7 things to get out of your head: photos, details

Now the # 7 hashtag is very popular on the network, under which people share what they would like to get rid of in their lives. Woman`s Day invited popular actresses, bloggers, designers to speculate: what 7 things they would throw out of their head.

Sofya Kashtanova, actress of the TV series “Psychologists” (STS)


The first thing I want to get out of my head is resentment. They clog veins, block the passage of energy and a happy life. In principle, I am not touchy, but sometimes catchy. In this case, I delete the person from my life forever, and try not to keep resentment inside.


Fears accompany us all our lives, we are even born with fears, and then we only accumulate them. I have a few that really get in the way, like fear of insects. A completely misplaced fear considering that I grew up in Mexico.

The desire to do everything

In the eternal race typical of a metropolis, you can forget how to live. So life itself is of paramount importance.

What is ashamed of

I want to forgive myself for some moments for which I am still ashamed. Forgive and accept. For example, because 13 years ago I had to give my horse to its former owner, because of my studies at the institute, I did not have enough time to deal with it.


I want to accept and perceive the world as it is, and not try to endlessly change everything, as it seems to me, for the better.


I want to get rid of my health fears forever. I cannot say that this is my constant problem, but recently, perhaps from fatigue, I suddenly began to look for diseases in myself. It was a disgusting period. I want to think only positively!

Desire to be good and comfortable for everyone

Nobody is perfect, and there is no point in striving for this. I am the way I am.

Ilana Yurieva, actress “Show Ural dumplings” (STS)


I want everything to happen at lightning speed: only you thought about something, and it already – bam, and it happened (laughs). I’m not waiting!


I always scold myself, and there is no more severe critic in relation to me than myself.


I have such a trait: I forget a lot, I don’t remember who I promised what. And I just can’t find effective and convenient ways for me to systematize everything. Notes, calendars, schedules, diaries are not mine. How many times has it happened: I’ll write something down and forget to watch this tape (laughs). For me, of course, while the best option is when people remind me of it. Basically, a text message is enough.

Excessive frankness

I am who I am, I love and accept myself. But still, in our life, situations are not uncommon when it is necessary to remain silent, not to tell someone about something. Even the truth can be presented in different ways. And I learn this every day.


Especially when I don’t feel like doing something, I postpone it until the last moment, until it’s too late. Then, however, you have to increase the speed three times. I am not one of those who do several things at the same time. When you do one thing, and even not quickly, then a whole pile of things accumulates, including important ones. How to clean it up? That’s right, take a break (laughs). So, yes, I would like to learn to do more …

The pursuit of excellence

Striving for perfection is the sister of self-criticism. From time to time it seems to me that I am doing something wrong, that I am stupid, that I can do better and should do better. Should be better at everything! Although I understand that this is impossible and unnecessary. But I can’t help myself – I have a high level of self-criticism in relation to myself, and to those around me.


So I am offended now that you decided to ask me about my seven disadvantages. Well, look at me: what kind of “cockroaches” I can have. I am perfect (laughs)!

Ksenia Granovskaya, TV presenter, journalist, speech teacher

“But what if not it will work out ”

This phrase periodically gets into my head, especially when I want to start something new. It slows down the process, and I don’t like it. Therefore, I start to act “in spite of”, and usually everything goes as it should.


Fear can be a great teacher. And overcoming it often makes you come closer to victory. For example, when I was in school, I was afraid of public speaking. Now it seems funny to me that I not only speak in front of a huge audience every day, as a journalist and TV presenter, but also teach the art of public speaking in my author’s speech courses. And I see people who at the beginning of the training could not connect even two words, and by the end they are not afraid of either people or the camera. Overcoming fear requires only practice. Fear is just an illusion.


Sometimes this quality helps, and sometimes it hinders. This concerns the rapid change of plans. I work on myself, try to be flexible and, if suddenly something does not go according to my scenario, I try to quickly rebuild and look for the positive aspects of the situation.


I can inflate an elephant out of a fly. A problem only becomes a problem when you call it that. Unfortunately, we often become our own worst enemies. If you think something is a problem, then your emotions and thoughts will be filled with negativity. So lately, I’ve been trying to think about what lessons I can learn from the situation, and lo and behold, it suddenly stops being a problem.

Not getting what you want can be a shame

Sometimes I am angry with myself that I cannot get what I want, although I do everything for this. One friend of mine said to this: “If you don’t get something now, it means that something better is on the way”. I know it can be hard to believe at times. But it’s true. When you look back at your life, you realize that good things happened after something didn’t work out.

