We refused many advice: somewhere manual labor was replaced by technology, in some we do not see the point. However, we have forgotten some of the grandmother’s life hacks completely in vain.
Washing boards – remember such a nightmare?
Soaked the linen
Before washing, clothes and bedding, and especially white things, were sent to soak in basins or a bath for several hours in water with a small amount of washing powder or soap. We don’t do this – why, if the machine washes everything perfectly without our participation. And we are wrong. No machine can wash your laundry perfectly. Many were convinced of this, having tried on themselves the experiment “undress the clothes” – freshly washed linen was soaked in a solution of powder and soda for several hours. The water after that was a very unpleasant color. This means that we never wear really clean clothes at all.
They baked homemade bread and made soup
This bread was the tastiest. Now we do not bother with baking, because everything can be bought: what kind of bread is not in stores and bakeries now. But homemade absolutely definitely without any additives that prevent staleness. And you can also make it absolutely craft: add rolled oats, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, mix several types of flour. True, there is a danger of getting fat.
And the soup? Now nutritionists say that this is not at all the healthiest food, there are even unhealthy soups. But, on the other hand, everyone who is eager to lose weight is recommended to eat the first one.
Dispensed with semi-finished products
Buy dumplings, frozen cutlets or, God forbid, pancakes? It’s hard to imagine such a thing. Firstly, because such delicacies were extremely rare on sale. Secondly, because making dumplings on an industrial scale was one of the family entertainments. They could be frozen for future use – homemade semi-finished products. And now, too, no one bothers to do so. It’s just a pity for time, so we sometimes eat dubious dumplings or ready-made food from supermarkets.
Washed the floor twice
First wet, then wipe dry – this algorithm infuriated many children who got this heavy share. But then the floor just shone: at the first stage, they washed out all the debris and dust from the corners, and at the second stage, even dried spots were wiped off and the remains of litter were removed. Not a single divorce remained on the floor, and it seemed even easier to breathe in the house. Now a rare mistress will be so killed. Maybe that’s why there is more dust in the houses.
They put a sachet or soap in the closet
However, sachet – it says loudly. The dried herbs were wrapped in gauze or a cloth and placed between the stacks of linen. Thanks to this simple trick, the moth did not even fit the closet, and the linen smelled pleasantly of summer and the sun. And if you managed to buy toilet soap that smelled nicer than ordinary household soap, it was generally good luck. The linen was shifted to them, and the sheets were saturated with a refined aroma.
By the way, now this life hack has come to life: it is advised to put soap in bed, or better – in a closet with linen, in order to sleep better.
Growing Kombucha
This drink is now experiencing its renaissance called kombucha. And then it was a kombucha – a vile-looking slimy substance floating in a jar of brown liquid. It looked so-so, but delicious. And, as doctors assure, it is very useful: the drink contains vitamins, antioxidants, and probiotics. And these are solid bonuses for immunity, and for beauty, and for a figure.
Kombucha can be grown from scratch at home – for detailed instructions on how to do this, read HERE.
Knocked out carpets
And they cleaned them with snow, and washed them on the river. And now the maximum that modern floor coverings see is vacuuming, at best – dry cleaning once a year, or even less often. The robot vacuum cleaner still somehow saves the situation, but not quite. However, now it is very difficult to knock out carpets: there is simply nowhere to do it. And if you start such a procedure on the balcony, the neighbors will not understand.
And also … Yes, a lot more. From one chicken, our grandmothers knew how to cook five dishes, they could fix anything – from an iron to torn socks, sew curtains or a set of bed linen was never a problem. On the one hand, this is very cool – after all, what kind of savings comes out! On the other hand, it’s great that now we don’t have to do all this, just to survive.
Do you remember grandma’s lessons? Share in the comments!