulates circadian rhythms.
Don’t forget about physical activity
A 30-minute walk in the morning will help you fall into a long and deep sleep in the evening. According to a study conducted at the University of Appalachia (USA)1, it is the morning, and not the afternoon or evening walk that has such an effect.
Don’t close the blinds in the office
Employees who work in a sunny office sleep an average of 47 minutes longer at night than those who are deprived of sunlight at work, researchers from Northwestern University (USA) say. If your office has no windows, try to make time to go outside and catch some sunlight. “We have evolved in such a way that we need sunlight during the day,” explains study author Ivy Cheung.2.
Indulge in omega-3s
Salmon is a delicious source of omega-3 fatty acids. Research conducted at the University of Oxford (UK)3found that regular consumption of these cardiovascular-healthy fats can enhance the effects of melatonin. If you don’t like fish, omega-3 supplements will help. But don’t expect instant results. According to the authors of the study, to feel the effect, you need to wait from 6 to 8 weeks.
Sleep Secrets
Sleep is something on which our health, strength and good mood directly depend. So that you never have problems with sleep, use our tips.
- Learn to relax. Read a nice light book before bed. Listen to calm music. After getting into bed, try to tighten all the muscles first, and then gradually relax, starting from the head and ending with the toes. So you will achieve a state of absolute rest of your body.
- Healthy sleep in a healthy body. The key to a good sound sleep is a proper balanced diet, walks in the fresh air and regular exercise.
- Cozy bedroom. The bedroom is a place that is associated with silence, peace and security. Your bed should be very cozy and comfortable. Do not skimp on the mattress and keep the bed linen fresh.
- More oxygen. The optimal temperature for sleeping is 18-20°C. Ventilate the bedroom before going to bed, or leave the window open at night. A warm blanket and fresh air are better than stuffiness under a thin blanket.
Don’t eat fat before bed
Pizza, chips, and fried foods are no good sleeping pills. Your stomach, forced to work on processing fats late in the day, will not let you sleep either. It is better to satisfy hunger before going to bed with a banana with almonds or peanut butter. This combination of proteins and carbohydrates will help you sleep.
Say no to bright electric light
At least 30 minutes before bed. This is not about light from a TV or computer, but about lamps. Some fluorescent lamps produce predominantly yellow and blue light. “Blue light in the eyes is associated with daylight and signals to your body to stay awake,” says Robert Rosenberg, author of Sleep Soundly Every Night, Feel Fantastic Every Day.4.
Go to bed at the same time
According to Audrey Liu, director of the Sleep Center at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, USA, the human body has its own sleep cycle. A regularly maintained schedule of the day will help to find and restore this cycle, the natural rhythm of the body.5.
1 «Early morning exercise is best for reducing blood pressure and improving sleep», Appalachian State University News, June 2011.
2 M. Paul «Natural Light In The Office Boosts Health», site of the Northwestern University, August 2014.
3 P. Montgomery et al. «Fatty acids and sleep in UK children: subjective and pilot objective sleep results from the DOLAB study — a randomized controlled trial», Journal of Sleep Research, August 2014.
4 R. Rosenberg «Sleep Soundly Every Night, Feel Fantastic Every Day» (Demos Medical Publishuing, 2013).
5 M. Taylor «How to Win at Sleep», Yahoo Health, November 2014.