7 symptoms of bowel disease and 3 recommendations

The intestine is an organ with well-developed innervation. It has the same number of nerve cells as in the spinal cord. The intestine receives and sends impulses, reacts to everything that happens in the body. It is inextricably linked with the CNS.

Many people believe that the intestine is an uncomplaining servant of the brain and only carries out its commands. In fact, the brain also responds to messages from the digestive system. Therefore, when an organ is not healthy, the brain will definitely receive the appropriate signal.

Symptoms of disorders in the functioning of the intestines

7 symptoms of bowel disease and 3 recommendations

There are 7 symptoms of bowel disease that every person should know:

  1. Excessive release of gases.

  2. Formation of a white coating on the tongue. It is especially noticeable after eating.

  3. Weakness after sleep, blurred consciousness. It takes a certain time for a person to “come to his senses”.

  4. Heaviness in the body, inhibition of movements.

  5. Frequent infectious diseases, and at first glance they will not be associated with the organs of the digestive system.

  6. Constant malaise.

  7. Great fatigue in the afternoon.

How to cope with the problem?

If a person notices that not everything is in order with his intestines, you need to help the organ. First of all, it concerns weight stabilization.

In order for extra pounds to start to go away, it is necessary to normalize the intestinal microflora. Beneficial bacteria quickly process nutrients, allowing the body to better absorb them. This will make it possible to remove intoxication from the body as a whole and from the brain in particular. As soon as digestion is established, the metabolism will start.

Helping your gut is not difficult. It is enough to follow 3 simple recommendations.

The use of medicinal tea

7 symptoms of bowel disease and 3 recommendations

To stimulate the work of the intestines and increase the circulation of lymph in the body, you need to drink specially prepared tea.


  • Pour 4 cups of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.

  • Add half a teaspoon of cumin seeds, coriander seeds and dill seeds to boiling water.

  • If a person suffers from excessive gas formation, half a teaspoon of fenugreek is added to these components.

  • To strengthen the digestive system, a piece of peeled fresh ginger is added to the drink.

  • All components are boiled for 5-10 minutes, after which they are filtered.

  • Tea is poured into a thermos. This will allow you to consume it hot throughout the day.

  • Drink it in the morning. The last portion should be taken at 18:00.

Such tea allows you to normalize the work of the intestines.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Cumin has long been used to maintain a healthy stomach, to reduce gas production and to get rid of other problems with the digestive system. It contains antioxidants, dietary fiber, iron. Together, these substances enhance the fermentation of food and normalize the digestive tract.

  • Coriander in Ayurveda is used to get rid of disorders in the intestines, namely, to reduce the effects of flatulence, to stimulate digestion, to stop inflammation and eliminate spasms. The taste of its seeds is very pleasant, they give the drink a nutty hue.

  • Fennel is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome. It relieves tension from smooth muscles, breaks excess gas bubbles, and stimulates the intestines to digest food. If a person wants to give freshness to the breath, then you can simply chew on a few dill seeds.

Power mode correction

Many people consume the basic part of their daily diet in the evening. It overloads the digestive system. Experts recommend eating the bulk of the daily menu during lunch.

Studies show that people who eat in the evening (we are talking about the consumption of large amounts of food) spend less energy at night. This contributes to the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Enrichment of the menu with dietary fiber

7 symptoms of bowel disease and 3 recommendations

People in Russia do not get enough dietary fiber. Experts call this the main cause of sluggish bowels and regular constipation. The average daily intake of dietary fiber for an adult woman is 25 g, and for a man – 38 g. In fact, the amount of fiber consumed does not exceed 15 g. The deficiency is obvious. Therefore, to maintain intestinal health, it is necessary to enrich the diet with dietary fiber.

To remedy the situation every evening you need to eat a teaspoon of flaxseed. It must be added to a glass of water, stirred and drunk in quick sips.

Such a simple measure allows you to saturate the body with dietary fiber, cleanse the intestines, and provide nutrients to beneficial microflora.

All of these recommendations will positively affect the health of the digestive system and the body as a whole.

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