Often we try not to pay attention to what seems to us a manifestation of weakness: fears, obsessive thoughts, irritability. We strive to get rid of these states without thinking that the psyche is signaling something important. Often these symptoms are indicative of depression. How to recognize the subtle signs of depression?
There are conditions that are perceived as ordinary, but in fact turn out to be signs of mental instability. If you notice any of the following symptoms or a combination of them, be sure to sign up for a consultation with a specialist. It will help to understand the causes and sources of the problem.
Unreasonable outbursts of anger, impatience
This state is characterized by short-term bouts of anger. Moreover, its flash can be caused by ordinary things that other people do not pay attention to: ticking clocks, passing cars, quickly fading traffic lights, and the like.
Also, the characteristic signs of hyperaesthetic emotional weakness include impatience, poor concentration, inability to complete what has been started. If, while working on something important, you quickly become tired and lethargic, you become absent-minded, it is difficult for you to concentrate or remember some simple things, these are also reasons for concern. Reading turns into a process of mechanical reading, without assimilation and understanding of what is written.
fruitless philosophizing
It is manifested by an obsessive desire again and again to resolve unnecessary or even meaningless questions, often of a metaphysical nature. So, for example, at a difficult moment in life associated with finding a job or a painful divorce, a person begins to talk about the meaning of being, the design of the universe, and the like.
obsessive doubts
Uncertainty about the correctness of the actions taken, sometimes reaching a delusional character, is a common symptom of depression. Think about whether you return home too often to check if the iron is turned off and the door is closed?
Any actions and thoughts that arise suddenly, against desire and logic, should be an alarm bell for you.
obsessive fears
These are doubts about the successful outcome of the upcoming habitual actions, for example, public speaking, passing an exam, dating, traveling by transport. These fears are completely unfounded, as previously there were no difficulties in performing such tasks. Fears can easily spread to new, not well mastered activities.
haunting memories
The involuntary appearance in the mind of figurative detailed memories of an unpleasant event in the real past. They usually occur before bedtime and can spin in the head for a long time, making it difficult to fall asleep.
obsessive attraction
This is the desire to commit an insane and senseless act, sometimes life-threatening: to throw yourself from a height into the water or from the roof of a house into a snowdrift, to swear loudly or scream.
Sometimes the tension becomes unbearable, and a person can hardly restrain himself from committing an act or is forced to perform substitutionary actions: shout out not swear words, but other words, or direct aggression to another object.
obsessive actions
An irresistible desire to do meaningless actions again and again – straightening hair, touching nose, pinching earlobes, combing the wound.
Depending on the source of action, they can be divided into respiratory (coughing, grunting, noisy breathing, grunting); opercular (champing, smacking, clattering, etc.); verbal (words-parasites, “ekane” and other speech garbage).
This also includes onychophagia – the desire to bite your nails, trichotillomania – the desire to pull out your hair.
Obsessive actions are associated with fears, fears, doubts. So, with fear of something to get infected, a person washes his hands countless times.
Another type of protective action is thought up rituals – verbal formulas (spells), thoughts and actions that a person takes to prevent an imaginary misfortune.
Sometimes obsessive rituals become quite complex, exhaustingly long, and are then regarded as obsessive ceremonies.
About expert
Vadim Musnikov — psychiatrist at the Atlas clinic, psychoanalytic therapist, IPA candidate.