“Bound Mind”

This means that I attach great importance to my desires and, if I do not get what I have planned, I fall into negativity. Now I practice the “detached mind”: I am ready for rejection and happy whether I get what I want or not. Your emotions in this state remain neutral or positive.


The proverb “Measure 7 times, cut once” is about me. I think carefully before making a decision. This is both good and bad. When it comes to everyday things, it interferes. When you think for a long time, you can miss the chance. I learn to feel intuitively and make choices quickly. Usually intuition does not fail.

I want to forget the general photo in the 9th grade …

After all, there I still did not know the basics of photographing, and now I can safely say that it was the worst photo in my entire photo history!

I want to forget my first plucked eyebrows

It was so exciting that I almost chopped off everything for myself! It took a lot of work for me to return everything as it was. And it took more than one year!

I want to forget how I cheated on my mother as a child

Now I am ashamed of this, because, as an adult, I realized how worried she was about me. Don’t be fooled by moms!

Memory of the first white dance in the pioneer camp

Instead of inviting a boy, whom I really liked, to dance, I went up and asked: “What are you standing for?” I was worried.

Fear of traffic police officers

I can drive according to all the rules, I will have my license, title and insurance, I will be the personification of innocence and look like the most law-abiding person in the world. But still, when I see the green vest and the striped staff, I will strain and grip the steering wheel tightly. What’s wrong with me?

The desire to insist on your own

I want to forget all those situations where I was wrong, but insisted on my own. I can imagine how stupid I looked. Now, in general, an opponent of disputes, it is not feminine.

Good memory for bad

I want to forget everything that caused me mental discomfort and it seems that I am doing it very well, at such moments I think: how good it is that I have a bad memory!

The desire to endow people with qualities that they do not possess

I am a positive person, so very often I attribute to people qualities that they do not possess. I think of them better than they really are. Not that you want it the other way around, but you need to be more realistic.

Stop hacking yourself too much

You need to get rid of unnecessary things. I take on a lot of unnecessary tasks and try to solve them in one fell swoop, but this, alas, does not always work out. I want to learn how to solve problems in order of importance.

Ideas to blame yourself for everything that happens

This happens both at work and in personal life. I am haunted by the feeling that I have not completed something, have not said something – this leads to a feeling of guilt. I often engage in self-criticism, I worry that I could, I would have time, but …

The desire to do everything

Probably, this is typical of all people who have a lot of energy. It seems to us that we can do everything, but, unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day.

Worrying about what I can’t control

There are things that do not depend on us, but on other people or circumstances. But I always want to do everything well, therefore, even when I am powerless, I am very worried.

Thoughts about your imperfection

Despite the results that I have achieved, I cannot call myself the most confident person in myself. The thought that I am not good enough at something, did not do well enough, not beautiful enough, or simply did not choose the right purse for the suit. Every day is control. I would like to get out of my head the idea of ​​always being the right and good girl. There are people who find it very easy to make decisions, even if they are wrong. Sometimes it’s really nice to do something stupid – I’ve already tried it (laughs)!

Setting that I need to know everything

It’s impossible.

Svetlana Pineapple, blogger, tattoo model


I never take offense. If a loved one does something not the way I want, I imperceptibly begin to do so that he changes. But people don’t change! Then I start joking at him or talking directly so that I don’t do this anymore.


I’m a coward. Afraid of the dark, and when someone knocks on the door. I don’t struggle with fears, because it’s scary. I’m just trying to avoid them: I don’t watch horror, news, it’s always light at home, and I don’t go alone at night.

The desire to do everything

It is always present. I will set up plans, I will not have time for anything, I put it off for later – that’s how things are piling up. Then my head hurts from thinking how much needs to be redone. How is it different?


If you are ashamed of something, then you need to translate the situation into “ha-ha”, then it will be funny for everyone. But if you just screwed up, then you would have to ask for forgiveness and live with good.


Oh, I live in American movies and music videos, there’s nothing you can do about it! I want life to be like in a movie, so I live with dreams and hopes.

Sun addiction

I guess I love the sun too much. And when he is not, I am not cheerful. But this is bad. I want my mood not to depend on the sun.

Obsessive optimism

I want to be perfect and show everyone that I feel good, I am fun. Positive vibrations are transmitted!

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